Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1110: The Male Protagonist Is Bitter, And The Lady Provides Yun For Fun! (Seeking Subscripti

hear this.

Lin Sheng shook his head helplessly, and said persuasively:

"What's the shame in that?"

"First of all, the Great Elder is one of our people. If you ask him, he will help. This is his duty."

"Secondly, he helped you get this done, and I will benefit him as well."

"Why isn't he happy?"

"As for your purpose, you don't have to hide it from him, just tell him the truth."

"This way he can also find a better reason to talk to his grandniece..."

Having said that, Lin Yuan became a little anxious and interrupted:

"But didn't I let the Great Elder use his grandniece?"

"If the Great Elder knows, won't he feel that I am a villain?"

Lin Sheng smiled mysteriously, stood up and put his hands behind his back, "Wrong."

"If you do this, he will regard you higher."

"Ah? How do you say that?"

Lin Yuan was taken aback and asked curiously.

"Alas~" Lin Sheng sighed calmly: "Since ancient times, those who have achieved great things do not care about small things.

28 "You do whatever you can to get things done, he will see you, and he will think you are a ruthless person."

"As for the petty people..."

"Let me tell you this, when did our old Lin family ever have a gentleman?"

"I didn't know that when you were alive, I wondered if it was because I did too many bad things, so that made me disappear... Cough cough!"

"It's off topic... In short, you should be clearer.

"As long as you tell him about it, he will definitely help you."

After Lin Sheng finished speaking, the hand behind his back loosened a little.

He felt that it had already reached this level.

Even if Lin Yuan is a fool, he should have no scruples.

Then this wave, the troubled abyss did not let him have a heart attack.

I saw him nodding his head heavily, and said in a low voice:

"Okay, then I understand."

"I'm going to find the elder!"

"Okay." Lin Sheng nodded in satisfaction, and added:

"You go to see the Great Elder first, and I will take you to see after two days, your unmarried lady... no, what does the woman we pick look like.

Lin Yuan nodded seriously, "Okay, I really have to take a look."

"Nothing can go wrong."

"When are you going to take me to see it?"

"Just the next morning." Lin Sheng replied.

"The next morning?"

"Can we change it to noon? My cultivation base is empty now, it's too early and I can't wake up." Lin Yuan licked his face and said.

Lin Sheng's face darkened: "Only in the morning, I'm not free at other times."

"Okay, okay." Lin Yuan said dissatisfied, "It's a big deal, I'll just go to bed early tomorrow."

"Shall I come here to see you in the morning after tomorrow?"

"No, you can go straight to Brokeback Mountain."

"She is a disciple of Brokeback Mountain, can't you find the Tao?"

"Brokeback Mountain?" Lin Yuan tightened his grip.

"The person you are looking for is a disciple of Brokeback Mountain?"

"Can we change the name of this mountain?"

"The name sounds so harsh to my ears!"

"I've lost all my limbs, and I'm still going to Brokeback Mountain, I..."

Seeing that Lin Yuan was about to become an idiot.

Lin Sheng hurriedly stroked his hair:

"Okay, what do you say, change the name, I will change the name after a while."

"It's all trivial matters, the main thing is that you have a look to see if this girl can pass the test, and if you can arrange to be with Yun Zhou.

"If you really don't want to go up the mountain, just wait at the foot of the mountain. I can ask the Lord of Broken Arm Peak to bring her down."

"This... okay." Lin Yuan murmured and shook his head.

"You are the ancestor, I just listen to you."

"Then I'm leaving, I'm going to find the Great Elder."

"In the morning of the day after tomorrow, I will be waiting for you at Broken Mountain."

"By the way, tell a maid to bring me something to eat when she comes over to push me."

Lin Sheng:

"Okay, I'll ask someone to bring you a bunch of food."

"Ah... I don't need that much, I can't eat it."

"You ride a horse..."

Lin Sheng really has no way to deal with this bum.

With a wave of Xianli in his hand, he directly moved Lin Yuan to the entrance of the hall.

He didn't let out a long breath until the maid pushed Lin Yuan away.

This tm.

I don't know when, I will be pissed off by this little bastard!

He put his hands on the armrests of the chair, looked up at the wood carving above, and thought in his eyes.

He felt that his approach was indeed a good idea!

To be honest.

If it weren't for Yun Susu, he wouldn't have thought about so many ways for Lin Yuan.

Directly force Yun Zhou to eat that Dao Mie Dao Pill.

However, there is Yun Susu.

This idea is unrealistic.

Compared with this, it is definitely safer to arrange a "beauty trick".

Moreover, as far as that girl grows, there is indeed nothing to say.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to think about being his great-grandson-in-law.

He was sure that with a beauty of this level, it would definitely not be a problem to win Yun Zhou!

And the reason why he can be sure is that the girl agreed to do this.

It's also because the girl's condition is not very good.

Both of his parents died and he had no one to rely on, and his survival depended entirely on the protection of Linmen.

He is the sect master's order, and the other party will never dare to disobey it.

However, 883 is not absolute.

When he wanted her to be his great-grandson-in-law, the woman objected.

He didn't give him any face as the head of the sect.

As far as marriage is concerned, there is a bottom line.

Even if he was manipulated by Lin Sheng secretly and put on small shoes to clean the entire mountain, he would not let go.

But although Lin Sheng was angry at that time, he doesn't care now.

When he sent this girl over, he would only call it a completion of the task.

As for whether girls have a bottom line, can they hold on...

It has nothing to do with him.


Although the beauty trick is the most important part of it, he didn't say that he must sleep with him.

As long as you teach this little girl how to deal with it, she will give you enough benefits and benefits.

Believe she should go.

After thinking about this, Lin Sheng showed a big smile.

Although, in his capacity, doing such a dirty thing is a bit cheap.

But it was also a helpless move forced by Yun Susu.

With this woman here, Yun Zhou...can't be hard yet.

But nothing.

Just make an agreement with that little girl.

There is no need for her to sacrifice herself.

I can still promise her to dissolve her engagement with her eldest grandson

With all the conditions added together, this girl has no reason to refuse! .

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