Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1193: She Is So Good At Piercing! Deep And Unwavering Love! (Seeking Subscription)

This Nima's!

Big up!!

Seeing Lin Yuan fall to the ground, his maggot-like body was still twitching.

Lin Sheng was instantly dumbfounded!

He just wanted to give Lin Yuan some motivation to wake up and practice hard.

But I never thought that this little thing has such a weak line of defense!

Swearing a few words and directly falling to the ground "Gah"?

Hiss———You won’t die, will you?

And the other side.

The maid's cultivation base is not high, and her reaction is not enough.

I was stunned because I didn't move in the back, and I was frightened and stupid!

Good guy, after living for so many years, this is the first time she has seen "human maggot twitching"!

This kind of visual impact is simply confusing!

At this time, the corner of Lin Sheng's mouth twitched in response, and he quickly patted his thigh and said:

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and hug him!!"

The maid froze for a moment, then moved quickly.

She lifted Lin Yuan, who was soaked in blood, and hugged him in front of Lin Sheng, holding back her nausea.

"Grand grandson, great grandson, wake up quickly, you can't hold your breath!"


While scolding, Lin Sheng slapped him with his big mouth.

"You have to face life bravely, you can't see through it!

"Get up, don't scare great-grandfather!"


Lin Sheng hurriedly placed Lin Yuan on his main seat, and then began to shoot 900" left and right!

Glancing at the maid on one side, he ordered her to find the great elder of the fairy doctor as soon as possible.

Then came first aid.

To be honest, it is not difficult to hang Lin Yuan's life for an emperor like Lin Sheng.

However, being able to hang your life doesn't mean you can fix it!

What if I passed out and couldn't wake up again?

Thinking of this, Lin Sheng didn't dare to be careless, and tossed and tossed Lin Yuan for fear that he would faint.

A full quarter of an hour.

There is no good place on Lin Yuan's body anymore, his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, and the only belly he has is swollen from being photographed!

But still did not wake up.

Lin Sheng frowned and didn't move.

At this moment, the Great Elder trotted over in a busy manner.

People have not arrived, solid career:

"Hurry up, sect master, smooth out his twitching tendons first! Don't let his body twitch!"

When Lin Sheng heard this, he moved quickly.

After smoothing his tendons, Lin Yuan's twitching movements stopped.

But still didn't wake up!

Lin Sheng looked at the great elder who trotted over with a sad face.

The two stared at each other.

"What's wrong with this?"

The Great Elder touched his chin: "We can't let him pass out for too long, or it will easily hurt his brain, and he needs to be stimulated..."

"Exciting..." Lin Sheng scratched his head, "How about I give him a knife?"

"No way!"

The Great Elder waved his hand upon hearing this, glanced at him and said, "There are many kinds of stimulation, there is no need to be so rude..."

"In this way, you can piss him off with bubble urea."

"Just use the smell to stimulate him and wake him up!"

Lin Sheng was taken aback, "Is this not good?"

The great elder curled his lips, "You are his great-grandfather, and you are not an outsider, so what's wrong with you?"

"Hurry up, or it will hurt his mind if it's too late!"

Lin Sheng gritted his teeth when he heard this, without hesitation.

I am his ancestor, what are you afraid of?

think of this,

He directly got Lin Yuan off the chair, squatted down and pointed at the door to start!

As for why it is squatting... I have to ask Tang Wu.

After all, it was Tang Wu who abolished his habits...

How about saying that the Great Elder is an immortal doctor worthy of his name.

Lin Sheng, who has been bigu for thousands of years, after a wave of hard work.

Lin Yuan finally opened his eyes slowly.

Into the eyes, a white snow flashed past.

Then came Lin Sheng's overjoyed voice:

"Grand grandson?"

"Mist Grass, it's really useful, grandson, are you awake?"

"But tm scared the ancestors to death, the ancestors thought you couldn't survive!"

The big stone in Lin Sheng's heart fell to the ground.

Then he helped Lin Yuan up, who had a look of "no love in life".

"Hurry up (abcj), where is the maid, are you blind? Get some water for my grandson!"

The maid was taken aback for a moment, and then hurried to pour tea.

But before she could move, Lin Yuan's weak voice came over:

"No, I'm not thirsty, I feel like my stomach is full of water now."

"Maybe the blood is left in the stomach..."

Speaking of this, his eyes became lifeless, and he said with a depressed expression:

"I'm so miserable right now."

"I never imagined that Jue Ling would treat me like this.

"To be buried with Yun Zhou and not to marry me...she is so good at piercing!"

"I feel pain now, not only in my heart, but also in my body!"

"The chain reaction of hating someone...Great-grandfather, do you understand?"

Lin Sheng glanced at his wet head and his bruised and swollen face.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help avoiding his sight:

"Grand grandson, Jue Ling didn't like you, it's because she has blind eyes!"

"It's all her fault, why do you torture yourself?"

"Listen to your ancestors, woman, you should give up for now."

"The road of life is so wonderful, you don't need to focus on women."

"The most important thing for you now is to hurry up and separate the facts."

"Think about it, as long as you are strong enough and become the master of Linmen in the future, isn't everything you want within your reach?"

"Right and fame, you can get it directly."

"At that time, you really still want a woman, we can grab it!"

Hearing these words, Lin Yuan's lonely heart gradually became active.

I don't know why.

Ever since he became a human stick, he has been mutated.

The kindness of the "male protagonist" can't be realized in him at all.

Now as long as he hears words like "Ming Qiang", he gets excited!

Well, it becomes ridiculously T!!

He took a deep breath, and his eyes brightened.

Then he nodded seriously and said:

"Great-grandfather, you are right."

"The future life is waiting for me. When I become stronger, I can snatch any kind of woman!"

"Jueling doesn't like me, so I'll tie her up!"

"When she dies, I will freeze her and bury her with me when the time comes!

"My love is so deep and unwavering!"

Looking at Lin Yuan, it was as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

The big stone in Lin Sheng's heart finally fell to the ground.

On the other hand, the Great Elder on the other side felt a pain in his head when he heard his "rhetoric words".


I'm afraid you don't know, your cultivation has been lost!

Thinking about it, his old face drooped, and he fell into a confused state...

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