Then, there was another group.

Group after group.

Turned into pieces.

One piece after another.

Until the night sky of the entire Xingtan City was filled with brilliance.

It was like the New Year.

Li Hao and the others were still on the island.

Looking at the bursts of fireworks in the sky of Xingtan City, his face flickered under the illumination of the fireworks.

"I will abolish all dog slave areas in the future!"

Qin Yu suddenly said.

Li Hao just smiled when he heard it.

Just listen to this.

In the original novel, Qin Yu later became the young master of the Qin family and controlled several cities of the Qin family, but in the end, for various reasons, this guy did not liberate the dog slave areas.

Su Liluo also asked him about this.

He said: "In this world, there must be someone to do the dirty and tiring work. Even if the dog slave area is cancelled, someone still has to do the work of the dog slaves."


The helicopter landed in the northernmost part of the hunting island with a roar more than ten minutes later.

A guard got off the helicopter and said to Li Hao and his friends: "Congratulations on your successful breakout. Now you can return to Xingtan City."

At the end of the hunting competition, there is an award ceremony.

The so-called award ceremony is actually just a high-level official in Xingtan City issuing Xingtan City resident certificates to Li Hao and his friends.

While still on the plane, the guards took away all the armor and weapons of Li Hao and his friends, including the S2 potion.

The organizers can be said to be extremely thrifty.

But this is not important.

Because according to the plot of the original novel, Li Hao and his friends may have other opportunities.

Take Qin Yu for example. In the original novel, he was spotted by a very beautiful woman in Xingtan City and accepted as her apprentice because he showed the ability of teleportation and dolphin sound.

This woman not only helped him solve the problem of the child in the first district, but also taught him martial arts, provided him with resources, and later gave Qin Yu a lot of help, allowing his strength to grow rapidly.

Of course, Li Hao is not sure whether these opportunities will happen again.

He was sitting on the plane, just thinking about how to snatch Qin Yu's resources if the woman came to Qin Yu again.

That woman is also a teleportation school, one of the "critical strike schools".

But I don't have teleportation skills.

The helicopter flew directly to the apron of the gymnasium in Xingtan City.

Then the guards took Li Hao and others into a meeting room in the gymnasium.

The award ceremony did not invite guests, and it was far less grand than holding a ceremony.

There was only a senior official from the City Lord's Mansion and several senior officials from the Media Integration Center sitting inside.

After the guards brought Li Hao and his friends in, the senior official from the City Lord's Mansion stood up with a hypocritical smile and said, "Congratulations on your success in breaking through the hunting competition and becoming one of the residents of our Xingtan City."

"I hope you can continue to work hard for the future of Xingtan City!"

"May the glory of the City Lord be with you."


The senior officials issued Xingtan City resident certificates to Li Hao and his friends.

This was not a reward, but it seemed to give Li Hao and his friends supreme honor.

The photographers and cameramen in the corner of the conference room kept taking pictures.

This clip will also be broadcast after editing.

And it will be widely publicized in print media.

It's nothing more than saying how kind the City Lord's Mansion is, giving the slaves in the labor zone a chance to start a new life.

Li Hao and his friends were reborn because of the kindness of the City Lord's Mansion.

Fortunately, the process was not long. After Li Hao and his friends got their resident ID cards, they were quickly taken out.

After they left the main gate of the gymnasium, the guards no longer cared about them.

After the hunting competition, Li Hao and his friends were no longer of any value to the City Lord's Mansion and the Media Integration Center.

They would not care about the life and death of Li Hao and his friends in the city.

However, there were many people gathered outside the gymnasium at this time.

"Hello, Miss Su Liluo, I am He Wenxing, the deputy general manager of Eternal Jewelry. We have sponsored you with S2 potions in the hunting competition. Miss Su, your temperament is very consistent with the design concept of our Eternal Jewelry. Are you interested in becoming the spokesperson for our Eternal Jewelry?"

"Hello, Miss Su, I am Xu Yingmeng, the human resources manager of Liren Underwear. We have also sponsored you with S2 potions. Are you interested in becoming the spokesperson for our Liren Underwear?"

"Miss Su..."

"I am Zhang Hui, the Xingtan regional manager of Jin Jiufu Jewelry. Miss Su, are you willing to become the spokesperson for our Jin Jiufu Jewelry? Our Jin Jiufu Jewelry is the largest jewelry company in the Huaxia City-State Alliance. As long as you become our spokesperson..."

"..."Crazy, these people are crazy!

The people who surrounded them stunned Li Hao and his group.

And these people were all coming for Su Liluo.

Su Liluo was so beautiful, and she had a gentle and quiet temperament.

In addition, she followed Li Hao in the hunting competition this time, and her beautiful face was secretly infatuated by countless otakus. Now she has the potential to become a household name in Xingtan City.

These companies that need spokespersons for publicity naturally set their sights on her.

Now is the most appropriate time to find Su Liluo as a spokesperson.

Because if someone else snatches her away, when Su Liluo has established a foothold in Xingtan City, they may want to find Su Liluo as a spokesperson, and the price they may spend will be very different from now.

Su Liluo hid behind Li Hao in fear.

"Mr. Ma Pijing, your beard is very unique. Are you interested in becoming the spokesperson for our Scratch Razor?"

At this time, a guy squeezed in front of Ma Pijing.

Ma Pijing: (⊙_⊙)

Li Hao, Qin Yu: (〃゚A゚) (´゚д゚`)

It's fine that someone asked Su Liluo to endorse her, after all, Su Liluo does have the conditions to become a big star.

But, even Ma Pijing is liked by someone!

This is more or less a blow to the two of them.

In terms of appearance, they are more handsome than Ma Pijing with a full beard!

Moreover, Ma Pijing did not make a move during the hunting competition. He is just transparent, right?

"Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet!"

Li Hao suddenly spoke, grinning, and pressed his hand.

The crowd was slightly stunned.

Li Hao glanced at the dozen people who came to Su Liluo to be the spokesperson, cleared his throat, and said, "I am very grateful to everyone for choosing my wife as the spokesperson, but please line up, okay? Just choose from Yongheng Jewelry and Liren Underwear... Forget Liren Underwear, sorry, I don't want my wife to show up in underwear."

Crowd:... (⊙_⊙;)...

They didn't expect that Li Hao would directly express his opinion on behalf of Su Liluo.

And this guy looks like he is very familiar with the business.

Is this guy really from the dog slave area, a guy who has never seen the world?

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