Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1165: Aggrieved Fairy! Double Handlebar Pole P Loli! (Seeking Subscription)

Yun Zhou looked at her like this, and most of the anger in his heart disappeared.

U1S1, endurance is something that varies from person to person.

Take the "calculate him" thing.

If it is an ugly passerby, Yun Zhou will definitely send him to see the King of Hades without saying anything.

But this kind of brainless little Ke (sha) loves (bi)...

He really can't hate it.

It's like...a top loli with double handlebars.

Your tolerance for her is definitely much higher than that of a picky guy.

Humans are visual animals.

There's nothing wrong with that either.

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou looked at her with a faint smile on his face again.

And Jiang He saw him laughing, jumped out of the distance almost like a conditioned reflex, covered his back and glared at him, and said in a panic:

"You, you, you, what are you going to do!?"

Yun Zhou: "?"

Is this the sequelae of being shot?

With the disappearance of the celestial light around Yun, the coercion in the void gradually calmed down.

The disciples who were kneeling on the ground raised their heads one after another and stood up one by one.

Seeing that Yun Zhou and Jiang He landed on the stands again, he couldn't help but be a little confused:

"There is something wrong with 01. Didn't you fight just now? Why did you come down?"

"I don't know, I just heard a "crack" from above, but I didn't see anything.

"Hiss—why do I think Emperor Jiang is a little afraid of Yun Zhou?"

"Could it be that he was in the sky just now, and Emperor Jiang didn't fuck him?"

"Pull it down, Emperor Jiang can't beat him? From my point of view, it should be the Lord of the Ridge who secretly made a move.

"Hmm... When did Goddess Langyue come?"

All the people talked about each other and talked about it.

Just as some of them said, Jiang He Queshi was scared.

But what she was afraid of was not only Yun Zhou's slap.

And...the "primary and secondary relationship" after exchanging immortal souls!

That's right!

She discovered from what happened just now that her fairy soul was suppressed.

It seems like what Yun Susu said was true, she was led away by her nephew!

Suddenly, Lin Langyue's voice came to my ears:

"Careless Jiang He, you are careless!"

"Multiple people's "interconnecting souls" can accelerate the improvement of the realm, but I haven't figured out this yet..."

"How did you merge with this little guy?"

"This is good, you have become a vassal of other people's immortal soul, not to mention being restrained everywhere, less soul power is looted, and more soul power is given away!"

"The improvement of the realm is not much faster, and it is equivalent to letting the immortal soul recognize a master..."

"You, how can I say you..."

Hearing Lin Langyue's tone of "you're an idiot", Jiang He was in a bad mood.

At this time, Yun Susu's voice came from his mind again: "Jiang He, what's in your milk bag?"

"I've made repeated orders to you just now, and I've explained the primary and secondary relations to you."

"But why don't you believe it?"

"It made me feel like I was cheating on you. Now it's over. You have become my nephew's vassal. You really deserve it."

Jiang He:

"That's because Lin Langyue didn't explain clearly at first."

She felt so aggrieved.

Originally, after hearing that Jiang He mentioned the "soul power exchange", she went to find Mu Xueyun on purpose.

He made a side note and asked Mu Xueyun and Yun Zhou if there was anything wrong after exchanging soul power.

But the other party just blushed a little and shook his head quickly.

At that time, she thought there were no side effects.

But looking at it now, "Mu Xueyun blushed" at the beginning, it explained a lot of problems!

It's just that she didn't pay attention at the beginning!

Come directly to Yunling to implement the plan.

It's too late to regret now!

"If you take the initiative to deliver it to your door, you will still be beaten... After being beaten, you will be ridiculed by these two women!!"

Jiang He gritted his teeth angrily, and Xiong Daxiong was unsteady.

At this time, the deacon cautiously came to Yun Susu's side, and said tentatively:

"Lord Ling, can the results of the Wuling Conference be announced?"

Yun Susu nodded, "Okay, that's right, read out the resource rewards together to stimulate the disciple's strong heart.


The deacon swallowed his saliva, then came to the side of the stand, and said loudly:

"I declare that at this moment the leader of the Wuling Conference, Yun Zhou."

"Tied for second place are Li Tu, Li Yan, Chu Liuli, Yun Qiaoer, Zhao Buyu..."

Since none of the disciples dared to fight Yun Zhou, the remaining forty-nine people were all judged to be second.

Of course, if it is normal, there must be an extra day.

But the main reason for Yun Susu to hold this Wuling Conference is to let Yun Zhou show his face.

Now this purpose has been achieved.

As for who is second and how many people there are, she doesn't care anymore.

After reading the names of the top fifty people, they sent people directly to the treasure house to fetch the treasure.

Jiang He gritted his teeth and left the high-level items of the storage ring.

All the rest of the brain was handed over.

As a large variety of "resources" appeared on the stands, the disciples were envious.

And the deacon is like a senior old host, without changing his face, he said loudly: 733

"After the Disciple Wheel, the Elder Wheel, and Jiangdi, the resources are stacked in sequence."

"Now, Emperor Jiang and Yunling produced a total of one hundred lower-level holy artifacts, ten top-level holy artifacts, one lower-level immortal artifact, 20 Yundao Pills, and 50 Chongling Pills... "

Use this as Yun Zhou's first prize reward. "

The deacon finished reading the resource with dry mouth.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yun Zhou grinned unceremoniously, and put all the resources into the storage ring.

He nodded towards Yun Susu above, then looked at Jiang He at the side, and said with a smile:

"Thank you Emperor Jiang for your generosity, tsk, you even gave me your own fairy artifact, it's really interesting.

That sleazy appearance just makes people's mind break down!

Jiang He gritted his teeth and creaked his fists.

Damn, cooperating with her and running over here, not only did she take the initiative to be manipulated, but also gave her a baby?

Moreover, this bastard got her up on the clouds and beat her up?

"My old lady is really a bitch!"


Jiang He was furious and couldn't stop cursing in his heart.

However, she had no choice but to stomp her feet angrily, and reprimanded through voice transmission:

"Yun Zhou, you wait for me!!".

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