Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1080: The Xiao Family Has A Daughter, Xiao Xunxun! Miserable Lin Sheng! (Seeking Subscriptio

After the words fell, Yun Zhou left directly.

Xiao Tiankuo froze on his seat.

He stared at the direction Yun Zhou was leaving with absentminded eyes, and he was still in a haze for a long time.

After a while, he gradually came back to his senses, and finally there was a smile in his eyes.

"This little guy is not unreasonable at all."

For some reason, the thought of marrying her daughter to the other party seems to be a few towers heavier.

But soon, he reacted.

"No, he tm said "double happiness" at the end, didn't he?"

"It's not enough for him to keep the magic lotus, he also misses my daughter?"

"Looks the same... Twice as happy..."

"This dog who is riding a horse, he is simply nasty!!"

Xiao Tiankuo recalled, his eyes widened, and he clenched his back molars angrily.

"Damn it, I actually want to betroth my daughter to him?"

"It's really a big gun!"

He stood up directly from his seat, poked his head out of the curtain, "What about the little guy?"

The man in Tsing Yi at the side was respectful, "Just left, he said that after mastering the way of reincarnation, the doctor will contact you, the domain master.

"Also say..."

Xiao Tiankuo frowned: "What else are you talking about?"

"It also said that the domain master should prepare a dowry for the saint. If he is poor, he will not give a dowry."


The man in Tsing Yi hesitated for a while, and tentatively asked: "Master, do you want to arrest him?"


Xiao Tiankuo was one head and two big, he supported his forehead and said: "It's useless to catch her back, my daughter's life card is still in his aunt's hand, there is nothing he can do..."

"And...he might have a way to restore Xun'er's mind..."

Having said that, a bitterness appeared on his face.

That's right.

This one is called "Xun'er".

The real name is "Xiao Xunxun".

It is the daughter who makes him look sad now!

Back then, he studied the different fires painstakingly and neglected to get close to his daughter.

It's too late for him to regret now.

Now, he can only pin all his hopes on Yun Zhou.

It's ironic enough.

He originally wanted to kill Yun Zhou and was going to kill the Demon Lotus, but now it seemed that he had no chance.

Even now, he still has to be led by the nose by Yun Zhou, giving hope to him.

It's outrageous.

Actually tell the truth.

As one of the six emperors, it couldn't be easier for Xiao Tiankuo to kill a third-level Dao Proof Realm.

However, Yun Zhou is different from ordinary people.

This little guy's identity is too terrifying, the nephew of Emperor Yun, the talent of the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor...

If he really strikes hastily, it will easily cause a catastrophe whether it is against Tiandi or himself.

When returning from the lower realm and just waking up.

He really wanted to kill Jie boy together with Lin Sheng and Ji Ba.

But in the end it failed.

Because of this failure, he completely gave up the idea of ​​killing Yun Zhou.

As they say, he can't afford to gamble.

If you can't afford it, you have to find a way to join.


Only then did he come up with the idea of ​​betrotting his daughter to this kid.

The purpose is to make Yun Zhou agree to take away the magic lotus.

But what about this dog thing?

He agreed to betroth his daughter, but Mo Lian still refused to give it to him!

Even, I am still thinking about "double happiness".

"It's simply not human!"

Xiao Tiankuo was holding his breath in his heart.

He has to admit that with Yun Zhou's identity, talent... and appearance and temperament, he can be called "the son-in-law who rides the dragon quickly"!

There is nothing wrong with marrying his daughter to him.

But this is when the other party is wholeheartedly devoted to his daughter!

His majestic Emperor Xiao, can he let his daughter serve a man with others?

No matter how high the talent is, it won't work!

If this matter gets out, will he, Xiao, be a fool?

"And this kid is so flamboyant, he came up from the lower realm, except for a few old men, the rest are rare beauties..."

"How can this be double happiness? He's ten times happier!"

"Will you not be wronged if you marry your daughter to him?"

Xiao Tiankuo rubbed the center of his brows, not feeling well in his heart.

After a while, he shook his head:

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later, first we have to coax him to see if we can use reincarnation to cure our daughter."

"If he can be cured, it's a big deal to cross the river and demolish the bridge at that time!"

"But if he makes trouble with Yun Susu, how can he explain it..."

"Hey, I'm an emperor after all, why did I become like this?"

"I'm almost catching up with Lin Sheng..."

Xiao Tiankuo sighed and didn't think about it anymore.

His head retracted into the curtain of the chariot, and he said: "Go back.


More than a dozen men in Tsing Yi responded.

The treasure chariot in the cloud and mist moved slowly, heading towards the direction of the sky and the earth.

Xiao Tiankuo left.

It's hard for Barra to leave.

However, he was really wrong in one sentence.

Is his misery comparable to that of Lin Sheng?

Certainly not.

That's too bad!

at this time.

Linmen thousands of miles away.

In the main hall.

Just as the Great Elder said.

With both hands and feet off the ground, the smart IQ will occupy the high ground.

Lin Yuan, awake! 730 pairs.

His limbs were cut off, and he was completely cut into a human being....

Back to my senses!

Then this wave.

When you are awake, stepping on the horse is the beginning of the collapse!

At this moment, his eyes were staring at the wood carvings on the beams.

The nose is a little prickly, and I want to pick areas.

However, he has no hands.

"I'm an adult...

"My limbs were severed..."

"Two arms are gone, and legs are gone."

"I'm an out-and-out cripple now."

He murmured, and his emotions began to progress from calm to excitement again:

"I, Lin Yuan, turned out to be like this!"

"It's Yun Zhou who killed me, it's Yun Zhou who killed me!"

"I want revenge, my motherfucker wants revenge!!"

For some reason, he felt after waking up.

What women, rights, cultivation, etc., are all unimportant.

What he misses the most is precisely his mortal enemy, Yun Zhou!

With this appearance, it is not much different from the beast it transformed into before.

Hmm... just brutal!

Seeing this scene, Lin Sheng on the other side couldn't restrain the pain in his eyes:

"What a great grandson, you can't show it!"

"You just regained your senses, so don't get angry!"

"Then your limbs will be chopped off in vain!".

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