Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1107 : Rourua Brain Melon! Fierce Big Baby! (Seeking Subscription)

"shut up!"

Listening to Yun Zhou's sophistry, Mu Xueyun's body trembled angrily.

There is an undisguised shark look in his eyes, but there is also an inexplicable helplessness.

no way.

Although this kind of bad guy is a jerk, she can't beat it, and she can't beat it.

She said bitterly: "You are not allowed to tell anyone about the intertwined soul power between you and me, including Yan'er, or you will bear the consequences!"

After finishing speaking, her figure was gradually dissipating.

Just before disappearing, the voice came again:

"I will use this opportunity to break through the Emperor Realm as soon as possible, and then I will go back to Wuxumen.

"Remember what I said, if you have anything you can't solve, you can come to Wuwangmen to find me."

"Also, keep it as low-key as possible."

"Although your current combat power is considered to be capable of self-protection in the fairyland, none of the people you have offended has a fuel-efficient lamp.

"If they get mad, let alone your strength is not enough, even your aunt may not be able to protect you."

"Right now, the most important thing for you is to increase your strength as soon as possible, and don't fight your brains with various forces..."

Following some warnings, Mu Xueyun's voice completely disappeared. 28

Yun Zhou rubbed his chin, "Tsk, just a few days in my Dao Sea, I found an opportunity to break through the Emperor Realm... It's really cheap for her.

"But the beauty is so kind, whoever made her like me, it's thanks to me for admitting it."

"Hey~ You still confessed your love to me, fused with my fairy you want to give her a chance?"

Recalling "Xiong Darou rua's brain melon" just now, he tilted his head.

Don't say it, just this feeling, I really can't forget it.

And that amazing bear aside.

This woman looks speechless.

Although he is his master in name.

But the waterfall-like hair and those small cheeks... no matter how you look at it, she looks like a boudoir girl in her twenties.

The kind that looks alluring.

Yun Zhou boasts that he is also an sp who has broken away from vulgar tastes.

However, this is no longer the category of "low taste"!

This is very interesting!

At this time, Yun Zhou suddenly saw a clear Dao Sea, and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled:

"It's really uncomfortable to leave suddenly and suddenly~"

With a murmur and a chuckle, he withdrew from Daohai.

He listened to Mu Xueyun's words.

But, even if he keeps a low profile, won't that group of things bother him?

Absolutely impossible!

Leaving aside other people, it is impossible for Lin Sheng alone to let him go.

Lin Yuan has been cut off his limbs now, after the situation is completely stabilized

Linmen breaks the mountain, the first person that Lao Bideng is looking for is him!

Therefore, it is necessary to improve strength, but keeping a low profile... is not necessary!

Just as Yun Zhou thought.

Thousands of miles away, Yinmen.

At this time, Lin Sheng was sitting in his main hall, listening to the deacon's report, frowning:

"You mean...Xiao Tiankuo went to see Yun Zhou?"

The deacon nodded, "Yes, I don't know what the two said in the treasure chariot, and finally Yun Zhou left safely..."

Hearing this, Lin Sheng could only feel the corners of his mouth twitching uncontrollably.

This is riding a horse!

Even if they stopped him, could he still let him leave unharmed?

This old thing is nothing!

Lin Sheng's face was slightly gloomy, and he calmed down for a long time before he said lightly: "Old Xiao can't refer to these things..."

"I told the disciples in the sect to seize the time to enter the realm recently, and there may be a fierce battle in the near future.

"...Yes." The deacon walked out in response.

Lin Sheng sat on the chair and rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

In fact, to be reasonable, he didn't want Linmen and Yunling to confront each other.

But that's where the problem lies.

He wanted to avoid it, but his eldest grandson would definitely not be able to swallow this breath.

Rather than letting his good grandson take risks secretly, it is better to be tough.

And...he let go of his hand, Xiao Tiankuo probably wouldn't look at it, right?

At that time, I will think of a way to tie that old fellow Chen Fusheng onto the boat...everything will be fine.

Just when he was thinking about how to operate it.

Outside the temple gate.

After a painful night, Lin Yuan was pushed here by the maid.

The aggrieved heart can no longer be concealed.

He gave the maid a look, and immediately pushed the door of the main hall open.

After being placed in the middle of the hall by the other party, the maid left respectfully.

"Huh? Good grandson? It's not even noon yet, what are you doing?"

"Why don't you take more rest?"

"Could it be that you can't sleep because of the pain?"

Lin Sheng sat on the main seat, looked at the stick-like great-grandson below, and tilted his head in doubt.

"I can bear this pain." Lin Yuan shook his head and said seriously:

"I came here to ask my great-grandfather for an idea. You don't know, the Great Elder, it's rough!"


Is the big elder rough?

Lin Sheng's head stopped turning.

Didn’t you just let you guys build up a relationship yesterday? Why did you give someone a boost?

What's up?

Didn't your kid piss off the Great Elder?

"Great grandson, don't worry, tell me, what happened?"

"Did Ah Da make you angry?"

"Which way!" Lin Yuan shook his head and said:

"That's the thing, the Great Elder is researching a Dao Mie Pill, do you know about 380?"

Lin Sheng shook his head, "I don't know."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan became interested, "I don't know? If I don't know, I'll tell you!"

"This thing is so fierce!"

"How fierce is it? It can live to death!"

"But it has side effects."

"Eating this kind of thing can make people's cultivation disappear in an instant, the kind that can't be cultivated in the future!"

"Then the Great Elder and I have a good idea for this thing!"

Lin Sheng was shocked: "What a good idea?"

"You don't think you are hurt too badly, so you want to eat this thing?"

"You can't, big grandson, you won't grow legs if you eat this stuff.

"Don't listen to the Great Elder fooling you, we can't do stupid things!"

Lin Yuan frowned impatiently:

"Who said I'm going to eat it!"

"The idea of ​​the Great Elder and I is to give this stuff to Yun Zhou!"

In an instant, Lin Sheng's eyes lit up:

"Give it to Yun Zhou?"

"Hiss——that's a great idea!"

"Give it to him, let his cultivation base disappear, and become a useless person..."

"Good guy, you and the Great Elder's brains are fine!"

Lin Yuan shook his head like a rattle:

"What can it be, the idea of ​​me and the Great Elder, it doesn't work now..."

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