Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1159 : A Small Sword Against A Big Sword? Foot Biting Warrior Yun Zhou! (Seeking Subscriptio

Jiang He glanced at these elders in Yunling, and muttered to Yun Susu in dissatisfaction:

"You old fellows in Yunling are so stupid that you have no vision!"

As she said that, without waiting for Yun Susu to reply, she suddenly looked at Yun Zhou, and said loudly:

"Hey, little guy, the elders will take turns to calculate your win, and Yun Susu and I will give you a lot of resources.

"Also, I'm giving you a chance to fight with a small sword."

"One-on-one with me, as long as you can go through a hundred tricks, I will double the resources you can get!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked!

Good guy!

Resource she and Emperor Yun go out together?

Doubling again?

How many good things must there be!

Is it enough for a new sect to push it all the way to the level of a first-class sect?

Of course, shock was nothing but shock, they didn't think Yun Zhou had the courage to fight Jiang He.

You know, Jiang He is one of the six emperors!

Even though her realm is at the bottom, her strength is still there and cannot be underestimated.

Want to do a hundred tricks in her hands?

That's bullshit!

It is estimated that Jie Xiaozi provoked Jiang Di somewhere, and Jiang Di took the opportunity to deal with him!

Some people thought so, and their expressions were somewhat gloating.

Seeing that Yun Zhou remained silent for a long time, Jiang He rolled his eyes.

Then he shook his head boringly, mockingly said: "If you don't dare, then forget it.

"It seems that you were frightened by the fight last time... That deacon, let's announce the result. Xiao Susu and I will share the resources with him."

The deacon was suddenly caught by the cue, and couldn't help being startled.

When he came back to his senses, he quickly responded, and said:

"Since this is the case, the Martial Ridge Conference has come to an end..."


Before he finished speaking, a faint voice suddenly came from the arena:

"Double the benefit given for free, there is no reason not to take it.

"In this way, since you want to play, let's play bigger."

"I'll fight with you for an hour, if you can't do anything to me, you can give me ten times the resources, how about it?"

The corners of their mouths twitched and they stared at the past.

I saw Yun Zhou on the ring looking at the high platform with a big smile on his face.

Just like "I will eat you".


Jiang He was stunned for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth suddenly: "Are you sure?"

Yun Zhou shrugged, "Sure, one hour is the limit, of course, if you are not confident enough, this time can be extended.

His indifferent attitude was written all over his face, as if in his eyes, Jiang He was no different from those useless elders.

In fact, to be honest, he really doesn't take Jiang He seriously now.

Indeed, it is useless for him to have big hole cards.

Not to mention that Jiang He is in the Emperor Realm (lower rank), even if she breaks through to the middle rank of the Emperor Realm, within the stipulated time limit, she won't be able to gain anything from herself!

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

My God, is this Yun Zhou crazy?

It's fine if you win the disciple round, and we won't beep if you defeat the elders.

But, you and the majestic Emperor Jiang are so presumptuous... Are you twisting your life!?

So far.

Following Yun Zhou's unabashed loud voice, tens of thousands of disciples were all stunned.

Introduce me, introduce me, kid!

He's defiant Jenny Ma!

It's almost crazy to grandma's house!

The Tianjiao in the entire Yunling was bullied by him all over the place, and they all surrendered without a fight, their reputations were ruined.

The top-ranking power who is the third elder was beaten to death by him with a hammer, and even the immortal soul may be injured!

In terms of ruthless tactics and superciliousness, there is probably no one in the entire Immortal Territory who can match him.

However, here is the problem!

The woman above.

Just that barefoot woman!

He is different from the person you fucked!

This is one of the real six emperors, Jiang He, the Emperor of Jiangmen!

He is a strong man on an equal footing with their Lingzhu, Lin Sheng and others!

In the entire fairyland, it is no exaggeration to say that she is the master of one party!

In front of such a person, "Wei Zhou still dares to be arrogant?

This is a big toilet lantern, looking for shit!

"Good guy, is Sect Master Yun crazy?"

"This is an immortal who has completed the Emperor Realm (lower level), where does Sect Master Yun have the confidence?"

"Hiss—this is floating, floating! Do you think you have the confidence to defeat the third elder?"

"This is the end of the game. Master Jiangmen is notorious for his bad temper. After being contradicted like this, he is probably going to be angry!"

"It's so pitiful for such an arrogant person. I think he will be skinned if he doesn't die."

"Hey, Sect Master Yun, he is still young, he doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth..."

The disciples beeped softly in groups of three and four.

Some people are worried about Yun Zhou, some people look like they are watching a movie, and some people pray that Yun Zhou will be destroyed by Jiang He!

(Hmm, like Ji Yan?)

However, even though they had different moods, they unexpectedly reached a consensus:

This time, Yun Zhou is probably going to be abolished!

In the arena.

Li Tu looked at Yun Zhou's rebellious appearance, and nodded in his heart:

`It’s really worthy of you! Good guy, I’ve never seen someone so brave (Hul) fierce (bi)! ”

Thinking, he retreated directly behind the fourth elder.

His master helped the third elder to leave, so he had to find someone he could rely on at critical moments.

And Li Yan's expression was excited, the mood that was full of haze just now became clear!

Good guy, this kid is really daring!

Arrogance is good, madness is love!

If the arrogance and strength are abolished, I will be able to support myself!

Thinking of this, he suddenly looked at Yun Susu who was in the chief seat (Qian Zhaozhao), and thought to himself:

"Lord Ling, I hope you don't meddle in your own business!"

So far, almost everyone in the stands is basically watching the show.

Only Chu Liuli and Yun Qiaoer looked at Yun Zhou worriedly.

The eyes of the two were rippling, and they unconsciously clenched their red lips.

Of course, the meaning of the eyes is still different.

The meaning of the former: As long as he can win, I will let him go to the supermarket.

The latter means: as long as he wins, I will find an opportunity to confess my love, and then let him go to the supermarket!

Well, we have to add a confession process.

It can be seen from it that Yun Qiaoer is much more "stingy" than Chu Liuli.

The banter in Jiang He's expression became more and more obvious.

However, there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

A mere big man who bites his feet actually underestimates her?

Off the charts!!.

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