Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1141 : Aiding The Tyrants In Harassment! The Fairy Concubine With A Dead Heart! (Seeking Sub

Immortal brew.

Nicknamed "Immortal Drunk".

No matter what cultivation level it is, as long as you drink this wine, it cannot be resolved with immortal power.

Even the Emperor Realm is the same.

Yun Zhou and Yun Qiaoer got drunk together before because of this stuff.

He also couldn't figure out how that woman Jiang He developed this wine.

Too much change.

at this time.

Lin Lang Zhantai couldn't bear Yun Susu's enthusiasm, and after pouring a large bucket of immortal wine alone, he couldn't stand still.

She got up staggeringly, her face was flushed, and she held her forehead with her small white hands, somewhat suspicious of life.

"Emperor Yun, please help me find a bedroom to rest, I..."

Before she finished speaking, Yun Zhou on the side suddenly supported her.

There was a three-point smile on the corner of his mouth, and his expression was gentle: "Concubine Xian, it's too early to stop the "840" rest."

"The moonlight is beautiful tonight, why don't I show you the night view of Yunling?"

Lin Langzhantai trembled, her expression a little stiff.

Oops, recruited!

No wonder you want to get me drunk, the co-author is waiting here...

Immortal brewed to suppress immortal power, the combat power under drunkenness is out of ten.

What should we do now?

Could it be...he can't wait to fuck me?

Just when she was about to break free and find a reason to refuse.

"Haha, it's indeed a bit early, Zhou'er, show Concubine Xian around, and then send her to rest."

Yun Susu looked at her nephew with a warm expression, and the twinkle in her eyes...was very meaningful.

Yun Zhou's impatient look made her even more sure.

My nephew just fell in love with this fairy concubine!

So what else is there to say?


Wouldn't it be a pity for a perfect fairy concubine not to take advantage of her nephew?

What's more, there is such a woman who can be her niece and daughter-in-law, which is a good thing that can't be found even with a lantern!

As for the missing Immortal Emperor...

Sorry, this is out of her scope.

As long as her nephew likes it.

Let alone the Immortal Emperor's wife, even his mother!

Yun Susu also dares to play tricks!

With a pointed look at his nephew, Yun Susu left alone with the corner of his mouth curled up.

In an instant, outside the huge main hall, every team was silent.

Yun Zhou and Lin Lang Zhantai stared wide-eyed.

The former has misty eyes, while the latter has a vigilant look.

But the sense of CP of the "fairy couple" sparked sparks.

"Concubine Xian, the beautiful scenery on the top of the moon is full, how about drinking with me for a while."

After looking at each other for a while, Yun Zhou's tone gradually became more playful.

Lin Lang Zhantai's beautiful eyes were deep, and her misty mind made her let go of her pretense completely.

It seemed that the sense of crisis shrouded in her heart was too much, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

Instead, there is an unspeakable coldness:

"Immortal Emperor, is it really that happy to play with people's hearts?"

"I admit, I have already told you your identity."

"You don't have to tease me like this, there is no way you can use it.

"But as I said earlier, it's not that simple to kill me now."

"As long as I don't die today, I will make you pay a hundred times the price in the future!"

I don't know whether it was the effect of alcohol, or this "mild smile" that completely irritated her.

Linlang Zhantai finally gave up struggling.

The Immortal Emperor in front of you!

As she said, it seemed to her.

Yun Zhou is treating her like this now, he is playing tricks on her!

The coldness of the past has turned into softness, and all sins have been attributed to the magic rhyme.

Manipulating her heart in various ways.

Invisibly wiped out the hatred she had accumulated for thousands of years.

What kind of scheming is this?

How ironic!?

Do you intend to use a few words to let yourself give up the hatred in your heart and become your secret dog again?


On the opposite side, Yun Zhou still looked calm after hearing this, as if he had automatically filtered out her anger.

Holding the wine glass to himself, looking at the bright moon in the sky with a sad expression:

"Finally no more pretending..."

"It's a sarcasm."

"The fairy concubine I once loved so much "Why did it become like this..."

"Is it a means I didn't explain, or from the very beginning... your only feeling for me is hatred."

Hearing this, Lin Langzhan was stunned.

It's dumbfounded!

What is "I started to have nothing but hatred for your feelings?"

Who did you love deeply?

What do you mean by your "poor appearance of being abandoned"?

Isn't this a backlash isn't it?

Also, why did I become like this...

Have you lost your memory?

You forced it, you forced it!

Obviously I am the victim, but looking at Yun Zhou's "eyes full of pain"..

Lin Lang Zhantai was a little uncertain.

Did I remember it wrongly?

Was he the one who was abolished and trapped in the Immortal Palace for thousands of years?

However, just when she was a little suspicious of life.

Suddenly, an inexplicable coercion enveloped Lin Lang Zhantai, and his pupils froze instantly.

Sure enough, this hypocrite, he did it!


Lin Lang Zhantai came back to his senses, and waved his hand, which was blocked by the bright fairy light.

The frightening fairy light turned into a shield.

Immediately afterwards, a streak of light burst out of it suddenly, and it actually counterattacked.

All right.

As a perfect fairy concubine of Emperor Realm (lower level).

Even if he drank the "immortal wine", his strength was less than two or three out of ten.

It's definitely not something Yun Zhou, who is comparable to the first level of Emperor Realm, can handle!


Just when she had just destroyed Yun Zhou's offensive and was about to reverse the situation.

An accident happened!

Inside the main hall.

A frightening aura hit the gang wind. 1.9

Between the fire and light stones, Lin Lang Zhantai turned his head in an instant.

"Yun Susu!"

Her scalp went numb and she let out an exclamation, and then quickly stimulated the fairy charm around her to the extreme.

Kankan blocked Yun Susu's casual blow.

At this moment, her heart was ashamed!

Because she didn't count all the calculations.

Yun Susu actually helped Yun Zhou shark her!

But she obviously thought too much, just when she was about to fight back desperately.

From the main hall, a soft voice came:

"Concubine Xian, don't resist anymore, you won't be able to escape today.

"Be obedient and follow my nephew, you won't suffer~"

Yun Zhou:???

Good guy!

As expected of my aunt, she's an old villain the moment she speaks!

Linlang Zhantai: (0_0?)

Followed your nephew??.

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