Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1020: The Devil's Means! A Man Who Dares To Kiss A Fairy Girl! (Seeking Subscription)

"Haha, good, good!"

"Worthy of being the holy son of my Wuwang sect, this is the posture of a fairy, the posture of a great emperor!"

"Strong, too strong!"

Li Kunlun pinched his two big eyeballs, which made him excited.

He completely forgot that this is no longer the vast land where he lived for a long time.

By his side, Turin and the others were also extremely excited.

However, at this moment.

Yun Zhou in mid-air suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a roar in the void, and ripples appeared under his feet.

Wisps of fairy rhyme rippling around Yun Zhou's body.

Cranes and egrets surrounded Yun Zhou from all directions.

In the sky, there was a gentle sound from the direction of Tiantian Gate, as if inviting Yun Zhou to enter.

And Yun Zhou stepped down.

The chaotic space continued to explode, and behind him, a long dragon in the form of a fairy in the shape of "one five zero" circled and accompanied him. Yun Pangu held a giant hammer and lowered his eyes.


As Yun Zhou stepped forward, the sound of shredding suddenly came from the surrounding space.

The white clouds and fairy mist disappeared, replaced by endless darkness.

It seems to be a god and demon that surpasses all living beings and takes away the light of human beings.

The endless darkness is filled with fairy charm, and the stars can be faintly seen in it, as if forming a universe, and each light carries a terrifying power.

As it spread, the light became dimmer, and the morning sun that had hung above the sky for a long time was swallowed up.

Boundless terror loomed.

When the sun shines high, it turns Fang Yuan's sky into night!

Seeing this scene, the tens of thousands of cultivators around were shocked!

But Ji Ba shrank his pupils suddenly, looked up at the young man, and said in a trembling voice, "Transform the way of heaven, turn black and white!"

"This, this is the method of the Demon Lord!"

"How could he possess the means of the Demon Lord?!"

Ji Ba's eyes widened, and he couldn't suppress the astonishment and shock in his heart!

next moment!

The holy sword appeared in the hands of Wu Zhao and the others, as long as Yun Zhou made a move, they would definitely rush forward!

Li Kunlun was also staring at the other ten or so elders very seriously.

At this moment, he, who was always out of tune, suddenly became serious, with a very serious expression on his face.

He is sure that as long as this little bastard does not die young, he will become a great weapon in the future!

And what he has to do is...even if he risked his life, he must protect the other party!

For nothing else, he has no children all his life, and Yun Zhou is the successor of Wuwangzong, and he is the only one who is regarded as his descendant!

not far away.

Lin Langyue looked at Yun Zhou who was walking down in the void, with a frenzied look in his eyes!

At this moment, she seemed to see the top of the avenue!

With such a unparalleled talent in the world, he must be the overlord of this world in the future!


This little guy's triggering of such visions this time will definitely alarm the entire Immortal Territory!

If it catches Chen Fusheng's attention...

Thinking of the other party's emphasis on power, Lin Langyue's heart trembled slightly.

It's too early to show your sharpness!

No, we must discuss with Jiang Heyun Susu as soon as possible how to protect him, otherwise, once Chen Fusheng gets involved, the little guy will be in danger!

same moment.

Yun Zhou walks from the sky above the sky with a lotus in his life.

He looked up at the hidden Tianmen above the clouds in the sky, with an understatement of boredom on his expressionless face.

However, I felt a little helpless in my heart.

Unexpectedly, just awakening an evolved fairy form can attract the appearance of Tianmen.

What is this gate of heaven is also recorded in the original text.

This is the only way to go to heaven and fight against heaven.

According to the description, before the Immortal Emperor disappeared 3,000 years ago, he climbed to the Tianmen to fight against the Heavenly Dao.

However, there is no detailed record in the original text about the Immortal Emperor's news afterwards.

Now is not the time to ponder this.

Yun Zhou wanted to know.

I just entered the later stage of the plot, why did I draw the fairy gate out?

No matter how you look at it, it's not right.

Even if it’s not the world of novels, if the plot point of the original text collapses, there must be an approximate time point, right?

On the first day, Tianmo and Lin Langyue came face to face...

The situation is getting out of control...010702228 Feilu 231390190]

Just when he was disappointed.

Suddenly, the system's prompt sound appeared in my mind again:

[Ding, the system has been upgraded successfully, congratulations to the host for triggering the optional task. 】

[Option 1: Kill eleven Heavenly Demon Mountain elders, and suppress Heavenly Demon Jiba! Reward: The title of "Suppressing Demons". 】

[Option 2: Bring down Ji Ba and conquer Tianmo Mountain! Reward: The title of "Peerless Demon Lord". 】

[Option 3: Hug Lin Langyue and kiss her regardless of resistance! Reward: The title of "Xiangu Killer"...  


Following Yun Zhou's momentary sluggishness, all the elders of Tianmo Mountain took a step back.

Immediately realizing that the other party had no intention of taking action, his face turned dark.

Grass (plant), I thought this kid was going to do it!

"Optional mission?"

Yun Zhou was a little dazed, he had never experienced this kind of mission in two consecutive lives!

How to upgrade a level, still can choose?

He pondered for a while, and then roughly understood.

It seems that the task of this system is related to his own drama.

simply put.

The system has been upgraded once after the end of the previous plot, and this upgrade must be the reason for coming to the Immortal Domain.

[Hmm.... Optional missions are not bad. 】

【It’s just that the choice of three is not quite right, right?】

【Is this related to one or two?】

[Forcibly kiss Lin Langyue... Hiss——Is it possible, I'm not familiar with her yet, and I may not be able to beat her now, so I can't just look for trouble now]

I thought about it for a while.


Yun Zhou blinked, and communicated with the system in his heart: "Let's say, I won't choose this "choice three" this time, but can you keep it for me first?"

"I'm not greedy for Lin Langyue, I just want the title of "Xiangu Killer"."

[Sorry host. ] The voice of the system is still 1.9 cold: [Each task selection must not be repeated. 】

After answering this sentence, the system hesitated again:

【...Host, I can tell that you are greedy Lin Langyue, please don't lie to the system next time...】


Yun Zhou was furious and scolded in his heart

【You are a dog system, what are you talking about? Do you seem smart?】

【Who is greedy for Lin Langyue? It's obviously the first time I've met her!】

【Besides, she is a fairy girl, and she walks the path of ruthlessness! Why am I greedy for her? Let me tell you, I am a decent person! You are not allowed to slander my personality!】


Seeing that the system was silent, Yun Zhou didn't make any more beeps.

Subconsciously glanced down.

Wu Zhao and the others raised their brows for some unknown reason.

And Lin Langyue, the fairy girl.

Hmm...why is she shaking all over?

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