Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1104: Beep! Mu Xueyun's Hardcore Confession! (Seeking Subscription)

All the way into the room, closing the door smoothly.

Yun Zhou went straight to the bed with slippers on, and began to look inside Daohai.

Dao Sea is filled with fairy energy, and everything is full of vitality.

On the side of the sea, there is a white beautiful figure sitting here.

He said that Hainei turned into an entity and stepped over.

I saw Mu Xueyun sitting calmly by the sea, her two little feet still dangling in his sea.

Hmm... she's playing with water.


Playing with water!?

"Damn it, stop for me!"

Seeing this, Yun Zhou immediately became unhappy.

He walked over quickly and slipped her out.

Good guy!

Is this girl's big bear directly proportional to her courage?

Dare to use his Daohai to wash his feet?!

Mu Xueyun was lifted and slipped on the back of her neck, she didn't feel anything wrong at all.

Meimou took a look at the other party's body, and suddenly her eyes focused:

"Jiang He is kind to you, and even gave you a drink of fairy wine..."

Anyway, he has been in Xianyu for so long.

Mu Xueyun and Jiang He naturally knew each other.

Because of the acquaintance, when she looked at Yun Zhou's fairy soul, she had such a momentary male god.

That's right!

Jianghe's immortal brew has the effect of condensing the immortal soul.

On weekdays, this woman is very precious, even she and Lin Langyue can't even have a drink.

Unexpectedly, this stingy woman would give Yun Zhou a drink.

There was more interest in Mu Xueyun's eyes, and suddenly she was a little immersed in Yun Zhou's Dao Sea to practice.

This wave, I missed a good show.

Yun Zhou shook his head, "What fairy wine, that mother just poured me wine, trying to see me make a fool of myself.

Mu Xueyun shook her head and said: "You are not familiar with her... Forget it, why tell you these things, I have business with you."

"What business?" Yun Zhou asked curiously.

Mu Xueyun cleared her throat, "There are two things in total."

"The first thing is to remind you to be less arrogant in the future. When I met Xiao Tiankuo yesterday, the other party was obviously moved."

"Fortunately, you are lucky, Yun Susu moves very quickly."

"Otherwise, your little life may be lost indiscriminately."

Hearing this, he stood back:

"Sorry, arrogance is in nature, and your character who only knows how to avoid the world can't understand it.

"The character of avoiding the world... is it a disguise to say that I am cowardly?"

Mu Xueyun heard the meaning behind Yun Zhou's words.

But she was not angry, and calmly said:

"If you don't know how to restrain yourself, you may die in the future

"Death? That's bullshit."

Yun Zhou curled his lips in disdain, "There are only a few who can make me die young."

"When I grow up, I will fold them one by one, and pick off the stars..."

"Shut up."

Mu Xueyun quickly raised her hand to stop it.

What is this little thing talking about?

It's not serious if you don't say a few words, it's just a dirty brat...

Yun Zhou lowered the opponent's neck, let her feet touch the ground, and then said impatiently:

"Okay, let's talk about the second thing."

Vaguely, he felt that Mu Xueyun seemed to have some kind of King Lei Wei.

"Okay, the second thing is... I might have to leave."

Yun Zhou: "???"

"Leave? Where are you going?"

Mu Xueyun's face was calm, "I have been in your Daohai for a few days, and I have found the opportunity to become emperor,"

"If there are no accidents, it is estimated that my immortal soul will leave after becoming emperor in the next two days."

"After re-condensing the fairy body, I will return to Wuxumen..."

hear this.

Yun Zhou leaned over, frowning, and said, "So, you're done with me now, and you're ready to pull up your pants and leave?"

In a word.

Mu Xueyun: (0_0)o

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"What nonsense, isn't that the case?"

Yun Zhou spread his hands, "You come to my body for a while, and I will leave immediately after using it. Aren't you so happy that you don't admit it?"

The corner of Mu Xueyun's mouth twitched, "Then what do you think?"

Yun Zhou curled his lips: "You have to give me some benefits no matter what?"

"Benefits... yes."

Mu Xueyun groaned for a while, and agreed:

"After I succeed in proving the emperor and return to the Wu Wang Sect, I will give you all the details of the small half of the sect.

Although Yun Zhou looks quite out of tune.

But no matter what, this is also Yan'er's disciple, who grew up in Wuwangzong.

As a master, she cared less about him in the first place.

At this time, it was through his Daohai that he found the opportunity to become the emperor...

From all perspectives, it would be unreasonable not to give some benefits.

..." The benefits are promised to you, and there are some other things I want to remind you. "

Mu Xueyun said seriously: "Try not to put yourself in danger in the future, and take good care of yourself."

"If you really have troubles that can't be solved, if you can't go to your aunt, you can go to Wuwangmen to find me."

"Ah this..."

Yun Zhou scratched his head, and said a little confused: "Can I understand that...Little Yunyun, you are flirting with me?"

Mu Xueyun's eyelids twitched, and she was in no mood to refute.

This person is no ordinary shameless person!

She shook her head and said weakly: "Think whatever you want."

"I just wanted you to know."

"Whether it was before or now, Immortal Realm or Haotu...Your title of Son of Wuxu has always been there!"

"You are not only the pride of your master, but also me...

Before she finished speaking, Yun Zhou was startled!

I saw that his eyes were rounded, and his eyes were filled with uncontrollable shock (Wang Wang's) shock and shock.

When he came back to his senses, he quickly stepped back a few steps, staring at Mu Xueyun with a pair of deep eyes.

Those eyes... like a woman from a good family being targeted by bandits.

The fear in the bones belongs to yes.

Seeing him like this, Mu Xueyun frowned suspiciously: "What are you doing? Is there any discomfort?"

As she spoke, she leaned closer, wanting to check on Yun Zhou.

【This riding horse actually wants to use his hands and feet!?】

Yun Zhou twitched the corners of his mouth and raised his hand, saying seriously:

"Little Yunyun, calm down."

"Even if you like me, you can't mess around!"

"We are two generations behind, and this is my Daohai, so don't mess around.

"If you really want something, after you condense the immortal body, I will catch it in the east hand."

"Don't pollute my Daohai......".

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