Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1147: Honkai's Original Storyline! Wo Chaoyong! (Seeking Subscription)

And in the process.

I saw "Yun Zhou's true feelings" in the original text.

Chu Liuli had completely given up on him.

Following the master who came to find her, she returned to the fairyland.

Later Yun Zhou died.

Chu Liuli didn't know if she heard the letter or not.

Anyway, there was no reaction, and there was nothing to do with Lin Yuan.

But the slut male protagonist has been thinking about her.

But it may be due to too many heroines.

Gou the author directly forgot about this character, which can be regarded as a hasty ending.

Once again, Yun Zhou looked at Chu Liuli with emotion.

Actually think about it.

If you don't go to the setting, choose according to the normal situation.

If Chu Liuli was in this world, she would also go to the lower realm.

Then much more fragrant than Gu Xian'er!

After all, after this girl has fully grown up. "Four Zero Zero"

But it's not much better than her beautiful master...

[Tsk, the original story line doesn't match, but the basic setting is still there. 】

["Love at first sight" must still exist. 】

[Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to crawl into my bed when we first met in this life. 】

【It can only be said.... Airborne Nanbowan?】

[Although nothing happened at the time, I have to take responsibility for it. 】

[And in terms of this appearance, it is comparable to the heroine of Elk Bell, no, better than that heroine!]

[Well, the first thing to do in the future is to ask the system for a Christmas set! 】

【Speaking of which, is there such a girl in the top 100 of the Wuling Conference?】

【She seems to be able to only practice martial arts, can she see without cultivation?】

【Would you like to help her?】

Yun Zhou was walking up the stairs in various thoughts.

And the root cause of his messy head.

Or Lin Lang Zhantai is too weak.

That's right, the cultivation base and combat power are high, but after two hours of sparring, they can't work well.

Very boring.

This made him prepare to develop a teammate for Linlang Zhantai.

One comprehension, one martial arts.

He is a real martial arts master, let's learn from each other in the future!

Came to the Outer Ridge with ease.

The time is almost up, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the huge main mountain is crowded with people.

Chu Liuli followed her master and stood on the stand above.

She frowned, and was looking at a young man who kept throwing eyes at her with an extremely disgusted look.

Yun Zhou followed suit and didn't care.

Standing next to Second Elder Li Qiuhuan should be his inner disciple who regards him as a son.

Just find time to tap and tap.

The meeting hasn't started yet.

He found a corner and started looking bored at the girls walking back and forth.

Tsk tsk, and the long shirt?

This looks like a cheongsam that opens to the pelvis, does their master not care about it?

That must have a K, right? I grew up eating something, did I have a cow every day since I was a child...

At this moment, a voice interrupted Yun Zhou's thoughts:

"Zhou'er, are you here?"

Yes, my aunt passed it on.

Yun Zhou shook his head and didn't reply, he stood up helplessly and walked slowly towards the crowd.

Wuling Terrace.

This is the stage where hundreds of martial arts contestants compete in the Outer Ridge Canyon.

There are ten arenas in total, lined up on one side, and they will only be opened every time when there are "hundred contestants".

At this time, the opposite side of Wuling Terrace was full of people. "

Although it is said that the disciples who are about to compete have not gone up yet, the atmosphere has already started.

There are more than 20 seats on the high platform above.

The mountain master is the C position, and the rest belong to the elders and peak masters.

At this point, the seats are almost full.

And beside these elders and peak masters, there are still their own personal successors.

The disciples looked up at these people, beeping softly:

"It was said to be a "hundred contest", but in the end, this group of personal disciples accounted for thirty or forty places, so there is no such thing as our ordinary disciples."

"Ham, don't talk nonsense, there is no chance for us, but there must be someone who can climb up."

"I have to remind Xiao Qizi in a while, if you meet the second elder's disciple, you must hurry up and admit defeat, that Li Yan's attack will be tricky!

"It's okay, with the Ridge Lord and the others around, he doesn't dare to kill him."

"Tsk tsk, look at Saintess Yun and Junior Sister Chu, they are so beautiful!"

"Anyone dares to think about it, don't you want to die?"

"What's wrong? I can't miss Yun Shengnv, I can't miss Chu Junior Sister?"

"You are brave, Junior Sister Chu is Li Yan's favorite, do you miss it?"


above the stage.

All the peak masters and elders of Yunling have already arrived.

Li Yan glanced down with a pair of sneaky eyes, and then looked at Chu Liuli.

That look is like a hunter looking at his prey.

Chu Liuli's pretty face was as cold as ice, and she didn't care about him, her beautiful eyes swept down, as if she was looking for someone.

Li Yan looked at her jokingly, and said via voice transmission: "Where are you looking for your so-called husband?"

"I advise you not to waste your time in vain. I have already found out the relationship between you and Yun Zhou, and you two have never met."

"Hey, I don't even know who you are...don't try to climb high"

"Keep your feet on the ground."

"If I were you, I would think about how to pave the way for the future."

"If you follow me, I can ask my master to help you to embark on the road of cultivating immortals..."

Chu Liuli glanced at Li Yan who was at the side, and the disgust in her eyes was undisguised: "Get lost.

"Tsk, I appreciate your pungent buying

Li Yan replied with a smile: "I'll give you a chance. After a few days, I will ask Master to propose marriage. As long as you agree, I will marry you as my wife in the future~"

For Chu Liuli, he really moved his mind.

After looking for a young lady for so many years, he felt that Chu Liuli was the most suitable for him. 1.7

How do you say that?

What can't be obtained is always shaking?

Roughly the same.

Hearing this, Chu Liuli's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm, and she said disdainfully:

"Just because you still want to marry me? Find a place to show your ugly appearance, you are not worthy.

As far as Chu Liuli is concerned, that is a typical nympho.

Don't look at Xiu why, what she pays most attention to is the face!

It's really hard for her to catch the other party's crooked appearance.

Li Yan shook his head and said with a sneer: "So what about being ugly? The person I like can't run away. If you like it, I will execute it all. You can only be mine."

Hearing this, Chu Liuli abruptly ended the sound transmission.

Her bright eyes looked at Li Yan who was at the side, and suddenly said bluntly:

"I like Yun Zhou, can you put him to death?"

Swish Swish Swish!

(one_one) stare.

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