Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1017: Fairy Is A Fairy, But Not Necessarily Serious! (Seeking Subscription)

Discovered by Yun Zhou.

When this Lin Langyue looked at her, there was uncontrollable enthusiasm in her eyes, she looked terrifying!

Could this be the cold look in the eyes?

Yue Chan is sick and delicate, look at my eyes, Shendu doesn't look like this, okay?

【Ah this......】

【Where did I make a mistake, this should be the first time I met her in two lifetimes?】

【Didn't she have misogyny? Didn't she burst into murderous aura when she saw male cultivators' eyes?】

【Dog author, is it possible that you are riding a horse and "call this kind of look murderous"?"】

Yun Zhou looked at Lin Langyue in shock, thinking that there was something in Hua Teng's heart.

However, what he didn't know, what he thought in his heart, appeared in the ears of a group of people around him at the same time.

Including, Lin Langer above the dome!!

At this time, Lin Langyue just took a deep breath, and "May 13" was ready to say hello to Yun Zhou and make a good first impression.

But before she could speak, a voice came from her ear, and she froze instantly.


Lin Langyue's eyes froze, and the fairy sword in her hand was murderous!

How powerful is it!

To be able to speak in her ear, and still make her not aware of the other party's position at all?

Could it be... the Emperor Realm?

Thinking of this, Lin Langyue's heart tightened, and her eyes couldn't stop looking around.

The surroundings were extremely calm, except for a group of spectators below, as well as the surrounding demons, Yun Zhou and others, there was no one else.

There is no possibility of an ambush in the imperial realm.

"Could it be my illusion?"

Lin Langyue frowned, feeling uncertain in her heart.

But at this moment, that mysterious voice appeared again!

This time, she was sure that it was either the secret method used by someone, or the voice that appeared in her ears!

【Why is this woman so startled? What is she looking at?】

【Hiss——she must have some problem with her brain, right?】

[This is too different from the setting in the novel

[No, forget that this world is not a novel world. 】

[Lin Langyue shouldn't be considered a setting, well, the author can't recite this shit. 】

【However, that look like "I've never seen a man before" just now... is too outrageous, right?】

When a series of heart sounds appeared in the ears.

Lin Langyue's face looks like this:


Yes, she was dumbfounded!

But soon, she realized it by observing the expressions of the people present.

The owner of this Yun Zhou!

And this tone is not so much what the other party wants to say, but rather what the other party thinks!

This is... I heard Yun Zhou's heartfelt voice?

But how is this possible?

She frowned, puzzled.

But at this time, the voice of the boy below interrupted her surprise.

"Tsk, this is the first time Yun has come to the Immortal Realm, and the welcome ceremony is quite lively."

"However... why do you guys come here?"

"What's the matter?" Tianmo snorted coldly: "Little thing, are you still pretending to be stupid?"

The terrifying coercion fell instantly, and the hearts of everyone below trembled.

Yun Zhou's face remained unchanged and his heart beat: "I don't know what you mean?"


"I don't know what I mean...You really know how to pretend when riding a horse!"

"Didn't it be you who killed the descendants of this demon in the lower realm in front of the shadow of this demon?" Ji Ba was furious.

Behind him, eleven Heavenly Demon Mountain elders burst out terrifying demon energy at the same time, because they wanted to strike immediately.

That posture is like killing their father!

Li Kunlun looked at this.

It's over!

This little thing is in trouble!

"Everyone, get ready to move!"

"Old Lin, stick player, protect the little bastard!"

"The rest, face the old ones!"

"Sovereign, support that demon with me!"

His anxious voice resounded in everyone's ears.

Yun Zhou on the other side was a little confused.

I didn't say anything?

Li Kunlun What is this doing?

But he didn't take it seriously and pondered for a while.

Now at a disadvantage, it seems that it is not friendly to one's own side.

Maybe they have to go with Li Kunlun and the three of them.

However, it seems that it is not unacceptable?

above the peak.

The momentum of the two parties reached its peak.

Lao Lin was full of fighting spirit, ready to die for Yun Zhou......

However, at this moment.

A calm but inexplicably gentle voice came silently:

"Heavenly Demon, if you want to touch him, you have to pass me first!"

While speaking, Lin Langyue flashed to Yun Zhou's side.

Looking sideways, there was a touch of uncontrollable enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Little guy, you gave up!"

After finishing speaking, she waved her plain hand, and a ray of light shone out from Yun Zhou's body.

Immediately, it condensed into a fairy dragon, entrenched behind Yun Zhou.

The fairy light on it covers the mountain!

"I'm damn it!" Lao Lin on the side was stunned!

What is this thing?

He knew that the Holy Son had awakened the immortal power, but what happened to the transformation of the immortal power?

It is not the same thing as the shape of Daolihua!

"Have you seen it? This is the fairy form that you can condense in the future. Do you want to learn how to condense it? I will teach you!"

Lin Langyue stood beside Yun Zhou, her delicate face was full of smiles, and her beautiful eyes were bright and beautiful like crescent moons.

Deathly silence!

Even the sound of breathing can be heard very clearly on the whole mountain.

The group of veterans from Tianmo Mountain above were stunned.

However, the most confused person was Yun Zhou himself.

Although there is nothing wrong with the way he looked at Lin Langyue.

However, the heart 5.0 has already started to beat the drums!

What's going on?

How is it possible?

Is this really Lin Langyue?

He turned his head stiffly, looking at the roaring huge fairy dragon, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Looking at this imposing appearance, it should undoubtedly be his own heart shape.

Yunpangu is the transformation of Taoism.

And the form of this immortal power, the strength is obviously closer.

It's just that it's just a young appearance now, and it needs to be strengthened.

However, this is not the most important thing.

Outrageously, why is this?

With Lin Langyue's character, will he teach himself to condense the fairy form like a dog licking?

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou couldn't help but look at Lin Langyue who was smiling beside him, as if he was in a nympho, and his face was startled.

grass (plant)!

Is this being possessed?

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