Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1004: Damn It! Is It Unnecessary For You To Be So Tidy? (Seeking Subscription)

Hear what Lin Sheng said.

The Great Elder was stunned, he raised his head and looked at Lin Sheng in surprise:

Sect master, have you thought about it? Once you cut off his limbs, you won't be able to restore them in the future!"

"Although his mind can return to a normal person."

"I can also do my best to keep his cultivation."

"But a missing arm...can he take it?"

"Are you thinking about it?"

Hearing this, Lin Sheng's eyes lit up!

Restoration of sanity?

Can you still keep your cultivation?

Then what else can tm ask for? This is a blessing in misfortune!

As for cutting adult sticks...

Lin Sheng didn't think it was too difficult to accept.

At least it's still there, if you have trouble moving, let someone push you!

Now it's a bit of a relief!

Ok, deal!!

"Grand Elder, you can do it with confidence!"

"It's all his life!"

"Cutting off his limbs is better than being a beast all his life!"

"It's even better if you can keep your cultivation!"

Lin Sheng said with a big grin.

The Great Elder was a little confused by what he said.

Full 28 looked over with suspicious eyes, more or less scrutinized.

Is this kid really a descendant of Emperor Lin?

Why do you think Emperor Lin wished that he would become disabled?

"Have you made up your mind?" the Great Elder confirmed again and again.

Lin Sheng said without any hesitation, "Think it over!"

"People in my Lin family are tough and don't want to be laughed at..."

"Even if Jiezi becomes a human stick, he can at least retain some self-esteem as a human being..."

"There are still a lot of good people in a fairyland. When they see my great-grandson like this, most of them will feel pity and won't ridicule him."

"It can be regarded as multiple consolations."

"My descendants, I understand that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, so you can't be a beast."

The Great Elder shook his head and sighed, "Oh, what you said makes sense.

"If he doesn't get better, he will probably become the laughing stock of the entire Immortal Territory."

"As his great-grandfather, you are quite right to consider his reputation."

"But I think you should think about it."

"If his limbs are cut off, what a blow it will be to him...It will be too late to regret it by then."

It's hard to continue with a broken arm. With Lin Yuan's current situation, he really needs to be cautious.

If you do something, you won't be able to rescue him.

A good and healthy person, he is also the great-grandson of his sect master.

He always feels like he's been cut...a sense of guilt!

"Don't think about it anymore!!" Lin Sheng seemed to be annoyed by the ink stains, and said seriously: "Just do it like this!"

"A man with aspirations in the world, even if he is disabled, he must admit it!"

"As long as he can restore his flexible brain, he can still be a well-developed character in the future!"

"I can't let him 'bark, bark' all the time, it's too annoying..."

To make my heart feel better.

He has put himself in the role of Lin Yuan.

If I am a great-grandson, I definitely don’t want to be a beast!

Just off the charts!

The Great Elder glanced at him, shook his head and sighed, "All right."

"Since the sect master has made a decision, I won't say more."

"However, you have to think about the consequences first, and you can't look for me if you regret it afterwards!"

Lin Sheng nodded and said, "Don't worry about that, don't you know who I am, Lin Sheng?"

"As long as you can make him sane like a normal person.

"I don't want anything else."

"Oh~ okay, I'll try my best." The Great Elder shook his head, "But I can't guarantee it completely!"

"As far as his situation is concerned, ninety-nine out of ten will be fine."

"But you also know that everything is just in case..."

"If it's really bad, you can't blame me."

"Hey~ Ninety-nine percent, can there be any accidents?" Lin Sheng grinned and said:

"This seat is my great-grandson, thank you in advance."

"Don't worry, as long as he regains his senses, I, Gaba, will give you ten thousand immortal stones, and I will double your salary."

The Great Elder waved his hand, "Sect Master, you will be offended if you say this."

"As an elder, it is my duty to save the young master."

"I don't care about salary or anything."

As he said that, he seemed to think of something again, Taguchi said:

"Yes, there is one more thing..."

"Sect master, with the current state of the young master, even if he recovers his mind after cutting off his limbs, he still looks like a beast.

"Just the hair on his body doesn't look normal."

"And there is no way to deal with this...I have to tell you first."

"That won't work!" Lin Sheng was anxious when he heard this: "If he wants to grow hair, isn't he still a beast?"

"This is absolutely impossible, the outside world will definitely laugh at him..."

"In this way, after you cut off his limbs, burn him with fairy fire!"

"Smell his hair, and his body is so bloody that he can't see the scales, so it can be covered!"

Or the appearance of a beast?

That must not work!

Just a good brain, others have to be normal!

Even if he was covered in scars and looked scary, he was still better than a stick monster.

Well, I am the great-grandfather of Lin Yuan, I can't cheat him!

I picked the best way for him!

When he wakes up, he will definitely thank me for not making him a monster!

The Great Elder looked at Lin Sheng and his mouth twitched:

Sect Master, is this unnecessary?"

243 "His consciousness has returned to normal, why do he care so much about his appearance?"

"Cut him into a stick, and burn him with fairy fire..."

"Isn't this too harsh?"

grass (plant)!

A small amount is not a gentleman, and non-toxic is not a husband!

Only by being tough can you stand firm!

You, an elder, know how to tick?!


I think so, but I can't say it straight.

I have to use someone to save my grandson.

Lin Sheng glanced at the elder, coughed lightly and said, "It's not a matter of being ruthless."

"You don't know about our Lin family!"

"If he wakes up and sees that his only upper body is covered with hair, won't he collapse?"

"Instead of doing this, it's better to burn him, and we will have an explanation at that time.

"Let's just say that he strayed into the Immortal Fire Holy Land and was burned without limbs. This is also an explanation."

"Otherwise, if I really tell him that we made it up to him, he will hate my great-grandfather!"

"For future consideration, and to find a reason..."

"Just do it!!"

Lin Sheng held his forehead with his hands, his old face was extremely bitter.

He also has no choice.

Who knows which bastard has ruined his great-grandson like this.

Damn it's god damn it!!.

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