Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1043: Crystal Clear Vs Smelly And Hard! The Two Little Ones Stink! (Seeking Subscription)


Jiang He's breathing was stagnant, and a pair of small fists were clenched tightly.

After relaxing for a while, he let go, and said with a cold snort: "You are not the owner of the mountain here, which way I want to go, what does it have to do with you?"

"I'm not the owner of the mountain, but my aunt~aunt is."

*I*: ""

"But I don't care if you follow or not, the feet grow on your body, if you like to follow, you can follow.

As he spoke, he suddenly became a little puzzled.

"But I have a question to ask you. You have bare feet...Did you drop your shoes after drinking?"

(Laughing dish Lv a)

Jiang He was so angry that he almost punched him in the face!

You are riding a horse!

My old lady, the emperor, the emperor... Which emperor have you seen drinking and falling?

She tensed her back molars, "I'm just not used to wearing shoes, can you help me?"

Yun Zhou spread out his hands, "I don't care, but I'm afraid your feet smell too bad and it's smoky the ground."


Jiang He stabilized himself back and forth on the brink of collapse.

And Yun Zhou glanced at the other party's feet.

Conscience of heaven and earth, he is definitely not a mutant!

However, when these two gadgets are in the eyes.

He was inexplicably enlightened.

Why are there so many men who don't like football but like football?

Well, it’s true that novices look at bears, veterans practice their backs, and experts watch their hands and feet (I’m talking about fitness)!

【Just take a look at this!】

【Hiss—clearly she is not someone who trains the immortal body!】

【The same, they are all feet!】

【Why are my feet hard and thick in shoes, but her naked jids are crystal clear?】

【I can only say... this woman doesn't like walking!】

Yun Zhou was amazed in his heart, guessing wildly.

And this messy voice...

It also alarmed Jiang He.

She looked over faintly, her voice was like that of a kitten: "What are you looking at?"

Yun Zhou didn't even think about it, "Look at your feet."

"Does it look good?"

"Well, that's good!" Yun Zhou replied subconsciously.

However, just after he finished speaking, he suddenly reacted.

Numb, mouth!

"Come on, come closer.

Jiang He's voice carried an irresistible magic power.

Yun Zhou pondered for a second, then passed away.

As soon as he got close, he smelled a very soft fragrance.

It is not as fragrant as wine, that is, it is more attractive than Jiutun.

To be honest, with this figure, even if it is given to Ruhua, there must be someone who can accept it!

What's more... this woman is not ugly.

All right.

Yun Zhou didn't know that the other party was wearing a mask.

"Would you like to take a closer look?"

There was an inexplicable charm in her cat-like voice.

"Ah this..."

Yun Zhou scratched his head and swallowed a little.

Let's just say, don't look at the face.

Just these two feet, he really wanted to think about it.

Compare where your big black feet lost.

"Emm... think!"

Yun Zhou pretended to hesitate for a second, then looked at Emperor Jiang seriously.

And Jiang He looked at him with a smile.

Seeing her smiling face, Yun Zhou felt a little bit in his heart: "Eh, this... I just said it casually, the main reason is..."

However, before he finished speaking.

"Then just take a look." Jiang He suddenly burst into a smile.

In an instant, Yun Zhou's face froze slightly.

make me healthy?!

"Well, is she holding back something?"

"This... is all cultivators, so she won't have stinky feet, right?"

Yun Zhou looked over in a daze.

Jiang He rolled his eyes like a fox, and said with a smile, "What? Don't dare to look at it?"

As she spoke, she raised her little feet at a 30-degree angle.

Yun Zhou rubbed his chin and lowered his head slightly.

Very realistic sniffed.

At this moment, Jiang He's eyes flickered with a triumphant smile.

There was a surge of immortal power secretly on the instep, and he was about to kick when he lifted his foot.

But she hasn't waited for her to move yet.

Suddenly, Yun Zhou straightened up with a puzzled look on his face:

"Strange, do you often use Xianli to wash your feet?"

Hearing this, Jiang He was a little confused, "What do you mean?"

"Why doesn't this stink?"

Yun Zhou muttered.

Bare feet stepping on the ground, can you still do it a little bit?

Tsk, the immortal body is the immortal body, don't stir up dust!

Haotu's gang of girls are incomparable.


Jiang He: "Yun Zhou!"

...... Seeking flowers 0


Now she is like an angry lioness!

But it's not her fault.

As a clean freak, how can she allow others to talk about her jio han stink?

Well, then this wave is what Yun Zhou thought.

"It's okay, it's different from what you imagined, you're really boring." Yun Zhou touched his chin and said with emotion.

Jiang He: (crap dish crap)

I really want to eat all the dirt on my feet!

Yun Zhou coughed lightly and said with a sneer:

"Women, don't be so hot-tempered, or you won't be able to get along in Yunling...  

"Eh, haven't said who you are yet."

Yun Zhou frowned slightly, and squinted his eyes to look over.

Hearing this, Jiang He rolled his eyes and hugged Xiong Daxiong Er:

"Who am I to tell you?"

She remembered it just now.

Jiang He decided that one day he must get revenge on him!

Female nuns are very gentle occasionally, but when they get angry, most people can't control it.

Well, maybe one hundred or eighty times more ruthless than men.

After hearing Jiang He's words, Yun Zhou also nodded in agreement:

"It's true, as long as your aunt knows who you are, as a father, I don't need to worry too much about children.


Jiang He calmed down.

I don't know why, but she didn't say a few words with Yun Zhou, and she had the urge to kill him several times!

"That's it, how did he come to Immortal Realm alive?"

"His master from the lower realms can really bear it, he didn't strangle him to death when he was young......"

"And...he dared to use his big hand to gag my mother!"

"If it wasn't for his high talent, his eye sockets would explode!"


She thought about the fact that she had a relationship with Yun Zhou before.

What's more, he was afraid of Yun Susu.

Otherwise, even if she didn't attack Yun Zhou, she wouldn't be able to hold back until now...

While wandering around with Yun Zhou, Yun Susu's eyes were watching him.

Yun Zhou frowned slightly, and suddenly looked sideways seriously:

"Give me your hand!"


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