Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1338 : Another Eight-Year-Old Junior Sister? What Kind Of Weird Father Setting? (Seeking Sub

After a while, the two came to a corner of the dense forest.

The environment is relatively dark, just to avoid the glare of the sun.

Yun Zhou found a big rock and sat down directly leaning on it.

He still didn't forget to casually say to Yanyi: "Master, come and sit for a while."

Yan Yi hesitated for a while, but sat down next to Yun Zhou.

The breeze is not dry and the sun is just right.

Talented scholars and beautiful ladies sit together, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

But this peaceful atmosphere did not last long...

at this time.

Seeing Yun Zhou recovering his cultivation, and the celestial power bubbling all over his body, Yi was a little dazzled:

"Zhou'er, you have gained a lot from going to the Immortal Emperor to pass on the inheritance. Now you have at least the third level of Emperor Realm (lower level) cultivation, right? This immortal power is too strong.


Who doesn't want to be adored by the one they love.

Yun Zhou pretended to beep indifferently.

"To tell the truth, Master, this disciple is now at the fifth level of Emperor Realm (lower level), not only combat power, but also almost all aspects have been improved, more powerful, fierce and strong!

Yan Yi was stunned when she heard this.

No wonder this little enemy was able to beat to death such a tyrannical female devil as 260, so he was already so strong?

As a master, I feel somewhat ashamed.

It seems that you have to accept a change of identity.

emmm... Master can't do it, how about being his female head office?

Well, if we can't do it at the same time, I will let Zhouer cover it!

"My boat is the best!"

Suddenly, Yan Yi slapped Yun Zhou's side face.

It may be a change of mindset.

Or maybe she cherished the near-death just now.

At this time, Yanyi was rarely active.

Yun Zhou swallowed his saliva, and looked sideways at Master Dabao.

It was still the familiar white gown, although it was wide, it still couldn't hide the figure of Master.

Exquisite and well-proportioned, concave and convex...the concave and convex are a bit too much, but it is very attractive anyway!

It's just that the high collar is somewhat annoying.

If you can cut a large piece, it will definitely be more attractive!

"That's right, but the most powerful thing about my disciples is not fighting, but... hehe!

Hey you big head!


"You are not serious!"

Seeing Yun Zhou's meaningful eyes, Yan Yi froze for a moment.

After reacting, he patted him shyly, then coughed lightly:

"Don't say it's useless, I just have something to tell you as a teacher. After you return to Haoyunzong, you will set up a position as a saint."


Yun Zhou was a little confused.

The Haoyun Sect was founded not long ago, where did the saintess come from?

Could it be that Dabao is tired of being a master?

On a whim, want to recognize me as your father?

"Master, I understand your lack of paternal love, but you are my master, we can't go against each other!"

"It's fine for you to yell on the couch like dad, you can't be a generation shorter than me on the surface."

Yun Zhou felt that it was better to talk about this kind of thing first.

If he is the suzerain and the former master is the will be bad for his reputation if it spreads.

Yeah, it says it all.

If you gain power, you will suppress the master and engage in "father-daughter sex".

(Well, most of the saints and saints in the fairyland are the eldest sons.)

"What are you thinking about, who lacks fatherly love!?"

Yan Yi slapped him angrily, angrily and funnyly said:

"I have accepted a junior sister for you, who is very talented, and she is the one who wants the position of saint.


What are you kidding!?

Master Dabao accepted a junior sister for me?

【Ah this...】

[There are enough women around me, why are you sending them over. 】

[However, I am a tyrannical horse, it seems that I have nothing to fear (bfch). 】

[I just don’t know if it’s good-looking or not, what’s my body shape......

Cough cough cough!

Yun Zhou cleared his throat, not letting himself think too much, and said doubtfully:

"That master... Where did you get me a junior sister again? Is she good-looking?"

"You apprentice, what does it matter if you look good or not!?"

When Yan Yi heard Yun Zhou's heartfelt voice, she was immediately delighted.

Pulling his ear, he laughed and cursed:

"I tell you, you can't take everyone's ideas!"

"Your junior sister is only eight years old. If you dare to be a beast, you will be deceived by being a teacher!"

Yan Yi blushed and warned Yun Zhou.

Indeed, from her point of view, Yun Zhou is just a prodigal disciple.

Even though I love him without hesitation, I can't let him mess around!

Any dirty thoughts must be contained in the cradle!

Hearing this, the people of Yun Zhou were dumbfounded.

Of course, he wasn't afraid of being cheated.

Although he was a little agitated, he hadn't changed his mind to hit the eight-year-old girl.

He's just a little confused!

Yes, he can't figure it out!

There is no such thing as a talented eight-year-old girl in the original text!

Could it be another character outside the original text?

"Master, what is my junior sister's name?"

"Jiang Fuer."

Hearing the name, Yun Zhou frowned.

Sure enough, there is a girl with this name in the original text!

Eight years old, surnamed Jiang.



[Could it be that Jiang He messed up after drinking, so the illegitimate daughter came out? 】

[No, Jiang He is crazy, but she always keeps a distance from the opposite sex. 】

[I am fused with her soul power, and I can feel that her vital yin is still there. 】

【Where can I find an illegitimate daughter......】

Yun Zhou couldn't ride it, but he always felt that this Jiang Fu'er was not easy.

Well, I vaguely feel that this junior sister has something to do with Jiang He in all likelihood.

That's right, apart from Jiang He in the original text, there is no one with the surname Jiang in Teme.

Even if it is a character outside the original text, it can't just pop up out of nowhere, right?

There has to be something to follow...

[Forget it, don't worry about it, just wait until you return to Haoyunzong to meet him in person. 】

Thinking about it hurts his head, Yun Zhou simply shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Smiling towards Yan Yi: "Congratulations, Master, you have another beloved disciple, but even if she is young, you have to be more toward me in your heart!"

"Look at your narrow-mindedness, eight-year-old child, are you still jealous? You.........Alas!"

Yan Yi nodded angrily and amusedly between his eyebrows, but Yun Zhou dodged back, and something happened.

Yan Yi accidentally leaned out and pressed towards Yun Zhou.

Well, the point unfolded....

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