Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1153 : Gu De Ai Die! Jiang He's Wisdom (Hu) Wisdom (Bi)! (Seeking Subscription)

It started from the moment Yun Zhou stood on the ring.

None of the group of disciples who were called to fight against him dared to go up!

They also want to fight for their breath, but seeing Yun Zhou's appearance, they dare not!


Going to that one like a god, how many lives are enough?

At first, Li Yan didn't want to attack them in groups.

But after seeing the majestic Xianwei behind Yun Zhou, he resolutely gave up.

Just a group of people tied together is not enough for the other party to wave their hands!

And those arrogances who were still unconvinced also lowered their noble heads one by one.

This person is obviously about the same age as him, so why is he stronger than his master?

A group of people just surrendered one after another without a fight.

The majestic Yunling's younger generation was forced by Yun Zhou alone to dare not step forward.

And Yun Susu, who is the lord of the mountain, was angry and helpless.

To be honest, she is Yunling's disciple after all, so it would be a lie to say that she is not disappointed.

But if the group of disciples really surrendered, she wouldn't say anything.

After all, 140 standing in the arena is her nephew.

But here's the outrageous point.

It is impossible for all the people inside to surrender.

Take her proud pupil, for example.

Unyielding Yun Qiaoer...

I will definitely compete with Zhouer!

Even when you know you can't beat it...

This gave Yun Susu a headache.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. Although Zhou'er is a nephew, Qiao'er is a saint. What if Zhou'er does not know the severity of the attack?

Just when she was full of worries, something happened that stunned her.

The deacon's voice sounded: "Saint Yun Qiaoer, is in the arena."

"Sorry, I surrender."


Everyone: (O_Oa)

"Holy shit, what did I hear?"

"This shouldn't be, the saint actually surrendered?"

"It must be that the gap in strength is too big?"

"Hiss—this is not Qiaojie's character."

"Huh? Junior sister Chu also surrendered? Isn't that true?"

The disciples below scratched their heads one by one as they watched the disciples receding one after another.

the stands.

Seeing this incredible scene, Yun Susu was dumbfounded:

"Ah...Ah Qiao is down?"

Jiang He held the jug in his hand, and laughed out loud:

"Is this what you mean by having backbone? You're laughing at me to death."

She shook her head, ignored Yun Susu's bewildered expression, looked at Yun Zhou on the ring and said leisurely:

"But having said that, although your disciples are not very good, but your nephew is quite good."

"It's really domineering to directly occupy the ring."

Yun Zhou being so unscrupulous proved that in the eyes of the other party, this group of people was just a rabble.

Although Jiang He was annoyed at the other party's behavior towards him before.

But this kind of domineering and arrogant attitude is very suitable for her.

"But this little thing is ruthless enough to force your martial arts conference to stop..."

"It is estimated that after today, the news here will spread."

"He is about to become the nightmare of the younger generation in the entire fairyland."

Yun Susu couldn't deny it and said: "You just need to get used to it, my nephew is destined to be a dream without pride.

Jiang He glanced at her angrily, "Is it the same as you used to?"


Yun Susu looked back, and the atmosphere became silent.

Obviously, the Yun Susu back then and the current Yun Zhou put the same pressure on the contemporary Immortal Talents.

At this moment, the voice of the deacon came again:

"All forty-nine people surrendered, the leader of this martial arts meeting, (abbg) Yun Zhou.

I don't know the reason for this voice, but there is a sense of helplessness and sadness...

Below, all the disciples were in an uproar.

In the stands, Jiang He looked at the slightly disappointed Yun Zhou in the ring.

Immediately, she didn't know what to think of, her beautiful eyes lit up:

"Little Susu, I have an immature idea!"

Yun Susu looked back lightly, "Since you're immature, don't talk about it.


Good guy, I said something casually when I was riding a horse, but you turned your head and choked me with your words?

But out of consideration for my own plan.

Surely she couldn't stop there.

"Hey, little Susu, this is about your nephew."

Jiang He sneered, and continued: "Look at your nephew's current appearance, he is arrogant and conceited."

"This will definitely have an impact on his future practice path. This kind of character is easy to suffer..."

She was critical of Yun Zhou's current appearance.

Yun Susu was a little unwilling to listen, but after thinking about it carefully, what the other party said made sense.

With Zhou'er's current strength, it is no problem to deal with some elder-level cultivators.

But if he is still so arrogant in the face of the power of the emperor, it may be really dangerous.

Take Xiao Tiankuo from last time as an example, if it wasn't for Yun Susu asking Jiang He to go to the Tiandi area and get the life card of the other party's daughter, it is uncertain how it would end.

Thinking of this, she gradually loosened her frowning brows, glanced at Yun Zhou who was declared the champion, and sighed:

"But his nature is like this, how can he change it?"

"It's simple, find someone to teach him a lesson, and he will definitely restrain himself."

Jiang He grinned.

Treating Yun Zhou, apart from admiration, she also felt a bit of hatred.

If you can seize the opportunity and watch the other party suffer, it must feel good!

Of course, her fundamental purpose is not to watch the other party get beaten.

She's not that boring yet.

These are just a small foreshadowing for her.

Yun Susu shook his head when he heard the words, "You don't know him, if ordinary people encounter setbacks, they may restrain themselves.

"But he, absolutely not, he might get worse and get revenge like crazy

Know nephew Mo Ruogu.

As for Yun Zhou's will-to-revenge temperament, Yun Susu knows it all.

...... What revenge, find someone who makes him useless, teach him a lesson, and don't be afraid that he won't be convinced!"

Jiang He still didn't give up, touched his chin and said: "This time he will challenge the Wuling Conference, and the matter of winning the championship can be decided.

"But on this basis, you can give him an upgrade in difficulty."

Yun Susu was taken aback, "Upgrade?"


Jiang He's eyes sparkled with wisdom (hu) and wisdom (bi): "From my experience, any rampant behavior is due to the fact that he has never been severely beaten!!".

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