Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1118 : Lin Sect Spy! Exaggerated High-Quality Girls! (Seeking Subscription)

If nothing unexpected happens.

This "beauty trick" must be no problem to use!

Wait for this plan to fully unfold.

Yun Zhou was dealt with.

The eldest grandson is in a better mood, and his recovery is speeding up.

Then the young master's position will be secure.

one stone two bird!

The arrangement is clear!

Lin Sheng thought flatteredly that when the identity of Lin Yuan's successor is determined, he can practice steadily.

Well, let's keep up with the cultivation base and directly provide for the elderly!

Be the man behind Linmen!

Thinking about it, he comfortably poured himself a cup of tea and drank it casually.

About half an hour or so.

Lin Yuan was finally pushed over by the maid.

As soon as he entered the Broken Mountain Palace, he began to complain to his ancestors:

"Great-grandfather, I didn't say that the time you're looking for is really "seven-five-seven".

"The group of disciples are now concentrating on the cultivation square."

"When I passed by, let them see it completely, with that look in their eyes, I was just across the road.

"Do you think they will mock me in private as a stick?"

Lin Sheng:

He looked at Lin Yuan extremely speechlessly.

My grandson is really getting more and more inferior.

He has been immersed in the term "human stick" and can't get out.

He completely forgot that he was his great-grandson, the future young master of Linmen!

You have your ancestors and I will back you up, so what are you afraid of?

Who dares to gossip about you?

Moreover, you have no ability, why are you still talking to the maid behind you?

Can you be a little calm as a young master?

Even if the limbs are broken, you still have to have eyesight, what kind of girl is this maid?

Well, his dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction.

It is definitely impossible to say it.

Now he doesn't have much hope for Lin Yuan, his grandson.

As long as he can follow the path he arranged step by step, for the rest, he can rely on himself to fuel the flames!

Thinking of this, he pretended to be smiling and gave the maid beside him a look.

The maid understood and took all the prepared food to Lin Yuan.

And he squatted down very intimately to feed.

"Grandson, let's not talk about this."

"Take two bites first, and you have to check it out later."

"I've already made arrangements for the Lord of Duanshan Peak, he will let the female doll come up later."

"We'll start after you finish eating."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan opened his eyes suddenly:

"That's a fart."

"Quick, hurry up, let's start first.

"I have to see if this woman is pretty enough to hook up with Yun Zhou."

"Don't be a beauty trick, if it doesn't work, that idea will be for naught!"

As he said that, he dodged the pancake he handed over, and said angrily to the maid:

"What, don't step on the horse and stuff it in my mouth, go to the side."

The maid bowed and walked aside upon hearing this.

Lin Sheng nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll let the Lord of Broken Mountain send her up."

After saying this, his eyeballs rolled, and he seemed to think of something again, and said:

"Da Sun, just obediently look at the inner door."

"You are mainly responsible for observation, and the rest of the agreement is left to my ancestors for communication, so don't worry about it."


Lin Yuan didn't hesitate at all.

Now, all his attention is on that "unmarried lady".

I just want to see how beautiful my ancestors said, how good it is.

I don't know why.

He has a feeling.

This woman who is about to appear seems to have some kind of connection with him.

Pretty outrageous.

Another time passed.

Lin Sheng glanced outside, touched his chin:

"The Lord of Broken Mountain has brought her here."

"This little girl is handsome and has a broad mind."

"It's just that the repair is so bad."

"After a while, you can observe secretly. If you think it's okay, I'm talking to her about placing her in Yunling."

Take advantage of the time when people are not here.

Lin Sheng made it clear to Lin Yuan.

He was really afraid that his grandson would make trouble at that time.

Then his preparations were in vain.

But Lin Yuan didn't know his worry.

After listening to Lin Sheng's explanation, he had no objection.

Let the maid push him into the inner door of the palace..

But as soon as he arrived at the inner gate, he felt very uncomfortable.

After stopping the maid's movements, he looked at his ancestor and said:

"Great-grandfather, I feel that I am a bit out of place and uncomfortable."

Lin Sheng glanced at him, a little puzzled: "Why is it uncomfortable?"

"I don't know either.……."

Lin Sheng lowered his head and glanced at his chest, hesitantly said: "I feel as if something important is going away from me."

"It made me flustered as if I was worried."

Upon hearing this, Lin Sheng realized.

have to!

This little bastard is messing around again!

Ever since, he didn't take it to heart at all, and said without looking back:

"Probably a side effect of your severed limbs."

"It's okay, take it easy."

"Don't be like a girl, be more careful, don't think about it.

"Ah..." Lin Yuan wanted to say something else.

But without giving him this chance, Lin Sheng directly interrupted:


"Just follow the girl who went up the mountain."

"Did you see that?"

Lin Yuan stared blankly.

Immediately, on the stone ladder outside the palace gate, I saw a young girl walking up.

Wearing a Xuanyi, put into a bun.

There are delicate features on the handsome face.

The purity makes people's hearts agitated.

Especially the pelvic bone at 4.7, matching the figure, exaggerated but beautiful!

This high-quality girl directly stunned Lin Yuan.

He looked at the girl in shock, his heart was beating wildly, and only the rest of his head kept poking forward:

"This, this woman, there is fog, I can do it!"

Hearing this, Lin Sheng looked at him with a smile:

"How is it? The unmarried lady that your great-grandfather found for you is okay?"

"But it's a pity, you can't do it now..."

"Forget it, don't mention it."

"If you think she looks good, I'm trying to test her mind!"

"If it's possible, I'll arrange for her to go to Yunling!"

Speaking, he added:

"You go to the inner door to watch, and observe her with your ancestors."

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