Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1135: Yun Zhou: I Have A Showdown! The Big Reversal Plot Advances! (Seeking Subscription)

The main mountain of Yunling.

A man and a woman walk side by side.

Men are tall and big, women have soft waists...slender waists.

The two walked together, like a pair of golden boys and jade girls, incomparably matched.

But it is a little regrettable.

At this time, it was just in time for the Wuling General Assembly in Yunling, all the disciples were watching the battle at Wailing, but not many people appreciated them.

Lin Lang Zhantai walked aside, his head was in a mess.

She didn't know why.

I feel like the current situation is very confusing.

The identity of the other party must be the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, which can be perceived from the figure just now and the familiar aura.

But why is he different from his previous life after reincarnation?

Can the tenderness in that kind of smile be possessed by him?

Lin Lang Zhantai felt that this development was out of her control, and it was a little bit awkward.

Ever since she escaped from Asgard, every step she took was in line with her plan, and she never made a single mistake on her road to revenge.

But why, when she saw the "enemy" whom she hated to the core, why did she worry about gains and losses instead?

Or...Although he was reincarnated, he has the memory of being 28.

So use this kind of "gentle offensive" that you have never had before to deal with yourself?

Lin Lang Zhantai didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Hatred of Immortal Emperor Yunhai, this has never changed.

But does the reincarnated Yun Zhou still have the same personality as Yun Hai?

Will he...will he have emotions after reincarnation?

"Bastard, what the hell am I imagining?!"

With wild thoughts in his mind, Lin Lang Zhantai couldn't help but cursed himself secretly.

Since then, her complexion has returned to being pretty and cold, returning to normal.

Not long after.

Under the leadership of Yun Zhou who is not familiar with the road conditions.

The two successfully descended the main mountain.

Wandered around and came to a place...beside a cave?

Lin Lang Zhan Tai: (O_O)?

Yun Zhou: (one by one)

Glancing at the dark cave with no light at all, Yun Zhou was a little dumbfounded.

【Good guy!】

【This woman seems to have misunderstood my identity...】

【I brought this here for her, isn't this a chance for her to silence her?!】

Thinking about it, why don’t you go to another place in the Yun Zhou restaurant?”


Lin Langzhantai's eyes lit up: "I want to see what the cave in Yunling looks like."


The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth twitched and he glanced at Linlang Zhantai.

What is this tm talking about?

But he has nothing to do, he led the way, so what else can he say?

Then go in.

Anyway, if something happened, he could escape to the main hall of Yunling in an instant with the help of a fairy.

He didn't believe that Linlang Zhantai's current cultivation base dared to act wild in front of Yun Susu!

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou wasn't afraid either.

Following Linlang Zhantai directly, they entered the dark cave.

After comparing the facts.

The caves in Yunling are the same as those outside.

The only difference is that there is a small stream in this cave, which leads to nowhere.

After entering here, Lin Lang gave a light breath.

She looked at Yun Zhou, full of communication methods, but she couldn't say anything.

Perhaps for Yun Zhou, she is very strange.

But for herself, the changed face in front of her is still her favorite in the past.

That's right!

Reincarnation does not mean a new person.

She knew very well that even if he changed a hundred times, he would still be the same sea of ​​clouds as before.

It's just...the personality may have changed.

But no matter how this personality changes, how gentle you are to yourself.

The harm that has been brought to her is still indelible!

Thinking of this, Linlang Zhantai's expression gradually calmed down, and his faint eyes became extremely bright in the deep darkness.

A kind of "resentment" breeds again in an invisible way.

She stared at Yun Zhou without saying a word, just staring at him.

"I didn't would come to me so impatiently.

At this moment, the silent Yun Zhou suddenly looked at her and spoke.

The tone is casual, as if communicating with an old friend.

And the reason why he suddenly changed his routine is also very simple.

Judging from Linlang Zhantai's reaction, she has already defined him as an "immortal emperor".

Although I don't know what the other party relied on to determine.

But this identity must be determined!

It would be futile to explain anything in a disguised form.

The darker ones!

Pretending not to know anything will not reduce the other party's hatred.

That's it.

Then be wrong.

If you can't cheat your wife, you have to temporarily remove the other party's murderous intentions.

Now that he is in this situation, there can be no more than one of the two great emperors.

The big deal... just advance the big reversal of the original text's fast ending!

Anyway, this is not the world of novels, so it probably doesn't matter.

And after hearing Yun Zhou's familiar tone, Lin Lang Zhantai froze for an instant, and her beautiful eyes froze for an instant.

Well, this tone is Yun Zhou's imitation of the original Immortal Emperor's tone.

He even copied the lines from the "big reversal" plot.

You can say that.

Except the face is different now.

He imitated the other temperament, accent, and eyes vividly.

Then this scene fell into the eyes of Linlang Zhantai, and it confused 680 people!

She has considered all kinds of situations after meeting Yun Zhou.

Only "Yun Zhou has the memory of the Immortal Emperor", she never thought about it at all.

At most it was just a guess.

What she didn't expect was that Yun Zhou actually had memories?

Lin Lang Zhantai's beautiful eyes were full of astonishment, and various thoughts wandered, but finally calmed down unexpectedly.

In a pair of calm eyes like autumn water, nothing is wrong.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand? I'm just curious about your talent. What do you mean by "can't wait"?"

She tilted her head, with a half-doubt and seven-point questioning expression.

This kind of perplexed look is completely consistent with her status as a fairy concubine.

It was quite oppressive.

She can only think of one thing.

He couldn't let Yun Zhou know that he had guessed his identity.

As for the reason...

The time has not yet come.

That's right!

All the plans haven't started yet.

Now that Yun Zhou dared to confront her, he must have a trump card to save his life.

If you can't suppress the anger in your heart at this time, do something to him...

Let's not talk about whether I can kill him.

What if he fails, and he tricks me with some means?

The Immortal Palace has been imprisoned for thousands of years, but she has a long memory...

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