"Dear member Li Hao, congratulations on your outstanding performance in winning the 47th place in the individual competition of this martial arts hall beast hunting competition! You will receive 2,000 martial arts hall points as a reward."

This ranking was really a bit beyond Li Hao's expectations.

He felt that his performance was good enough. Although the basic values ​​were not shown, it was definitely remarkable in terms of combat and supernatural powers.

Unexpectedly, there were so many peers who were better than him in the Zhuiguang Martial Arts Hall.

Even if there must be some members in the Zhuiguang Martial Arts Hall who had a good background, this still made him secretly sigh.

There are really many geniuses in this world.

He originally thought that he could get a very good ranking, so that the points reward he got could buy a lot of medicinal materials.

Now, this hope has been dashed.

Two thousand points, it seems that it is not enough to buy anything.

If I had known this earlier, I should not have concealed my shortcomings at that time.

If I try my best to kill a seventh-level beast or something, I can always enter the top ten, right?

Then the reward will be more objective.

But it is obviously useless to say these things now.

Li Hao quickly adjusted his mood.

With the harvest just now in the Dragon King Cave, it doesn’t matter even if the harvest of the beast hunting competition is not as expected.

His strength can still be rapidly improved.

In the beast market, Li Hao walked into a shop casually.

The proprietress was a middle-aged woman.

She had an ordinary temperament and an ordinary appearance.

"Do you have a fifth-level spiritual fluctuation crystal core for sale?"

Li Hao asked the proprietress.

The proprietress was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Sorry, I don't have it here, how about you go to another store to ask?"

Qingcheng is all mountainous, and the spiritual fluctuation crystal core from the golden sword yellow croaker is even rarer than in Tancheng.

Li Hao had no choice but to run to other stores.

As a result, he asked more than a dozen stores in succession, but there was no spiritual fluctuation crystal core.

Instead, those bosses looked at him with surprised eyes.

At the seaside, there are very few people who choose to comprehend spiritual fluctuations. In inland cities, it is almost impossible to see it.

If Li Hao had not been wearing the emblem of the Chasing Light Martial Arts School and asked about the fifth-level crystal core, they would have thought that Li Hao was mentally ill.

There are so many good superpowers that he doesn't want to comprehend, but he has to comprehend some mental fluctuations.

Li Hao chose to give up.

After leaving the beast market, he rode his motorcycle to the outside of Qingcheng.

Even if there is no mental fluctuation, he has to try.

If it is really impossible, he will withdraw at that time.

With more than 300,000 villain points as a foundation, Li Hao still has some confidence in his heart.

The wilderness area at night is dark.

The sky is dark.

The ground is dark.

Except for the occasional roar of the beast, it seems to immerse people in endless darkness.

Li Hao used the mobile phone navigation and did not dare to turn on the lights of the motorcycle.

He only used the radar superpower to see the road.

Even the movement of the motorcycle was eliminated by the sound wave sensing superpower.

Of course he was afraid of death.

He didn't want to suddenly encounter a seventh-level or eighth-level beast in the middle of the night and be killed.

In Xingtan City, Luoluo was waiting for him, and Xu Lingdang was waiting for him!

If he died, what would happen to Su Liluo and Xu Lingdang?

It was another two hours' journey.

Li Hao's caution was undoubtedly useful, and he didn't disturb any beasts on the way.

Butterfly Valley.

He finally reached his destination.

Before the Great Cataclysm, Butterfly Valley was a scenic spot as famous as Dragon King Cave.

There were countless flowers growing in this valley, and when the flowers bloomed, it was a scene of colorful flowers.

And these flowers would always attract many small insects such as butterflies and bees to dance on them.

This added a bit of vitality and brightness to Butterfly Valley.

Of course, that was in the past.

Now, the flowers are still there, but those butterflies and bees have become deadly beasts.

Li Hao put away his motorcycle outside the Butterfly Valley, and walked inside with the radar and sound wave dual power fields.

In this cold season, flowers are obviously not visible.

But his radar quickly scanned many beehives, wasp nests, and dense insect pupae.

This place has completely become an insect valley.

Few warriors are willing to come here to venture.

Because the insect beasts here are not of high grade, mainly from the first to the third level, and because of their small size, their corpses are not worth much.

But these beasts are a great threat to warriors.

Just like the rats in the lawn that Li Hao went to before.

There are all kinds of insect beasts, some of which are poisonous, some are mental attacks, which can be said to be varied.

Especially among them, severalThe black butterflies, which are the most numerous, are small in size, but they are level three beasts, and they have spiritual superpowers.

Their superpowers are like spikes that can penetrate people's brains.

If surrounded by a group of black butterflies, theoretically, even a level nine superpower user may perish.

It's the same as the saying that elephants can be killed by ants.

Level nine superpower users also have their mental power limited, and they will also die when facing mental attacks that exceed the limit.

Li Hao saw in the original novel that a level nine strongman was killed by a level three locust swarm in the beast tide.

Of course, that strongman died of exhaustion.

Now, that thing has not happened yet.

Li Hao doesn't know whether it will happen in the future. No one can predict the butterfly effect.

Anyway, he doesn't want to mess with the black butterfly group.


He doesn't even want to mess with other groups of fierce beasts.

He just wanted to quietly take away Qin Yu's opportunity, and then quietly leave, without taking away even a little cloud.

In fact, if he had the teleportation ability like Qin Yu, it would be much easier to get this opportunity.

But unfortunately, he didn't.

As soon as Li Hao entered the Butterfly Valley, he lay on the ground and slowly crawled towards the depths of the Butterfly Valley in the snow.

At this time, those insect beasts were already asleep.

Otherwise, he would not dare to take this risk even if he was beaten to death.

That is not an adventure, it is sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

After dozens of minutes, Li Hao finally climbed to the depths of the Butterfly Valley without any danger.

There is a relatively narrow pass in front.

There is also a dilapidated house next to the pass.

"Hu... Hu..."

There is a sound.

It is not the sound of the wind.

It is very rhythmic.

Li Hao's sound wave sensing ability captured this sound wave and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He suddenly woke up and realized that he had made a huge mistake!

In the original novel, Qin Yu got this opportunity almost a year later.

And he ignored this problem.

He came too early!

This opportunity cannot be considered an opportunity now, but can only be considered dangerous.

At least it is dangerous for him.

Because deep in this Butterfly Valley, there is a ninth-level beast hidden!

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