Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1054: Sleeping Contestant? The Crime Scene Of The Saint! (Seeking Subscription)

Facing Chu Lingxiao's big question mark on his forehead.

Yun Susu was surprisingly devoid of any thoughts.

She threw the big spoon aside, leaving a sentence: "Don't disturb Zhou'er's rest, and then left."

Chu Lingxiao was left in a daze, wanting to see what was going on.

But when he heard the words of Lingzhu, he was a little afraid.

At this time, the little cook who collected the ingredients came back.

Seeing the calm Yun Susu, she tilted her head:

"Lord Ling, haven't you learned how to cook yet?"

Yun Susu: "I have learned."

"Then are you going to do it later?"

"No, I'll do it tomorrow morning... Now I need to refine some elixir for my body."


The stars blink.

I don't know how long it has passed, Yun Zhou rubbed the center of his brows, and struggled to open his eyes.

It was a good thing to say, but he had a very puzzling dream.

in a dream.

He was in the Yunling Great Hall, lying on his aunt's lap.

Caressing Master's little hand, smilingly rubbing eyelashes with Yue Chan who came over.

Just hugging left and right belongs to yes.

However, just when he was about to go one step further.

Suddenly a figure rushed in!

She has two bare feet, and her appearance is above average, but she has a palpitating aura:

"Hero Tomb in Beauty Township! Get up and follow me back to practice!" 777 Yun Zhou was stunned, not knowing what he wanted to practice.

At this time, the aunt who was under the pressure of her head suddenly moved, struggling and going to fuck a girl!

The long sword in his hand didn't stop for a moment, and he chopped as soon as he chased.

It's as if you want to kill each other!

Finally, there was a "puchi".

A stream of blood burst out, and Yun Zhou woke up.

The moment he opened his eyes, his head was still a mess.

Obviously, he was still a little confused about the scene that appeared in his brain.

That woman was hacked to death by her aunt?

No, it seemed like a dream just now.

where is this? why am i here?

He looked at the relief directly above, feeling a little lost.

But soon, he reacted.

Yes, I was playing games with Yun Qiaoer and that barefoot girl yesterday, and I seem to have drank a lot of fake wine from her...

"I was riding a horse, I remembered!"

"That barefoot girl is cheating!"

Yun Zhou is sure that the other party must have cheated in some way that he does not know!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to play so many games, and he was the one who lost?

He snorted indignantly, and immediately wanted to get up and ask the other party to understand.

But just sitting up like this, the upper body was pushed down for less than a second before being pushed down again.

He looked sideways with some doubts.



In the eyes, there is a white bed with a little fragrance, surrounded by embroidered gauze curtains.

It's nothing, the main thing is...

Right below the gauze curtain, on his own arm.

A glamorous girl with a rare appearance is lying here.

The long eyelashes are curved, and the beautiful face is like a handicraft favored by the heavens. While it is slightly flushed, it also has a kind of charm that makes people look up!

Well, just Yun Qiaoer who poured two pots yesterday!

She was lying on Yun Zhou's arm, her face was less than fifteen centimeters away from Yun Zhou, her arm was casually placed on his chest, and her white 1.1 meter legs were thrown at his waist.


It's going to kill me!

At this moment, a strange feeling suddenly came from the right arm.

Yun Zhou was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head stiffly.

【Could it be that barefoot girl?】

He stared back.

Take a look at it.

Hmm...not bad.

Not that woman.


Who the fuck is this person!?

A crystal clear cheek was facing him, and there was a scent in his breath.

Take a look, as far as this face is concerned, he is definitely not at a disadvantage.

But who is this?

Why does it appear on the bed where I sleep?

The corners of his mouth kept twitching:

"Could it be... I haven't woken up from the dream just now?"

"This is a dream continued, I'm here?"

"It must be so, otherwise how could there be a strange and beautiful girl lying next to me?"

Just when he was muttering, ready to do something along the dream.

Suddenly, Yun Qiaoer beside her opened her eyes in a daze.


Jill is outrageous!

Yun Zhou's mind turned, and he closed his eyes resolutely, pondering and observing.

On the side, Yun Qiaoer stared blankly at him for a long time, then slammed his face blankly:

"It's impossible, I just dreamed about him, why did I dream about him again?"

"Serial dream? Am I poisoned by him?"

Yun Qiaoer was stunned for a while.

Then, there was a sudden reaction.

Both myself and Yun Zhou were stuffed too much by that woman before, so I wouldn't...

Her body froze, her face flushed and flustered.

Immediately, "shua" lifted the quilt on his side.

When I saw that my clothes were a little messy.

But the rough buttons are still fastened, so I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I didn't yo."

She rubbed the center of her brows, then looked at Yun Zhou quietly again.

The atmosphere returned to silence.

At this time, he heard a "huh".

It was Yun Qiaoer's whisper.

"It's strange, I said that when I was in a haze, I seemed to see Liuli sleeping next to me, so she really came.

"But... why did she go to Yun Zhou's side?"

Frowning, Yunqiao wanted to wake Liuli up.

But because of the position, once the other party is woken up, it is easy to wake up Yun Zhou.

So, after thinking about it for a while.

She made a decision that made Yun Zhou very confused.

Yun Qiaoer didn't say a word, and moved the PG.

Then, carefully calculating, he laid down on his arms again!

Muttering in his mouth:

"Liu Li must have just fallen asleep, so she ran over there...don't worry about her."

"As for me…."

"Ahem, this is not what I want to lie down on!"

"That woman fed me too much yesterday and threw me into your arms!"

"Don't ask me if you're awake, I don't know what's going on, anyway, that's how I woke up just now..."

As she spoke, she seemed to feel that something was missing.

Looking down at Yun Zhou's big hand, he came to his senses.

With a big hand on his waist.

The scene of the crime has been restored.

Then, he closed his eyes again as if to comfort himself.

Yun Zhou: (O_O?).

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