Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1086: Hard Or Soft! Eat It Up? (Seeking Subscription)

Lin Yuan suddenly interrupted the Great Elder's words.

The eyes that can only move are full of beeping and astonishment:

"You mean, Yun Zhou still has an Emperor Realm Uncle!?"

The Great Elder shook his head, "It's not Uncle."

"Huh~ That's good."

"It's Auntie.

I am Lin C%@¥!

God Nima is an aunt!

What's the difference!?

For an instant, the expression on Lin Yuan's face couldn't hold back anymore.

With the identity of the young master of Lin Clan, he thought Yun Zhou couldn't fight him anymore.

Turning around, this bee actually has an aunt in the imperial realm!

How do you say that?

Isn't the only advantage I have is equivalent to being filled?

How can I be against him?

Can I get over him?

It didn't take even a few seconds, the self-confidence that Lin Yuan had built up with great difficulty collapsed.

"Eh? Young master, don't give up on yourself!"

Seeing the change in Lin Yuan's expression, the Great Elder spoke quickly.

The Dao Mie Dao Pill that was refined was put aside by him.

Come directly to comfort me.

"Young master, we don't need 28, he has an aunt in the emperor's realm, and you have a great-grandfather in the emperor's realm!"

"Besides, our sect master is stronger than his aunt, so we are not afraid of Ao."

"And take a look, my Dao Mie Dan has been prepared."

"Even if he is protected by his aunt, he cannot be holy."

"But whether he has been cultivated or not, isn't it considered a bad breath?"

The big maggot version of Lin Yuan sinks into the water.

How long did it take me to tm lose consciousness?

Why did this boy change completely?

When he was in the lower realm, he was the holy son of the first righteous sect, and when he came to the fairyland, he was also the nephew of the emperor realm

Why is this dog's life so good?

As far as status and power are concerned, I can't hold him down, right?

Lin Yuan suppressed the depression in his heart, and said in a low voice: "With his aunt taking care of him, how can we attack Yun Zhou?"

The Great Elder was confused for a moment, and then said: "Yes, how do you attack Yun Zhou?"


Lin Yuan was full of question marks, "Elder Elder, I asked you to help me find a solution, what do you mean by asking back? Playing football?"

The Great Elder still had nothing to say.

For that matter, he had no idea himself.

What else can I say to Lin Yuan?

Besides, this is the relationship between you and Yun Zhou.

It's up to you to think of a way!

The old brain is not easy to use...

What good advice do you still expect from me?

To be reasonable.

Lin Yuan feels very uncomfortable now.

The main reason is that this wave of news caught him off guard!

He has now lost both arms and legs and has become a personal stick.

Now the only one who can support him daring to seek revenge on Yun Zhou is the young master of Linmen.

He was still pondering, waiting to be recognized by the disciples of Linmen.

Once the Great Elder's medicine came out, he sent people from Linmen to kill Yun Zhou!

Force him to take the medicine, so that the other party has no cultivation base, and he will stand up!

Unexpectedly, this bastard, he actually has an aunt in the imperial realm!

If he can send people from Linmen to trouble him, he can also find someone from his aunt to guard against him!

Here comes the problem.

Can this Linmen still be the object of his reliance?

This horse-riding man has made a mistake!

Once the two similar forces start to quarrel, it will definitely not end well.

Seeing what great-grandfather meant, it is impossible to pay the entire Linmen for him!

Then if he can't rely on Linmen, how should he deal with Yun Zhou?

In other words, how can I get Yun Zhou to eat the "Mie Dao Pill"?

It's definitely not going to be hard.

If he relies on cheating, why is he cheating?

After this wave, he has become a stick, and he still can't take revenge?

He Yun Zhou spends time outside with all kinds of good-looking girls, so he has to be greedy?

But it's so miserable!


As far as I am now, if I can't take revenge, my mood will definitely be affected.

At that time, the cultivation base cannot be improved, and I am still a stick.

What would Linmen disciples think of themselves?

On the surface, he is respectful and respectful, but in private he will definitely treat himself as a laughing stock!

From now on in this strange fairyland...

No, even in this Linmen, he couldn't lift his head up!

Being pointed at by others, but always on guard against Yun Zhou...

How were those days?

Lin Yuan was so depressed that he blushed and his neck was thick.

For now, the situation has exceeded his expectations.

He really didn't know how to deal with Yun Zhou.

If this dog does not die, it will be his nightmare for the rest of his life!

Ask the elders of Linmen to give Yun Zhouxuan the Dao Mie Dao Pill to eat?

Surely not.

Maybe Yun Zhou still has some kind of aunt watching.

It's hard to come now.

Then... let's go soft?

Ah! Nima's!!

Why is it so soft!?

I can't find him, kneel down and beg him to eat Dao Mie Dan, right?

Lin Yuan was so aggrieved by the difficulty for a moment, he felt that the only thing left of his head was about to explode.

Well, the CPU is not enough, it will burn!

The Great Elder saw that he looked a little out of breath, and said tentatively:

"Master 827, what's wrong with you?"

"Is there something uncomfortable? Let me show you?"

"No." Lin Yuan shook his head like a rattle:

"You can see a doctor, but you can't cure a fool..."

"No, I mean, I was going.

"Your elixir is almost refined, right?"

"Come on, let me take a look."

As he spoke, he directly took the pill bottle that was placed on the table by the great elder.

Open it and take a look.

A strong elixir aroma made him feel refreshed!

Not to mention, it looks pretty good!

Looking carefully, he was still a little strange.

Why are the elixirs refined by the Great Elder all black?

They all seem to look alike.

Of course, it wasn't a big deal, and he didn't take it to heart.

After pondering for a while, he put the pill bottle on the table, and said falteringly:

"What's inside."

"It's good that this elixir is refined, but I haven't thought of a good way to trick Yun Zhou into taking it for a while.

"I'll put it here with you first, and I'll come to pick it up when I think of a way."

The First Elder looked at him suspiciously, and felt that Lin Yuan was acting weird now.

It's not the same as before.

There is no strength.

Feeling... a bit bad?

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