The Zhuiguang Martial Arts Hall in Haidu City is much more majestic and domineering than the Zhuiguang Martial Arts Hall in Xingtan City.

In a place like Haidu City where every inch of land is valuable, there is a whole building with hundreds of floors.

In the hall, the sculpture of Yuan Meng is tens of meters high.

This is the strongest man in the world at present!

Every time Li Hao sees the sculpture of Yuan Meng, he feels a little emotional.

He also wants to be a strong man like Yuan Meng.

Yuan Meng is a role model for countless warriors and a hero in the hearts of countless civilians.

He rose strongly in the early stage of the Great Cataclysm. In that era, he made great contributions to the survival space for mankind.

His figure has appeared in various places in the Huaxia City-State Alliance.

If it weren't for him and other strong men who killed countless high-level beasts, maybe humans wouldn't even have their own territory now.

After the situation in the Great Cataclysm Era became relatively stable, Yuan Meng became the existence of the Huaxia City-State Alliance like a stabilizing force.

It is precisely because of him that the Chinese City-State Alliance can have a considerable weight in the current world pattern.

Li Hao, who has read the original novel, knows that there is still fierce competition between countries.

It's just that the level of competition is far from his current level.

"Hello, I want to exchange materials for points."

Li Hao walked to the front desk and said to the pretty receptionist inside.

The receptionist looked at the badge of the Chasing Light Martial Arts School hanging on his chest, "Hello, what materials do you want to submit?"

Li Hao said: "The crystal core of the ninth-level white broken tiger."

The receptionist couldn't help but open her mouth slightly.

The crystal core of the ninth-level beast is not common.

Not to mention the ninth-level white broken tiger, which is considered a very powerful existence among the ninth-level beasts.

Since the Great Cataclysm, except for the sea area, the beasts have almost no secrets in front of humans.

The White Po Tiger is the second-tier beast of the ninth-level beasts, second only to the strongest beasts of the ninth-level beasts on the mainland.

Even ordinary ninth-level warriors are afraid that they cannot hunt the White Po Tiger.

The young man in front of him actually has the crystal core of the White Po Tiger?

She did not dare to neglect it. She came to her senses and said, "Please wait a moment. I will contact our appraiser for you."

Then she sent a message using the computer at the front desk.

After waiting for about two minutes, she said to Li Hao, "Please go to room 412 on the ninth floor. Our appraiser will meet you there."

"Thank you."

Li Hao nodded and walked towards the elevator.

Until his figure disappeared in the elevator, the beauties at the front desk were still looking in that direction.

Then they whispered.

At such a young age, he was able to take out the crystal core of the ninth-level White Po Tiger. In their opinion, Li Hao was obviously the son of a certain family.

There aren't many young masters like this in the Zhuiguang Martial Arts School, but there are some.

Li Hao went upstairs and knocked on the door.

An old man in casual clothes sat inside.


But he didn't dare to be rude to such an old man.

Because the appraisers of the Zhuiguang Martial Arts School were all big figures who had retired from important positions in the Zhuiguang Martial Arts School.

Looking at the skinny old man, he is likely to be an eighth-level or even ninth-level strongman.

As Haidu is one of the most important cities in the Huaxia City-State Alliance, the appraiser of the Zhuiguang Martial Arts School branch here is more likely to be a ninth-level existence.

"You have the crystal core of the White Tiger?"

The old man didn't have any airs, and smiled and nodded at Li Hao.

Li Hao walked to the front of the desk and took out the crystal core of the White Tiger from his pocket.

The old man just glanced at it and nodded, "Give me your badge, the White Tiger crystal core, and exchange it for 100,000 points."

Li Hao was secretly happy.


This was even more than he expected.

He originally thought that he could exchange for tens of thousands at most!

In fact, for beasts of the seventh, eighth, and ninth levels, the price premium of some crystal cores is quite serious.

Because the population and number of such high-level beasts are much smaller than those below the seventh level.

Take the ninth-level beasts for example. There are definitely some that have not been explored in the sea, but there are only 47 species in the inland area that have been counted worldwide.

The white broken tiger is only found in Asia.

It is hard to say whether there are a hundred white broken tigers in the entire Asian region.

It is natural that the crystal core is expensive.

Li Hao quickly took off his badge and handed it over.

The old man inserted his badge into the computer.

"Li Hao..."

He looked at Li Hao's information, muttered, and then looked at Li Hao, "You are thisLet's go back to the 47th place in the beast hunting individual competition. I've seen your hunting video. Are you... deliberately hiding your strength? "

The old man's eyes flashed with wisdom.

Li Hao couldn't help but be stunned.


This old man is actually a judge of the beast hunting competition?

What kind of god is this!

He couldn't help but touch his nose and said, "I hid it a little bit."


The old man laughed, "You young people now, I don't know what to think, but you have learned to hide your weaknesses. When we were young, we just wanted to show all our strength. "

As he said that, he raised his eyebrows and asked Li Hao, "Do you want to re-evaluate your strength now?"

He fiddled with the crystal core of the white tiger, "You can even get this thing, your strength must be more than a third-level warrior, right? ”

He didn’t think that Li Hao picked up the crystal core from the corpse of the White Tiger.

After all, this requires extremely good luck.

He only guessed that Li Hao should have taken it from home.

But since Li Hao’s family can produce such a good thing, Li Hao’s basic value should not only be a third-level warrior.

“No need, just help me change the White Tiger crystal core into points.”

Li Hao shook his head.

He didn’t dare to test the basic value now.

It’s almost close to the eighth-level cell activity.

This can’t be explained by common sense at all.

If the Zhuiguang Martial Arts School knew about it, he might be dissected as a guinea pig.

The old man raised his eyebrows, took off the badge of the school and gave it back to Li Hao, but didn’t force it, “Okay. "

Then he waved his hand.

Li Hao smiled and walked out of the office consciously.


The door closed.

The old man rubbed his chin in the room, with a smile on his face, and whispered, "This little guy is quite interesting. Telekinesis plus radar plus elemental soul... maybe he can really find a new way out."

"It is recommended to list Li Hao, a member of Fenglin City Zhuiguang Martial Arts School, as a key focus."

The old man opened a chat window on the computer and typed a line of words on it.

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