Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1090: Certified Lsp? The Second Step To Get Closer! (Seeking Subscription)

Kneel and lick.

It means that a person can let go of his dignity and act as a licking dog for others!

But thick-skinned is different.

The dignity is still there, just bite the bullet.

It is definitely impossible to lick a dog, the target is a living person!

Then he, Yun Zhou.

As a certified Isp, he has never been a dog licker for four years.

However, for the purpose.

Audacity is still necessary!

Then this wave is very useful.

Under Yun Zhou's shameless offensive.

Yun Susu on the other side of the token was breathing heavily, her beautiful eyes were shining with a helpless look.

After a long time, she sighed: "You little guy, you are not as cute as you were when you were a child, you are so annoying."

Yun Zhou responded with a smile: "Who said that? If I'm annoying, can my aunt still like me?"

"And I listened to everything my aunt said."

"Don't worry, I will definitely exercise restraint in the future and try not to mess around!

Yun Susu said unhappily: "If you have a sense of restraint, why are you going back to Haoyunzong?"

Obviously I haven't seen each other for eighteen years, but I have to go back after a day or two of meeting.

This look means going back to accompany my confidante.

Three or four days to come back to participate in the Yunling Conference... It's not enough for him to toss!

This little guy is such a libertine!

"Ah this..."

Yun Zhou scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed.

But Yun Susu obviously didn't mean to be really angry with him.

He took a long breath, and put aside the helplessness in his heart.

She shifted back to the topic and said, "You must pay more attention during this time."

"Although I got the life card of Xiao Tiankuo's daughter, I can't help but guarantee that he won't jump the wall in a hurry.

"Also, apart from Xiao Tiankuo, you should also pay attention to Chen Fusheng and Chen Fuxian from the Chen family."

"These two people have seen your talent, and nine out of ten will promise you something and tie you together with them"~.

"The motives must be impure, and you should try to stay as far away from them as possible.

"Don't let them use you..."

The current situation in Immortal Territory looks clear, but in fact it is complicated and confusing.

The two brothers of the Chen family looked like they were watching a play.

But she knew that once she fought for Zhou'er and Xiao Tiankuo thoroughly.

The first to participate must be the home!

As for how to get involved...

It must have opened the gap from Zhou'er, so she must remind!

Hearing this, Yun Zhou responded solemnly: "Don't worry, Auntie, I know it well."

"The only one who is close to me is you, aunt."

"Whoever wants me to sleep but you... Pooh, I won't go aboard!"

Damn, this wave is just mouth watering!

When Yun Susu heard this, she lowered her head in embarrassment.

My heart was about to freeze, and I said to myself:

"Don't they all say that the son follows the father?"

"Why is the 'adopted brother' honest and honest, but his son is like a disciple?"

All right.

Although she was picked up and raised by Yun Zhou's father.

But, she really treats him as her elder brother!

Seeing Yun Zhou being so eloquent now, she was annoyed and angry.

Can't help scolding: "Can you learn from your father and be more serious?"

Yun Zhouzheng'er said: "I am very serious now!"

"Although my father is an upright person, he is very good at learning the weekend traditions passed down from my Yun family!"

"At the beginning he asked me to learn, but I didn't learn it. From this point of view, I am more serious than my father!"

"But aunt, although I didn't learn it, I remembered it."

"Do you want to learn? I can teach you the mind....I..."

Hearing Yun Zhou's words getting more and more outrageous, Yun Susu hastily interrupted:

"Shut up!"

She turned into a steam girl, blushing almost to the point of smoking.

How did this little guy manage to be so cool!

"Okay, that's the end of this topic, let's talk about seriousness now."

She calmed down, and then asked: "You and Qiaoer...what's going on?"

Yun Zhou was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "We are just friends.

Yun Susu said seriously: "Is that true?"

After finishing speaking, she was afraid that Yun Zhou would think too much, and added: "If you really like her, Auntie will support her with both hands.

"But you have to understand that the position of the main wife by your side must not be her."

"Although Qiaoer's talent is strong, she is not worthy of this position..."

Yun Zhou smiled wryly.

What is this tm talking about?

For the sake of his great nephew, he even started to backstab his own disciple?

After all, it was passed on by you personally, so how about saying that she is "unworthy" so straightforwardly?

Of course, I want to think so, but I can't say that.

Yun Zhou coughed twice, and calmly said: "..." Don't worry, aunt, I only met Yun Qiaoer a few times. "

"Sleeping together yesterday was just being fed too much, it was all a misunderstanding."

"It's not enough to mention what you like."

Yun Susu groaned slightly after hearing this.

Although she also likes Qiao'er quite a bit, she once thought about using her as a child bride for Zhou'er.

But since she saw Zhou'er's tyrannical talent before, she made up her mind.

Qiaoer, at most I can arrange a concubine position!

Being a regular still not good enough for Zhou'er.

How about pity the hearts of aunts in the world.

Nephew and disciple, who is important, is clear at a glance!

After thinking about it, she said softly: "You and Qiao'er have known each other for a long time, if you have thoughts in the future, just tell aunt, and aunt will arrange for you."

"However, for the time being, you should let go of these matters between men and women, and you will be ready for the Yun (Nuo Dehao) Ling meeting in two days.

"It's definitely no problem for you to win the championship, but you still need to pay more attention when you take your disciples to the inheritance place of the Immortal Emperor.

"It's still a bit dangerous for you now..."

"Okay." Yun Zhou replied: "I understand, don't worry, Auntie.


Yun Susu said with some expectation: "After a few days, when I come back from the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, can I spend a few more days with my aunt in Yunling?"

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years, aunt sweet court daughter-in-law."

While speaking, there was an unconcealable tenderness in her voice.

The first step in getting closer to my nephew has already been done through a meal.

The next step is to follow what Chu Lingxiao said.

Let's go shopping together!

Yun Zhou naturally would not refuse, and responded with a smile: "Okay, I will live in Yunling for a while in a few days."


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