Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1069: Gude Gets A Butterfly! Lead? I'm So Cute! (Seeking Subscription)

good idea?

Goode hit a butterfly?

Looking at Li Qiuhuan's old face with a deep smile, Yun Zhou felt a little strange.

Do you always feel that this old guy is holding back something good?

"Auntie, be careful."

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou went directly to Yun Susu's ear, grabbed her little hand and exhaled.

Yun Susu pursed her red lips, trying not to tremble slightly.

This unlucky guy.

Even if I have no blood relationship with you, you can't be so close to me!

Anyway, in name, I am also your aunt.

She wanted to stay away from Yun Zhou, but the two of them were sitting close to each other, so they couldn't be far away at all.

never mind.

After all, he is a nephew and not an outsider, so it's okay to be close.

Yun Susu looked at the second elder calmly, cleared her throat and said, "Speak, what's your idea?"

"That's right."

Li Qiuhuan is old and cunning, grinned and said:

"When I was chatting with the Great Elder, I heard that the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor is not allowed to enter the fifth floor of the Dao Realm."

"So the major forces who learned about this matter, the people they sent out should not be at the level of core elders.

"Most of them should be the elders of the outer sect and the 28 top disciples..."

Speaking of this, he rubbed his hands and smiled:

"So I thought."

"Why don't we use the number of Yunling disciples entering the inheritance place... as one of the rewards of the Wuling Conference?"

"Find a few peak masters who have reached the fourth floor of the Dao Realm."

"How about bringing the top three winners of the Martial Ridge Tournament into the inheritance site and let them strengthen their strength?"

The ten holy artifacts that Yun Susu gave to Wuling No. 1 remain unchanged.

The top three can also enter the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor.

This can be regarded as a disguised form that inspired the disciples' desire to win.

It's not a bad idea.

Just a few people leading the team......

Well, Yun Susu is in a bit of trouble.

In Yunling, the upper and lower classes are polarized.

There are quite a few elders above the fifth level of the Dao Realm, and there are also many peak masters below the third level of the Dao Realm.

Only between the third floor and the fifth floor, there is a gap.

Where can I find a leader like this?

Yun Susu frowned, intending to find all the peak master level people to come and have a look, but he was afraid of trouble.

After thinking for a while, he waved his hand, "Okay, you can just look at the history for yourself.

She didn't want to worry about that either.

And she could see it too.

Li Qiuhuan has her own thoughts.

The two disciples under his seat who he regarded as his sons were also very good in cultivation.

It should not be a big problem to squeeze into the top three.

He came to mention this idea for nothing more than to benefit his two disciples.

Seeing Yun Susu nodding, Li Qiuhuan was overjoyed, cupped his hands and said:

"Okay, the old man will be himself..."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Zhou suddenly said from the side: "Inheriting this kind of thing, the more people there are, the more likely it is to get it.

"Anyway, Yunling is going to follow other forces to grab it."

"If there are few people, don't be in a group. It's better to be happy alone than to be happy together... How about bringing in the top ten of the Linghui?"

"Ah?" Li Qiuhuan and Yun Susu were both stunned.

But Yun Zhou was still smiling.

That's right.

Just like Li Qiuhuan, he also has his own little thoughts.

Right now, the world is obviously different from the original text, and he is not sure about the dangers in the land inherited by the Immortal Emperor.

It would be nice to be able to bring two more meat shields in.

Let's take a step back.

Even if it is the same as the original text, there is no danger in the inheritance ground.

He Yun Zhou wanted to get the inheritance, but the other disciples could only stare blankly.

Looking at it this way, what is the difference between carrying three and carrying ten?

And Li Qiuhuan didn't know what Yun Zhou was up to.

After hearing this, his eyeballs lit up.

Better to bring ten!

The top ten in Wuling, my two disciples should close their eyes and go!

Thinking of this, his old face almost turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile, and gave a thumbs up to Yun Zhou:

"Sect Master Yun, great advice!!"

Yun Susu also took a look at him, "It's easy to bring a few disciples, but the one who leads the team."

"Lord Ling, don't worry, the person who leads the team is old enough to find it..."

At this time, Yun Zhou interrupted this time: "Just lead the team and I will go.


Hearing this, the two looked at Yun Zhou in bewilderment.

Li Qiu gulped his saliva happily, "Well... If I heard correctly just now, you should be at the third level of the Dao Realm, and the leader of this team should..."

Hearing this, Yun Zhou knew what it meant.

Don't look down on him?

Immediately, his expression became quiet, and boundless coercion enveloped him.

A breath comparable to the consummation of Dao realm lingered in the hall in an instant.

Elder Li suddenly turned pale with shock!

Good guy!

Kid Jie, this mighty Daowei...will soon catch up with him?

There was disbelief in his eyes, and it took a long time before he calmed down.

Just like that, he completely believed in Yun Zhou's strength.

Just, a matter of identity.....

"This...Although you are the nephew of Lord Ling, you are also the suzerain of Haoyun Sect."

"Disciple of Yunling...won't I trouble you to take me with you?" Li Qiuhuan said with a tactful smile.

Yun Zhou shook his head: "No, this is not a conflict, after this Wuling, my aunt will give me the position of your Yunling Son.

"Ah..." Li Qiuhuan's mouth twitched.

"Besides, I will be the Holy Son of Yunling in the future, and I need to pay a little bit to make my disciples respect me, so that I can be a Holy Son." Yun Zhou explained.

Be reasonable.

If before today, he still had resistance to the Son of Yunling.

Now, even if this resistance disappeared.

For no other reason.

The inheritance of the immortal emperor was discovered.

If he wants to inherit, he must have enough backing.

However, Haoyun School has just developed, and Riqie has just begun to show signs of development.

At this time, under the banner of "Haoyun Sect", he led Lao Lin and his gang to Xianyu to grab the inheritance.

Once it meets any of the other four major forces.

These people are at risk of injury or even death.

So this wave.

At least before Lao Lin and the others grew up.

He needs Yunling as his backing.

Thinking about it, there is a great power here to follow.

There is no need for Lao Lin and others to be cannon fodder, and his safety is guaranteed.

As for the death of Yunling's Da Neng, he doesn't feel bad either!


Be a holy son for Yunling, and find some thugs.


So that's all he said, what else can Li Qiuhuan say?

This kid keeps his mouth shut to be a holy son, he has a big face...

But who made him the nephew of Lord Ling?

"Okay, the old man will listen to the arrangement of the mountain lord..."

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