Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1172: If You Can't Get It, I'll Give You A Baby! (Seeking Subscription)


"I also use radishes, such a big spirit ginseng, can I use it properly!?"

The big belly slapped the deputy angrily, and then left.

After she left, the assistant covered her head with her hands.

Pulling the big ginseng with great effort, he came to the pool and started cleaning:

"By the way, Sect Master Yun, are you going to make this big thing?"

"I can steam it for you with Daoli, do you need my help?"

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Yun Zhou said with a smile: "I'll just fry it later."

"You wash it, then cut it into a slice for me and throw it in a big iron basin for later use.

"I'll do it later."

"What... you keep this fairy stone, don't say you're helping me, it's all made by myself, understand?"

"Ah... I understand!" The corner of the deputy's mouth twitched.

My good fellow, Sect Master Yun is really well-intentioned!

Just for one meal, four high-grade fairy stones were built!

This is really money to burn!

Jill is scary!

While shocked by Yun Zhou's openness, she happily accepted the fairy stone.

After a while, she wiped off her sweat, looked at the processed ginseng and grinned:

"Sect Master Yun, this thing has been dealt with."

"I'll get you some other ingredients, I'll chop the tip of the tiger's claw for you."

"In this way, you give me half a quarter of an hour, and I will finish it for you."

"You, just be in charge of being the chef, and leave the rest to me."

"Your hand looks like the material to be a chef, you can't mess with these chores!"

Yun Zhou was very satisfied with the sharp eyesight of this pair of hands, and with a flick of his hand, another fairy stone was thrown over.

The deputy quickly caught it, and said flatteringly:

"Oh, what an embarrassment."

"Sect Master Yun is really open, tell me what you need to do when you come to the kitchen in the future."

"If you want a child, I'll beat you up!"


Yun Zhou ignored her flattery, glanced at her and said:

"Don't be useless, hurry up and work.

"Since I have asked you to help, I will not come by myself."

"You can handle all these ingredients for me.

"However, when others ask, you should know."

It's not easy to please my aunt, you have to show sincerity.

Yun Zhou even wanted to handle it himself from beginning to end.

It's a pity that he just took a look at dealing with that spiritual ginseng, and he felt numb.

The ingredients are the same as Haotu's, they are so big, how can he handle them.

Soon, another half a quarter of an hour passed.

The woman chef wiped her sweat and ran back with her people, excitedly saying:

"Sect Master Yun, we didn't delay your business!"

"I'll eat half of all the dishes in Yunling!"

"I never let go of the wild vegetables!"

"It's all here, come on, Maverick, deal with these too."

"No poking." Yun Zhou nodded in satisfaction, "You are very efficient.

"Hey." The chef scratched his head, and suddenly asked curiously: "So, when are you going to start cooking, Master Yun?"

For the sake of Lingzhu, Sect Master Yun surrendered his status to cook.

This made the three of them very curious.

I wonder what he can make out of it.

Hmm... After putting so much thought into it, it must be because I like Lord Lian.

It is estimated that it is a specialty dish, and it will not be unpalatable.

"Make it now." Yun Zhou rolled up his arms and sleeves, "Get me all the ingredients!"

"Heat the oil in the pot, and give me a cow and a horse first!"

"I'll make something I like to eat first!"

"Then what, clean the hair for me, or I can't eat it."

"Give me a decent meal, and I'll have a big reward when I'm done!"

"Hey~ Thank you, Sect Master Yun." The woman responded quickly, and said with a smile on her face: "You can rest assured.

"I'll definitely take care of you... No, I'll definitely take care of you!"

She dragged the dead cow and cut it open, feeling very happy.

Today is a good day~!

It's just a favor, and you will get a top-grade fairy stone for nothing.

There will be rewards afterwards!

Beautifully bubbling!

"Okay, I'll leave the cow to you." Yun Zhou glanced at the two assistants:

"You two cut a pier for me, and prepare all the dishes for me.

"I'm starting now."

After speaking, he picked up a large spatula and poured half a barrel of oil directly into the large pot of two or three square meters.

Logically speaking, cooking in Xianyu is similar to that in Haotu.

Because I am a cultivator, the amount of this dish is very sufficient.

The pot is also big.

With such a large pot, Yun Zhou felt that he could put himself in it and stew it.

Soon, with the help of the chef and two assistants, ten dishes were ready.

And make this fine...

Well, except for Yun Zhou, the eyes of the remaining three are like this:


Good guy!

Originally, I thought that Sect Master Yun, who was full of confidence, could make something good.

The result is such a glance.


If the three of them hadn't watched the whole process, they would probably have thought that Yun Zhou wanted to kill them!

Did you cook like this?

Stir-fry a vegetarian dish, fry it in tm meat oil, and pour two jars of salt in it!?

Even if there are many dishes, you can’t do this!

The three cooks looked dumbfounded at 443, and finally they helped save the dishes because they had an easy way to negotiate.

Not to mention how delicious it is, but it must be Zou Chi!

Yun Zhou felt dissatisfied with the meddling of the three of them.

But he also knows that his craft is really not good.

After thinking about it, he still thanked the three of them for their help and left behind three high-grade immortal stones.

"Thank you."

Yun Zhou smiled and said: "Take them all to the yard outside, I'll go find my aunt first.

After speaking, he put down the big spatula, washed his hands and walked outside.

After some tossing, the sky has brightened.

After that, I went to find my aunt and coaxed her to be happy while eating.

Although it is said that the appearance of his cooking is not very good, but it is still cooked by himself.

Auntie should calm down a little, right?

"Tsk, I don't know how to coax you later."

Yun Zhou muttered, "I guess if I go up and hug my aunt, I'm sure I'll get beaten up, right?"

"Forget it, let's proceed step by step, eat first, and when my aunt is moved, go hug and coax her.

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou became a cook.

It was at this time that he couldn't help but froze.

I saw a beautiful woman who still had charm, and a young girl with a pretty face coming towards her. .

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