Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1056: Jiang He's Past! Big Fight As Always! (Seeking Subscription)

As soon as these words were uttered, Chu Liuli immediately approved them.

She buried her little head in Yun Zhou's arms.

He said in a low voice, "I agree!"

After half an hour.

Yun Qiaoer suddenly blushed: "Chu Liuli, what are you doing with your hands!?"

"Huh? I didn't do anything."

"Then this is... ah! Deng Tuzi!"

Early the next morning.

It was sunny and breezy.

Holding a pill bottle in his hand, Yun Susu looked at Jiang He who was blocking him and frowned:

"What are you doing?"

Jiang He sat on the stone steps outside the saint's bedroom with a smile, raised his head and said with a smile:

"I didn't do anything, but you, what do you mean by running here with a big pill in the morning?"

While asking, she had a playful smile in her eyes.

More or less a little "I understand you" posture!

Yun Susu's complexion turned dark, and he said in a deep voice: "What do I take, what do I do, does it have anything to do with you?" 28 "This is Yunling, do you think it is Jiangmen?"

Jiang He sneered, "What is Yunling and Jiangmen, why are they so clearly distinguished? We are all sisters~"

"Tell me, why are you here?"

"Did you see that I found a companion for your great nephew, so you were moved and thanked me for coming?"

After hearing these words, Yun Susu's pretty face suddenly became gloomy.

The oppressive atmosphere invaded the entire Saintess Hall.

"Jiang He, I have always had a good relationship with you, but this is not the reason for you to harm my nephew!"

The fairy light gathered in her palm, and all the deacon guards on the Holy Maiden Mountain immediately showed their long swords.

The corner of Jiang He's mouth curled up, "No way, I found a good luck for your nephew, why did it become a disaster for him?"

"As an aunt, don't you want your nephew to die alone?"

As she spoke, she glanced at the guards on both sides, with a mocking look on her face:

"And you, I'm talking to your mountain lord, is it your turn to come out?"

"Draw your sword against me, because you think your life is long?!"


A dazzling light flickered in the sky, and then the dazzling thunder condensed.

The right place is the entire Saintess Mountain!

The guards had no doubt that as long as Jiang He took action, even the Lord of the Mountains would not be able to save them all in an instant.

"Hiss—this is touching the iron plate!"

"Isn't the master of Jiangmen the object of the alliance? Is it possible that he wants to fight with us in Yunling?"

Feeling a little trembling in my heart, the guards swallowed unconsciously.

But Yun Susu, who was standing opposite Jiang He, always looked calm.

Without any panic.

Speaking of which, Jiang He is this person.

It's a little different from other emperor realms. Although it's a human arm guard, it's very low-key.

Except for the reputation of the Six Emperors and the head of Jiangmen.

It is also the title of "the first wine Mengzi in the fairyland".

At first glance, this woman has a bad temper.

Those who shouted and shouted to kill did not have the demeanor of an emperor at all.

Even, because of her greediness, she can beat up children violently and steal other people's sweet treats!

However, Yun Susu knew very well.

This woman is not the type to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Don't say that now the thunderbolt is just placed on the heads of these guards, it is really blown down.

She also dared to be sure that there would be no casualties on her side!

And she is so confident, not because of anything else, but because of understanding.

For Jiang He, anything in her eyes would only be troublesome.

All she loves is drinking and... fighting!

All right.

Fighting this matter has almost rarely happened now.

Except this time because Yun Zhou [killed the two elders of Linmen.

This woman hasn't touched anyone for a long time.

And the root cause of her "salted fish".

It is the former Immortal Emperor.

Thousands of years ago, although Jiang He didn't kill indiscriminately, he did it very hard.

Even the strong men she singled out were all seriously injured.


Even Xiao Tiankuo from Tiandi District, Lin Sheng from Linmen...she didn't let go of any of them.

Although it is said that the confrontation between the emperor and the realm, it is only a matter of time.

But after Xiao Tiankuo and Lin Sheng confronted Jiang He, they also retreated one after another, apparently also injured.

Yun Susu also fought her once when she first boarded the Immortal Realm.

She cut off the sky and the Milky Way with a fairy sword, revealing the starlight and outrageous power.

Yun Susu still remembers the tyranny of one sword and one world.

Since then, she has played all the Six Emperors of the Immortal Domain.

There are wins and losses, showing your sharpness.

However, at this moment, the Immortal Emperor successfully married the Linlang clan, the leader of the ten thousand clans.

Occupied the Immortal Realm with a powerful force!

Jiang He was not convinced at the time, and went to the fairy palace alone.

As a result, I don't know what happened in Asgard.

I can only see the sky full of divine light, and the sound of bombardment continues!

And a few hours later.

When Jiang He came back from there, his cultivation directly dropped two small realms!

Even the whole person has changed.

The fairy sword was sacrificed by her on the main mountain of Jiangmen, and there has been no fight since then.

263 spends the whole day drinking and seeking pleasure, hiding in his one-acre three-point land in Jiangmen, ignoring world affairs.

Speaking of it, this is a wine Mongolian whose edges and corners have been smoothed in the past!

It's just that the Immortal Emperor has disappeared for a long time now, no one can restrain her anymore, and she is gradually becoming rampant again.

And this kind of person, although a bit of a tiger head and a tiger brain, Yun Susu still thinks it's cute.

At least this is much better than those scheming old things.

"Xiaohezi, I will give you a moment to extinguish this thunder in the sky!" Yun Susu narrowed her eyes.

Jiang He shook his little head, "No, if you do this, a weak woman like me can't hold so many people together.


The corner of Yun Susu's mouth twitched.

This "weak woman" refers to yourself?


She was patient, took a deep breath and said: "I took you in, and I already gave you face for the sake of friends.

"Don't forget, this is Yunling of my seat. Where can I go, can you stop me?"

"I advise you, don't be ignorant of good and evil!"

After being scolded a lot, Jiang He was not angry and said with a smile:

"You took me in not to give me face, but to give your precious nephew an extra thug! This is still a lie, are you stupid as an old lady?"

Yun Susu: "

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