Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1348: Yun Zhou: I Want To Give My Aunt A Strong Wave! (Seeking Subscription)

"You don't know, our Ridge Lord said it before."

"The disciples in the Lingnei want to go to Haoyunzong, as long as they get the consent of Lord Shengzi, they can go directly!"

"I'll go, is there such a good thing?"

"Of course, our Master Ling and Shengzi are aunts and nephews, and we are all from our own family wherever we are!"

"Yes, yes, if we go to Haoyunzong, we can see the Holy Son more, and I heard that the treatment there is no worse than that of Yunling."

"Oh, I just don't know when the Holy Son will come back."

A group of disciples are eager to see through, and they are all ready to quit the "Zizongmen".

Seeing this, Chu Liuli showed a big smile.

That's right, the reason why she came here so hard to brag to them.

The purpose is to recruit someone for my husband!

Although it is said that she is Yunling's direct descendant, she will definitely belong to Yun Zhou in the future.

Can a personal transmission be closer than a wife?

It must be to recruit talents for the "in-law's family"!

Thinking about it, she smiled like a little fox, and said:

"The Holy Son is fine, he sent me a voice transmission before."

"Also, let me tell you 15, if you want to transfer to Haoyunzong, you can come to me now.

"The matter of interviewing you, the Holy Son has already given it to me!"


A group of less intelligent outer disciples stared blankly at Chu Liuli.

The quick-response female disciples' eyes lit up instantly, and they moved towards Chu Liuli.

They recommended themselves one after another.

Just when a group of people were making a fuss, a pleasantly surprised voice suddenly came from not far away:

"My God, it's the Holy Son, the Holy Son!!"

After the voice fell, the eyes of a group of people were instantly attracted.

Chu Liuli's beautiful eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but think of the conversation with Yun Susu in her mind.

He looked at the figure in the sky with suspicion.

In the eyes, the long sword glowed with golden light, and the vast aura came over like covering the sky and covering the sun.

Along with bursts of golden sword clanging.

Yun Zhou stepped down on the blade casually and twisted his slender neck.

【Hmm... This golden sword is not slow, it is as fast as my teleportation. 】

[But there is one thing, standing is not as comfortable as sitting. 】

[It seems that it is better to have less Yujian in the future. 】

Yun Zhou complained slightly in his heart.

At this time, a charming voice suddenly came:


Yun Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then saw a beautiful figure trotting towards Xiangfeng.



Chu Liuli pouted, and threw herself directly into Yun Zhou's arms, wrapping her hands around his neck, was she about to give it to him?

In an instant, a group of outer disciples were dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Yun Zhou reacted quickly, and Ri Zhiyin's hand suddenly landed on Chu Li's face:

"What are you going to do?"

Chu Liuli hummed resolutely:

"Giegie, don't be so heartless, Liuli misses you!"

I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss Nima!

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth twitched, and he directly lifted Chu Li's neck and threw it away.

Why do you still want to strengthen yourself in broad daylight?

A group of disciples stood aside, looking at Yun Zhou's big eyes, which were shining brightly.


Lord Son is so handsome!

Is this a man like God?


The fastest responder was a male disciple, who immediately knelt on the ground without saying a word.

Seeing this, the others followed suit.

Although Yun Zhou is said to be the Son of God, they don't need to bow down when they meet.

But the worship of the bones still makes them unable to stand.

Hmm, just looking at it makes me want to kneel down, it's like a god!

"Welcome to the return of the Holy Son!"

They knelt down on one knee, with a look of reverence.

Yun Zhou glanced at the group of disciples with a little surprise, then shook his head with a smile.

"There's no need for welcome. If you have this time, let's talk about your cultivation. 17

He patted the shoulder of the leading male disciple and said casually.

In an instant, these disciples seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

"Yes, we must redouble our efforts to enter the Haoyun School as soon as possible!"

The sound was deafening and went straight into the sky.

Yun Zhou:???

above the sky.

Standing on the top of the clouds, Chen Fusheng frowned and looked at the high-spirited young man below.

"The reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor is a person who deserves to be damned, but he has smashed the galaxy again..."

"With such infectious power, if he is allowed to live, he will definitely be a threat to me."

"Now that there is a dispute, should we take advantage of the situation and kill him first?"

Well, Chen Xinghe's death was just an excuse for Chen Fusheng.

His real purpose is to get rid of this "reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor" who is in full swing.

To be honest, Chen Fusheng is also very confused now.

He didn't know what his brother was thinking.


Without Chen Fuxian's help, Yun Zhou would not have been able to ascend to the Immortal Realm!

What exactly is he planning?

Thinking of his younger brother's mysterious disappearance all day long, Chen Fusheng was not sure what he was thinking for a moment.

Shaking his head, he looked at Yun Zhou.

A cloud of white light and mist filled the palm of his hand, vaguely showing the gesture of making a move.

But just as his breath rose, thinking of Yun Susu's cold face, he put down his hand on the 970 again.

"That crazy woman Yun Susu is simply arrogant and unreasonable..."

"Forget it, if you attack Yun Zhou now, you probably won't be able to kill him, so let's find another chance."

Taking a deep look in the direction of the Yunling Great Hall, Chen Fusheng took a deep breath, and then gradually disappeared into Void Minister.

Yun Zhou was startled, then raised his head with narrowed eyes.

When you reach the cultivation base of the Emperor Realm, you can capture a person's whereabouts by exploring the Taoist rhyme.

At this time, Chen Fusheng had just left, and there was still a faint fairy charm in the void.

"I can't sit still? The first person on the bright side is also a character who can't calm down.

There was a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth, and then, under the watchful eye of a group of disciples, he walked to Yinling.

Back in Yunling, the first thing to do is naturally to meet my aunt.

Thinking of Yun Susu's flamboyantly glamorous face, Yun Zhou's heart beat a little faster.

That's right, this woman is an aunt in name.

But in fact, there is no "blood relationship" with him.

People treat him as a nephew, but he is still greedy for others!

[Tsk, it's not good for me to keep the relationship between aunt and nephew like this. 】

[You can directly confess that my aunt definitely disagrees, maybe she will scold me... 】

【What to do. 】

【How about... Lai Boqiang?】.

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