The tower was built on the ground, and the sky was full of clouds.

The Hundred Refining Tower has a total of 100 floors, standing like a towering mountain, towering into the clouds, with no end in sight, as if it went straight to the sky.

Su Chen and Qing Ling stepped into the Hundred Refining Tower together.

In an instant, the surrounding scene changed, and the two appeared in a bright and wide plain.

The Hundred Refining Tower was already very huge from the outside, but the internal space was even more amazing, as if it contained a small world.

What appeared in front of the two was a straight mountain, and the clouds only reached the halfway point of the mountain.

This mountain has a total of 100 bluestone steps, extending from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

"There are ten levels in the Bailian Tower Trial, each with ten levels. This is the first level of the Bailian Tower Trial, which tests the warrior's aptitude and foundation."

"There are ten thousand bluestone steps in total, and every thousand steps is a trial."

"All trials in the Bailian Tower are single-person trials. The difficulty of the trial will be adjusted according to the trialer's cultivation. There are prohibitions and isolations in the Bailian Tower. Trialers cannot contact each other or affect each other."

A loud voice sounded in the ears of Su Chen and Qing Ling, announcing the rules of the Bailian Tower Trial.

Su Chen stretched out his hand towards Qing Ling, but he couldn't touch her, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking the two.

Su Chen saw Qing Ling open her mouth, but couldn't hear her voice.

The two looked at each other, nodded in tacit understanding, and stepped onto the bluestone steps together.

A huge force suddenly descended, as if a mountain was pressing on Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't change his face and strode forward along the bluestone steps.

The higher you go, the more terrible the pressure you bear.

If a warrior's foundation is not stable, it is impossible to reach the top.

But Su Chen seemed to feel no pressure at all. He walked briskly and crossed thousands of steps in a few breaths. It was unbelievable!


"Did a big black rat just run over?"

On the bluestone steps around, several warriors rubbed their eyes and were a little confused.

Just now, it seemed that a figure "whoosh" flew over the bluestone steps next to them?

They raised their heads at the same time and looked at the bluestone steps in front of them.


Soon, their eyes widened a little.

On the bluestone steps that were originally empty, a figure quickly passed by the stone steps, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of steps were passed!

"Where did this monster come from?"

Several warriors took a breath at the same time.

They boasted that their qualifications were not bad, but climbing the bluestone steps still under great pressure, and they had to breathe for a while every step forward.

In comparison, Su Chen was as fast as if he was cheating!

In their stunned gaze, in just a few dozen breaths, Su Chen actually crossed thousands of bluestone steps, successfully reached the top, and disappeared into the clouds.


All these warriors swallowed hard.

As far as they knew, even the genius who successfully passed the 80th floor and entered the inner gate of Cangxuan Holy Land, the fastest speed to pass the first ten floors was only a quarter of an hour!

"Where did this monster come from?"

They looked at each other, quite shocked.

"Master is so fast..."

Qing Ling was also stunned, feeling the huge gap between her and Su Chen.

She had just climbed the 1,000th step, and Su Chen had already reached the top.

"Come on, Qing Ling, you can't hold the master back!"

Qing Ling clenched her hands, her eyes firm.

After stepping onto the top of the mountain, the scene around Su Chen changed instantly, and he appeared in a boiling world of flames.

There are dozens of volcanoes standing around, spewing magma continuously.

As far as the eye can see, there are terrible flames everywhere. The amazingly high temperature makes the air constantly distorted, making a "crackling" sound.

There is spiritual power surging on Su Chen's body, and strands of lightning surround him, blocking all the flames outside.

Su Chen directly ignores the boiling volcanoes and magma around him, and quickly passes through this area like lightning.

When Su Chen passed through the volcanic area, the surrounding scene instantly changed and appeared in a snowfield.

The terrible cold air came, accompanied by a group of blizzards, and the environment was extremely dangerous.

Su Chen's footsteps never stopped, with lightning protecting his body, and he directly crossed the terrible blizzard and arrived at the next level.

Next is a dense primeval forest. When Su Chen rushed into it, all the trees "came alive", and countless vines and branches attacked him overwhelmingly.


From the eleventh floor to the twentieth floor, there are all kinds of dangerous environments.

Earth, wind, water, fire... endlessly appearing!

When Su Chen

When he entered the third level, the surrounding scene changed again.

He appeared in a natural hot spring, surrounded by hazy clouds and mist. In the hot spring, a group of coolly dressed young ladies were splashing water and playing. The scene was charming.

There were wisps of pink light around him, which penetrated into Su Chen's body silently, confused Su Chen's consciousness, and aroused Su Chen's desire deep in his heart.

"Master, come and have fun~~"

"Come and play with me!"

"As long as you can catch up with me, you can do anything you want me to do..."

A series of snow-white arms stretched out, each with white and delicate skin, as warm as jade, pulling Su Chen.

There were also large snow-white peaks, looming in the mist, extremely charming.

If it were an ordinary person, most of them would have been unable to suppress the boiling blood of the beast.

But Su Chen's eyes were calm from beginning to end. In the sea of ​​consciousness, the soul shadow suddenly opened his eyes, and lightning struck the sky between his eyes, instantly annihilating the pink light.


Su Chen stepped suddenly, accompanied by a large burst of lightning, and the surrounding scene was broken into pieces like a mirror and slowly dissipated.

This is an illusion!

If you indulge in illusions, you will be eliminated directly!

"Hehehe... Not bad, not bad, you can resist such temptation, you can't stay!"

At this moment, a cold laugh sounded.

An old man wearing a Taoist robe and with a celestial appearance appeared in front of Su Chen, with a hideous smile on his face.

He was Chu Fan's master!

"Go to hell!"

The old man laughed grimly, and the ancient sword on his waist suddenly came out of the sheath, bursting out a terrifying sword energy that penetrated the sky and the earth!

At this moment, it seemed as if the whole world was split in half. That kind of power was too terrible and irresistible!

A long-lost sense of fear surged in Su Chen's heart.

But Su Chen's face remained calm, and the sword in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath!

Clang --

The bright sword light flashed, and the terrifying sword energy in front of him, along with the figure of Master Chu Fan, were all split in half by Su Chen's sword, and then turned into countless light spots and slowly dissipated.

This is also an illusion!

"Congratulations to the trialist for passing the level. This is the stage reward of the Hundred Refining Tower."

A grand voice sounded, accompanied by a hazy light falling, turning into a cold and shining sword, engraved with ancient and supreme patterns, and a terrible breath.

But Su Chen turned a blind eye and still slashed with a sword!

The surrounding scene shattered and transformed again...

The third level, the ten-level trial is all kinds of illusions, which can evoke the deepest emotions and desires of human nature, and test the heart and nature of the warrior.

Greed, anger, lust, anger, fear...

If you can't control your emotions and indulge in illusions, you will be eliminated directly.

For those with weak wills, the third level is more difficult than the following levels!

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