Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1052: The Prodigal Lord! Can You Hear Me? (Seeking Subscription)

Just glanced at it, and the little cook was dumbfounded.

I saw Yun Susu standing pretty in the outside kitchen, with some black spots on her forehead, staring at her blankly.

He also carried a large spoon in his hand and pestered it in a large iron pot.

"Ah... Master Ling, did you eat the charcoal fire?" The cook looked at Yun Susu whose mouth was blackened, and felt a little numb.

At the same time, she was frustrated.

Lord Ling would rather eat charcoal fire secretly than eat her boil it?

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm cooking. Yun Susu raised her eyebrows and said calmly.


The cook stretched her neck and looked at the darkness in the iron pot, her mouth twitched involuntarily.

Master Ling... Is this stepping on the horse trying to kill someone?

Yun Susu frowned, her face a little dissatisfied:

"It's really weird. I obviously made it according to the recipe of Xianyu. How could I make it like this?"

The cook swallowed her saliva and said tremblingly, "Which recipe did you follow?"

"this one."

Yun Susu rummaged through her cuffs for a while, and finally pulled out a copy of "Rare and Delicious Food".

While taking it out, he said as if looking at a baby:

"I've seen it myself just now, and every ingredient 28 in it is a great tonic. I just learned how to make a goose this time."

"But the fairy goose is gone, I use the Thunder Bird instead, the spirit dates and oil salt are gone, I use fire spirit fruit and black rattan sauce instead, it will definitely be more nourishing.

The little cook almost cried.

Tonic is enough tonic, this thing... can people eat?

"Lord Ling, this is cooking, which is different from alchemy... The ingredients are not fairy plants, and they cannot be substituted at will.

"If you want to make up for it, why don't you directly make alchemy? Food is for eating, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Yun Susu nodded thoughtfully:

"Emm...You seem to be right?"

The little cook took the big spoon from her hand, and looked at Hei Pingping in the iron pot dumbfounded.

Secretly said, "Lord Ling is really a prodigal!"

Such a good medicinal material, why did she cook it as a dish?

"Lord Ling, if you have something you want to eat in the future, just tell me directly, there is no need to come and suffer the fumes in person."

Yun Susu shook her head, "I want to develop in an all-round way. Cooking is also a compulsory course for my master!"

As Yun Zhou's only unrelated relative in this world!

She believes that closer relationship is only one aspect.

You have to take responsibility for taking care of him!

After all... she is a good aunt!

On the other hand, the little cook was dumbfounded when she heard this.


Is this a compulsory course?

Then you really failed!

She pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "How about this, Lord Ling, if you really want to learn how to cook, how about I teach you?"


Yunsusu's beautiful eyes lit up, but she soon became vigilant: "How do you calculate your tuition?"

Little Cook: (O_O)?

At the same moment, Saintess Mountain.

It went through another two hours of chess.

Apart from losing twice to Yun Qiaoer, Jiang He never lost once.

It can be said to be a pass kill!

Then Yun Zhou is very confused!

No matter how much you think in your heart, the other party can always guess it.

This tm must be cheating!

It's just how cheating...he can't see it.

At this point, it is no longer useful to be more realistic.

The ten pots of immortal wine on the table were already empty.

Yun Qiaoer was lying on the table, and there was already a slight snoring sound, and it could be heard that the little girl was sleeping soundly.

And Yun Zhou also wobbled in his seat, feeling a little dizzy in his brain.

He wanted to force out the strength of wine, but he couldn't do it no matter how much immortal power he had.

There is definitely something wrong with this wine.

It's very soft when you drink it, and the alcohol is there but not too spicy. After a while, it makes people feel very comfortable, and then the brain loses consciousness.

Moreover, this wine seems to be able to flow on the blood, blocking the effect of immortal power, making people feel more drunk and hazy.

Speaking of this, he was also a little aggrieved.

In fact, he can completely avoid these wines and answer questions.

But this barefoot woman doesn't know what's going on, she's different from a normal person when asked!

What about "how old are you a man", "have any women ever borne you a child"

What kind of privacy, what does this woman ask!

I don't even know where the female durian came from!


A wine hiccup came up, and Yun Zhou looked at the other side bewilderedly:

"Do you have a means of spying on people's hearts when you ride a horse?!"

Jiang He laughed, "Yeah, not only can I spy on people's hearts, but I can also see through human clothes! You're just slipping in my eyes, hehe~!"

"You step on the horse..."

Yun Zhou could also hear that the other party was mocking him, his face turned black in anger, and he was about to curse twice.


Feeling dizzy in his head, one of them couldn't control it, and fell directly on the table.

The snoring is deafening!

"Tsk, you still need to practice how much you drink."

Jiang He pursed his lips, shook his head and chuckled lightly 297.

Then he picked up his flagon and took a sip happily.

"I'm dizzy after drinking a few pots of immortal wine. If I drink my first drunk, why don't I just pass out?"

While speaking, there was a little disdain in her words, but her eyes showed a look of appreciation.

Shenxianniang can be said to be the first-class spirit in the fairyland.

Even in order to let the immortal "get drunk and relieve a thousand worries", Da Neng, who developed this wine, specially added ingredients to the wine.

Don't say it's the Dao Realm, even the Emperor Realm will get drunk after drinking.

Otherwise, why were you always staring in a daze before becoming Jiang He?

Just say this Yun Qiaoer, two pots fell down.

And Yun Zhou singled out seven pots by himself, and was able to talk to her with a big tongue before passing out. In this age group, he is considered one in a million.

"When he becomes an emperor in the future, I will train him on his drinking capacity. Maybe he will have a drinking buddy in the future!"

Jiang He has lived in this fairyland for thousands of years.

She has never met anyone who can drink with her.

Don't say that she was the first drunk in her hand.

Even this fairy wine is not touched by many.


Even Yun Susu, who is also in the imperial realm, did not dare to drink with her.

Unexpectedly, her nephew could be cultivated......

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