Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1050: Sorry, May I Ask You Two To Get Married In Place? (Seeking Subscription)


Yun Qiaoer's pretty face blushed instantly.

moving heart...

She glanced at Yun Zhou subconsciously, then shook her head immediately: "No, I didn't...I,"

"Hey, just a reminder, if you answer, you must tell the truth, otherwise you will have no stars in future children!"

Good one no stars!

Yun Qiaoer's delicate and pretty face was full of shyness.

Has she ever moved her heart?


When she followed Yun Susu to the lower realm, after seeing Yun Zhou's powerful figure, she was astonished!

I even thought about trying to have a relationship with Yun Zhou.

However, Yun Susu was not happy.

Although she admires Qiang, she also has her own dignity.

Under such circumstances, how could she express her little thoughts?

What's more... In theory, this is only the second meeting between her and Yun Zhou.

After being silent for a long time, she directly picked up the jug and took a big gulp to her mouth.

In an instant, the jug was half empty.

Xianniang passed through the throat with a little spicy taste, the esophagus became hot, and the delicate face began to flush instantly.

She seemed like a girl who was out of the court, and she couldn't bear the eager eyes of others.

Jiang He looked shocked, "Not bad, the Emperor of Wine is generous."

Yun Qiaoer lowered her head and did not say a word, she secretly glanced at Yun Zhou, then quickly looked away.

The next game begins.

"Hedge" by Yun Zhou and Yun Qiaoer.

Well, it's punching.

I don't know if it's because they both have the surname Yun or something, but the two of them have a very good understanding.

Shengsheng launched a fist punch that lasted for a quarter of an hour, and Jiang He, who was on the side, rolled his eyes.

"You two can get married in place."

As soon as these words came out, Yun Qiaoer's pretty face flushed instantly.

At this time, Yun Zhou yelled "Eight horses!" and finally won the guess.

After thinking about it, he didn't make things difficult for Yun Qiaoer, touched his chin, and tentatively said:

"Are you... the child bride that my aunt prepared for me?"


Yun Qiaoer's face froze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jiang He on the side covered his face dumbfounded.

How did this little guy ask such a serious question?

"You, what are you talking about?"

Yun Qiaoer clenched the hem of her clothes tightly, her pretty face was blushing as if dripping water, she stammered and said:

"What, what child bride, I just saw you for the second time, I..."

I don't know what she was thinking of, she kept her little head down for a long time and didn't dare to lift it up.

A nervous one is called a stutterer!

Subconsciously, he looked at the wine on the desk.

Jiang He reacted quickly, picked up the wine in an instant, and said with a smile:

"To tell you the truth, my wine is brewed by gods. If you drink a pot with your cultivation level, you will definitely get drunk. You should answer honestly..."

answer shit!

She doesn't know if she is the child bride prepared by Master for Yun Zhou!

And this topic is so embarrassing, how can she answer it?

Without hesitation at all, Yun Qiaoer stood up instantly and snatched back the jug from Jiang He's hand.

"Ton, ton, ton", the pot of wine is so empty!

Jiang He was taken aback for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he smiled helplessly, "You are so young, you would rather suffer than be shy?"

next wave.

Yun Zhou vs. Jiang He.

Like Yun Qiaoer, Yun Zhou didn't hold on for even a minute and lost directly.

Jiang He raised his brows triumphantly, with a look of "smarter than you and stronger than you".

Yun Zhou looked over suspiciously: "Did you cheat?"


Jiang He sneered disdainfully: "How can I cheat on something that is purely luck? Who is to blame for your dark face?"

Yun Zhou frowned and looked at the other party.

He has been observing from the very beginning, and Jiang He is similar to him in terms of rhythm and punching speed.

And the opponent has concealed all the immortal power from the very beginning.

It is impossible to cheat.

【What's more, even Xianli can't know what's in his heart, right?】

【If I think five, she can directly report the five leaders?】

【This is too fake...】

【Well, it should be a coincidence!】

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou relaxed his frown.

And he didn't notice it at all.

The corner of Jiang He's mouth was raised in a triumphant arc.

I don't know what's on your mind?

Oh, I almost ripped your heart out!

Yun Qiao'er is so naive, she doesn't know how to hedge at all, it's too easy to win.

On Yun Zhou's side, she could hear her heart even more.

It can be said that in this wave, she is guaranteed to be undefeated!

Cough lightly.

Jiang He pretended to be impatient and said: "It's okay, hurry up, it's time for me to ask you a question.

Yun Zhou nodded: "..." Ask. "

Jiang He had a rare serious expression on his face, and said earnestly:

"I want to far has your talent reached?"

All right.

This is the main reason why she plays this "hedging" game!

Since meeting Yun Zhou in the lower realm, until now, the other party has never stopped bringing her "surprises"!

The realm of proving the Dao in the past two decades, not to mention the vast land of the lower realm, even if you look at the entire fairyland, you can't find a single such existence.

What's more, while improving his cultivation, he also mastered the six laws of the Dao at the same time!

Even, Immortal Body and Immortal Soul are perfect levels!

This is simply unbelievable!

I was curious, so I wanted to know what kind of existence this little guy was.

Yun Zhou was a little puzzled: "Why do you ask me this?"

Jiang He didn't even think about it, and responded: "You don't have to worry about what I ask, you just need to choose whether to answer or not.

"If you refuse, there will be a pot of immortal brew on the table (Qianma Zhao), half a pot at a time."

While speaking, there was a playful arc on her face.

I won't talk about it this time, when I get drunk with the immortal wine, I still have to explain what I have to say!

Yun Zhou waved his hand, "No need, it's not a secret either."

Immortal power surged all over his body, and the terrifying coercion seemed to be the descending of Heavenly Venerable:

"Above the top of all living beings, located outside the four domains."

"The way I cultivate, after all, transcends the way itself, and the way I walk will surely step on the sky.

"The immortal emperor is at my feet, and the way of heaven is rich."

"That's what I'm gifted with."

Yun Zhou was very flat when he spoke.

However, what fell on Jiang He's ears was harsh:

"You mean that your talent surpasses that of the Immortal Emperor, or even the Dao of Heaven?"

"You're opening the ... ... cabinet"

The word "joke" in the back has not yet been said.

Her: (OoOa).

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