Xingtan City.

At this moment, I don’t know how many people in front of the TV opened their mouths and forgot to close them for a long time.

Such a seed team in District 1 was actually wiped out by District 14 in a crushing manner!

Moreover, there were only two people in District 14!

This is really unimaginable.

It can be said that in all previous hunting competitions, there has never been a person like Li Hao who has the ability to crush.

Now, no one still thinks that Li Hao’s speech at the ceremony was arrogant.

This guy really has something to be proud of.

I’m afraid that there will really be a dark horse in this hunting competition! A surprise!

In a mansion somewhere.

“My son!”

Several people sat in a living room with extremely magnificent decoration, staring at the huge 4D projection TV.

This 4D projection is the most advanced technology today.

The scenery on the hunting island can be visualized, as if you were there in person.

As the child was killed by Qin Yu, a beautiful woman in luxurious clothes in the living room cried out in grief and burst into tears.


Beside the beautiful woman, sat a middle-aged man who was intimidating without anger.

At the moment the child was killed, he also crushed the high-footed crystal cup in his hand, and his face became extremely gloomy.

Thinking of him, Gong Nian, he was also a household name in Xingtan City.

At the beginning, his son made a big mistake and was sent to the dog slave area under the pressure of public opinion.

He smoothed the relationship with the first district for this, and provided resources for several other players in the first district to improve their strength so as to protect his son.

He thought that in this way he could get his son out of the dog slave area.

But now, his son was killed!

Gong Nian's eyes were filled with murderous intent, staring straight at Qin Yu in the picture.

Then, he slowly swept across the faces of Li Hao, Ma Pijing, Li Ying and Su Liluo.

These people are all his son's murderers!

None of them can be left alive!


"District 1... Han Ji, eliminated!"

"District 1... Yan Yu, eliminated!"

"District 1..."

On the Hunting Island, two minutes after the destruction of District 1, the sound was heard again from the speakers hidden in various places.

District 1...

As the names of the five players in District 1 were announced, the expressions of the surviving players on the Hunting Island changed drastically.

No one expected that District 1, as a seeded team, would be eliminated so early, and all of them were annihilated.

Who killed them?

Fierce beasts?

Or the team from District 9?

Or... the people from District 14?

The most surprised ones were naturally the team from District 9.

They only regarded District 1 as a potential opponent, and they never thought that District 1 would be eliminated so quickly.

"Let's go! Go back!"

Just not far from the northernmost beach of Hunting Island, the captain of the Ninth District, Zhai Shi, suddenly stopped and turned around to say to the four teammates behind him.

They did plan to go to the northernmost part to see if the people of the Fourteenth District would accept the challenge, and then whether they would have a chance to take advantage of the situation.

But now, Zhai Shi had to change his mind.

The annihilation of the First District made him realize that if the First District died at the hands of the Fourteenth District, then the strength of the Fourteenth District must be stronger than they imagined.

In this case, it would be an unwise choice for them to meet the Fourteenth District again.

"Captain, don't we go over and take a look?"

But someone raised an objection.

It was the young man named Ning Hongxin.

Zhai Shi shook his head, "Now that all the people in the first district have died, we have no chance if we go there. Unless... the people in the fourteenth district also suffered heavy casualties. But if they don't suffer too many casualties and consumption, then we might just die if we go there."

He was imagining that it was the people in the fourteenth district who destroyed the first district.

If this is true, then the strength of the fourteenth district is probably even higher than that of their ninth district.

Ning Hongxin gritted his teeth, a little bit unbelievable, "How can such a powerful team appear in those ordinary dog ​​slave districts?"

"Maybe there are powerful superpowers among them."

Zhai Shi said, "But we can't gamble, it's better to wait and see if we can figure out their strength."

Ning Hongxin stopped talking.

Zhai Shi led several people from the ninth district and turned to the south of the hunting island.


On this side, after Ma Pijing and Li Ying packed up the things on the ground, they consciously walked to Li Hao's side.

Qin Yu glanced at him, looking helpless, and could only come over.

"Eat first!"

Li Hao opened the black leather bag containing the dried meat and grinned.

Then he pointed to the armor that Ma Pijing had taken off the child and said, "Let's give this armor to Luo Luo first. She is the weakest. What do you think?"

Ma Pijing and Li Ying didn't have any ideas.

They came here to rely on Li Hao.

With such a thing, it is natural for Li Hao to consider his woman first.

Qin Yu frowned.


[Villain System: Congratulations to the host for successfully influencing the protagonist's mentality and gaining villain points +20!]

It is true that Su Li Luo is the weakest and needs protection the most, but he is the one who is fighting with Li Hao!

Wearing this armor on Su Li Luo, what's the difference between wearing it on the child just now?

Isn't this a waste of combat resources!!

"Haha, just kidding. ”

Before he could say anything, Li Hao suddenly laughed again and said to Qin Yu: "You should wear this set of armor. You are strong and there may be times when you need to take action."

Qin Yu: (;¬_¬)


[Villain System: Congratulations to the host for successfully influencing the protagonist's mentality and gaining villain points +10!]

He was really speechless about Li Hao.

After glancing at Li Hao, he put on the armor next to him.

Although this alloy armor is also made of F1 alloy, it is different from the alloy used to forge weapons. It is a soft metal with excellent ductility.

Children can wear it, and Qin Yu can wear it too.

"What should I do next? "

After putting on the armor, Qin Yu sat down, took a piece of dried meat and stuffed it into his mouth, and asked Li Hao.

He couldn't be unconvinced now.

Because Li Hao really killed the first district.

He had to admit that Li Hao's current strength was far above his, and he was more qualified than him to be the backbone and leader of this team.

Li Hao glanced at the dried meat in the bag and said, "Fill your stomach, and then find others. Kill them quickly and go to the urban area to enjoy life. "

He didn't want to stay on this hunting island for long.

Since no one showed up at the moment, he could only take the initiative to find those people.

Except that the ninth district might be a little tricky, the teams in the other dog slave areas were not threatening to him at all.

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