Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1360: The Man's Explanation: You Are So Beautiful, I Can't Hold Back! (Seeking Sub

"Hi, like me!?"

She stammered, her delicate face flushed, and she stared blankly at Yun Zhou.

It seemed that Yun Zhou would be so bold and outspoken.

"Yeah, my aunt is so attractive to me, I can't control the emotions in my heart.

Yun Zhou didn't stop at nothing, so he just got ashamed.

He looked at Yun Susu with fiery eyes, with affection in his eyes:

"Auntie, do you know why I like you?"

"Why, why?"

"Because you are so beautiful!"

Yun Susu:???

"...for that?"

Well, Yun Susu, who was nervous and trembling, felt a sense of loss for no reason.

But before she could think about it, Yun Zhou's voice rang out all at once:

"Of course it's more than that."

Rarely, he fiddled with his fingers in a cute manner, thinking:

"I like my aunt's seriousness, and my aunt's calmness."

"I like my aunt's domineering way of being an enemy of the world for me."

"When I like my aunt herself, I show the shyness of my daughter's family."

"In my eyes, my aunt is like the moonlight in the galaxy, although it is cold, it is dazzling.

"My disciple has many confidante friends, but the only one who makes my disciple think about it day and night is my aunt"

After saying this, Yun Zhou ignored Yun Susu's bewildered face, and said with a wry smile to himself:

"At first, I thought that for my aunt's happiness, I could be my aunt's nephew for the rest of my life."

"Although there is no blood relationship."

"As long as my aunt wants to, I can bear my feelings.

"But I found that I overestimated myself."

"When I think about seeing my aunt, I can't help the emotion at all."

"I was blocked by the deacon at the door just now. I was angry and thought about leaving, but when I thought about not seeing my aunt, my heart hurt like a needle."

"What about aunt? I seem to have fallen in love with you."

God damn fall in love!

Well, although it is a bit oily, the effect is still good.

Yun Susu stared blankly at Yun Zhou, her heart beating faster.

She has been in Xianyu for many years, and there are countless people pursuing her.

But it was the first time she had heard such a bold confession.

Zhou'er... really love her so much?

I don't know if it's the effect of Luanqing fans or really moved my heart.

Yun Susu only felt her heartbeat speeding up unconsciously, and her throat was almost dry!

"So, these days you disappeared, are you preparing for today's confession?" She suddenly thought of something, and her voice murmured.

Yun Zhou: (? `')!

Misty Grass, is there such a reason?

Why didn't I think of that?

While he shocked Yunsu and Su Zhugong, his demeanor suddenly became lonely:

"Yeah, in order for my aunt to accept me, after I came out of the heritage site, I prepared these while healing my wounds..."

"I originally wanted to do it out of my aunt's sight, so I can give you a surprise."

"But now it seems that it should be a fright."

Yun Zhou's voice was melancholy, with a sense of disappointment.

Yun Susu's heart ached when she saw it.

There are fireworks in Xianyu, which is nothing to shock.

It's just fireworks bursting out of portraits and fonts, which she has never seen before.

Although it's only a momentary beauty... But Zhou'er must have put her heart into it, right?

Escaping from the collapsed inheritance, she was already scarred, and she was thinking of preparing a surprise for her

And she didn't even dare to say "like" from the bottom of her heart.

He was even angry with the other party's boldness in his heart.

For a moment, Yun Susu was moved and guilty.

I just felt so disgusting.


My nephew is a teenager, just the age when he is young and frivolous and loves the opposite sex.

What's wrong with him even if he likes himself?

Didn't I just want to test his sincerity?

Now that I know his mind.

Why pretend to be an elder to make him sad.

Yun Zhou noticed Yun Susu's change, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a subtle way.

Suddenly, he grabbed her little hand abruptly:

"Auntie, do you like me?"

The hot eyes seemed to melt everything, as if they were going to swallow her alive!

In an instant, Yun Susu felt the temperature in her hands, and her cheeks became hot.

His eyes dodged, but there was mist in them.

Seeing Yun Susu's softer eyes.

...asking for flowers......

Yun Zhou knows, the opportunity has come!

Years of experience told him so.

A man who doesn't know how to play by ear is not a good SP!

He moved his throat and suddenly leaned forward.

He leaned his head over, and just took a bite.

"Sorry Auntie, you are so beautiful, I can't help it!"

Yun Susu was wondering how to answer Yun Zhou's confession.

Instantly his body stiffened.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

What happened?

Yun Zhou took advantage of her sluggishness and came over to her?

Ah this...

Blinking his big eyes, he looked at Yun Zhou in a daze.

It took a few breaths before he came back to his senses.

In an instant, there was a deafening scream!

"Ahh! Yun Zhou, what did you do!?"

Fortunately, Yun Susu's couch is too far away from the palace door, and the deaconess outside can't hear it, otherwise she would have rushed in to "rescue her" when she heard the movement out of nowhere!

"Auntie, I explained, you are beautiful, I couldn't help it." Yun Zhou said as a matter of course.

Everyone in Yunsusu was dumbfounded.

She always thought that Yun Zhou was just talking about it, because he was still very measured.

But now it seems that this little bastard is completely lecherous!

Before I agreed to his confession, he dared to...!

"Little bastard, do you know what you are doing, I am your aunt!"

"We are not related by blood, aunt is just a name!" Yun Zhou stiffened his neck and was not convinced.

"What a fart, I'll beat you to death!"

Yun Susu was furious, and kept greeting Yun Zhou with her small fist.

But I don't know if it hurts.

She dared not use any celestial power, for fear of breaking Yun Zhou.

But even so, it was unimaginably fierce.

She was allowed to thump without pain.

As if nothing had happened, Yun Zhou pampered her face lovingly.

"Don't be angry, aunt. I kiss you. It's not my fault."

"Ha... Then it's my fault!?" Yun Susu was annoyed.

Yun Zhou took it for granted, "Yes, if you weren't so beautiful, how could I not be able to control how much I send?"

....Do you want face! Do you!".

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