Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1098 : The Symbol Of A Calm Man! Rebel Maturity Ceremony! (Seeking Subscription)

Not so mature idea?

Yan Yi looked over suspiciously, "Tell me."

"What's inside, hehe..."

Yun Zhou grinned, "It's getting late, why don't Master rest at my place tonight?"

Yanyi: ..…………

"Your thoughts are not so mature..."


Looking at Yun Zhou's smiling face, Yan Yi's eyes became wary:

"Traitor, I said before that you are not allowed to be presumptuous before you get married... What kind of dirty ideas are you planning?"

Yun Zhou stared round his eyes, with a look of "you wronged me", and said unconvinced:

"Master, what are you thinking? I just want to help Master strengthen his cultivation, what's wrong with it!?"

Yan Yi's eyes dimmed: "You really think so?"

"Ah this..."

"Five Five Zero" Yun Zhou rolled his eyes in embarrassment, but soon became serious:

"Yes, that's what my disciple thinks!"

"Having been together for so many years, Master still doesn't understand the disciple?"

"The disciple is a serious person, never messes around, his heart shines brightly, and ghosts and monsters are not near him!"

"My love for Master is from the bottom of my heart. How could it be so superficial and only greedy for Master's body?"

As he spoke, he shook his head and raised three fingers:

"I post four, I just want to strengthen the master's cultivation, if there is a little bit of dissatisfaction, let the master pass on ten heirs to me, let me run around for the rest of my life for the children, and torture me to death

Yan Yi stared blankly at Yun Zhou, holding her forehead helplessly.

Having been together for more than ten years, in her impression, the young Yun Zhou was not so shameless.

How did this grow up to be more shameless?

But needless to say, compared to the submissive one before, she still likes the current Yun Zhou.

She glanced over with her beautiful eyes, and coughed lightly: "My room is not far from here, if I want to strengthen my cultivation, I can do it myself, I don't need you.

"How can it not be used?"

Yun Zhou scratched his head and analyzed: "Look, it's just you who consolidate your cultivation. It's definitely not good for ten days and half a month."

"It's different if I help you, we two men and women match Yin-Yang tune... Bah, work is not tiring, I promise to make your consolidation speed ten times faster!"

"Master, you also know that I have provoked a lot of people recently. Don't you want to hurry up and stabilize your strength and help me deal with it together?"

After finishing these words, Miyi "enini" started.

But he still shook his head, "Your reason is not enough, change to another one."

Yun Zhou frowned seeing Yan Yi's lack of oil and salt.

Simply show the cards directly, "I don't care, I just want to sleep with Master!"

"It's been a long time since I posted it, and the disciples can't feel the love of the master anymore!"

Yun Zhou stuck his neck, and was so shameless!

Yan Yi's face turned red instantly, "You traitor, you are finally telling the truth, you are really shameless!"

Yun Zhou looked at her seriously, "My disciple, this is what I sincerely want. Today is the fourteenth day of the second lunar month in the Haotu calendar. This disciple calls this day Valentine's Day, so I want to spend it with Master in my arms!

Yan Yi was stunned.

Valentine's day? What kind of holiday is it?

Why hasn't she heard of it?

Subconsciously, she wanted to refuse.

But when she met Yun Zhou's sincere eyes, she swallowed her words back.

For nothing else.

Just Yun Zhou's fiery eyes warmed her heart a bit.

Looking at this cheek, she felt her heart beating faster inexplicably, and she couldn't help but say over her head:

"You traitor, you know that talking nonsense can make me flustered, and you can even make up Valentine's Day..."

Yun Zhou's face brightened, "Then Master didn't refuse?"

Yan Yi shyly did not dare to turn her head, and whispered:

"I promise you can, but, but it's just hugging, at most, you can are not allowed to think about other things!"

Yun Zhou Xiaoji Peckmi nodded: "I'll post four, I promise I won't worry about anything else!"

"It really fell into the hands of a traitor like you..."

Yanyi looked at him helplessly, angry and funny.

But then she thought of something again, and said puzzledly: "But Yuechan and the others are also in the main hall, if I'm here with you, I won't be caught by them..."

She spoke halfway, then froze.

I saw Yun Zhou appeared at the door at some point, with two big hands drawing circles, an invisible partition formation was released..

When he was moving, he looked back suspiciously: "Master, what did you just say?"

Yanyi: (—_—)

She lowered her head helplessly, rubbed her eyebrows and said:

"If you can put this energy into improving your cultivation, I don't have to worry about you now.

Although she has some opinions on the surface, she is very comfortable in her heart.

After all, from a certain point of view, this also highlights her position in Yun Zhou's heart.

Soon, the two came to the couch.

Yun Zhou pouted his head and was a little dazed, "Master, why do you have to wear a coat to consolidate your cultivation?"

Yan Yi sat on the side of the couch, patiently and shyly said: "Nonsense, I don't want to lose my sleep to strengthen my cultivation, why do I get out?"

.......That's right. "

Yun Zhou was lying on the side, with his big hands on Yanyi's back, and the immortal charm in his hands was directly helping Yanyi to consolidate her cultivation.

The rare silence in the bedroom.

After a long while, Yanyi's realm was consolidated three out of ten, but she had no intention of consolidating it.

That's right!

She is curious!

With this rebel's temperament, how could he be so honest when he was on the same couch with him?

This is not in line with common sense!

Just as she was thinking about it, her body froze suddenly.

I saw Yun Zhou approaching her ear at some point, and said with a smile 4.2: "Master, you have a disordered mind!"

Then, with a cry of surprise, she was directly dragged to lie down!

"Rebel, rebel, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I just feel that Master may be a little tired, and I want you to rest."

"Rest~ This seat will not be tired even if it is closed for a year, you, you...forget it, then don't make any moves."

"Don't worry, disciple is not that kind of person!"

Yan Yi let the other party carry her, lying on his broad chest.

Another time passed.

"What are you doing with your face here?"


"Hmm -- traitor, what are you doing with your claws?"


"Mist Grass, Master, I'm sorry you're poking my hand!!"


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