Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1373: For The Sake Of Thousands Of Springs, Yun Is Obliged To Do So! (Seeking Subscription)

Be reasonable.

Although Xiao Xunxun has been half awake and half awake for so many years.

But there is still a basic understanding of Xianyu.

The pride of the younger generation.

To reach the third level of Dao Proving Realm is to rank among the top ten.

Emperor Realm (lower level) fifth floor...

Is he ignoring the confinement of the cultivator, and can drink water enter the country?

Xiao Tiankuo said: "After a few years, this son will far surpass us, and then the Six Emperors will become a thing of the past."

"Then... what do you think~?" Xiao Xunxun asked doubtfully.

"What do you think? Naturally, before he rises up, force him to cure you.-"

Xiao Tiankuo's eyes shone with light: "Since he agreed to cure you, it is impossible to give him a chance to repent!"

"After two days, I will settle you down, and I will go find him for my father."

"Even if you beg, let him come and heal you!"

Good guy, what I said earlier is quite imposing.

How did you "beg" it later?

Xiao Xunxun was a little confused when he heard this.

This is the first time she has seen her father being a little "low-spirited", and she can't help but feel a little puzzled:

"Father, although I don't agree with your past actions..."

"But with your temperament, shouldn't you arrest him? Why do you ask?"

"Do you want to be your father?" Xiao Tiankuo looked at her helplessly:

"Just Yun Susu is not something my father can deal with now. Now that this kid has reached such a level of cultivation, how can I catch him?"

"Even if I fight alone, I will lose 3,000 yuan if I win him, maybe I will let him run away!"

"Instead of making it stiff, it's better to discuss it well. After all, he promised to cure you."

"Emmm... I had a bad fight with this kid before, but it seems that he is not the kind of person who goes back and forth."

"Besides, I have already promised to marry you to him, how can he not want Bai Jian's daughter-in-law?"

Xiao Xunxun: "!!!"

"Marry me to him!?"

"Ah this........."

Xiao Tiankuo said that his mouth was bald, and pulled the corners of his mouth in embarrassment:

"This is a trade-off for the father, if you don't want to, then you will find a reason for the father.

"Anyway, let him cure you first, and you don't have to be burdened, because Father

Before he finished speaking.

Xiao Xunxun: "Ah․․․hehe~bobobobo."

Well, there is no need to say anything after that.

Xiao Xunxun turned into a mentally handicapped girl again, spit bubbles.


Xiao Tiankuo sighed silently, then as if he was used to it, he supported Xiao Xunxun and left quickly.

Yun Zhou didn't know what was going on outside.

I stayed in Yunling for four or five days in a row.

He can be said to have lived the life of an uncle.

While wandering around during the day, he did not forget to tease Yun Qiaoer and Chu Liuli.

At the end of the moon, he ran to Yun Susu's bedroom.

Although a few days is relatively short.

But the fiery relationship between him and Yun Susu is obviously rising in a straight line.

What's more, Yun Susu is used to it now, nestling in his arms and calling him "Xianggong".

I don't know if it's the effect of chaotic powder.

Anyway, Yun Susu's feelings for Yun Zhou are getting hotter and hotter.

How can there be the déjà vu feeling of aunt to nephew?

But Yun Zhou didn't tell Yun Susu about the mess.


How do you talk about this topic?

Said that I saw that you treated me as a nephew, so you were unhappy, and used some tricks for you?

stop talking.

Even if Yun Susu didn't break up with him after learning about it, he would probably be very angry!

Yun Zhou also decided to keep this secret for the rest of his life.

Although he and Yun Susu are aunts and nephews.

But in fact, there is also "no blood relationship".

Just think that what Yun Susu was thinking was "emotional deterioration".

Be presumptuous for a few days.

Yun Zhou still failed to break Yun Susu's last line of defense.

But the strange thing is that Lin'er who has been guarding the door has become more and more charming.

Mmm, very feminine!

A few times Yun Susu also asked her curiously.

But she also just said rest well.


It can't be said that the holy son who has been holding back with you all night will take all his anger on me the next day, right?

In this way, five days down.

Yun Susu still sticks to her bottom line, but under Lin'er's hood, she has already tied a woman's hair in a bun...

Another misty morning.

Yun Zhou felt that going on like this was not an option.

It's time to go back and see Master.


Ever since I ate Shizun's abalone steamed buns in the dense forest last time, I haven't seen Shizun here.

...asking for flowers......

And in that kind of place, taking away Master's little cherry blossom...

He also felt sorry.

In case of being greedy for pleasure, the master will be chilled.

That would be worth the candle!

After thinking about it, he also came up with an idea for living in Yunling for a long time.

[Well, anyway, whether Haoyunzong and Yunling communicate with each other

【Why don’t you pick some disciples and bring them to Haoyunzong!】

[Otherwise, Master asked me why I haven't gone back for so long, there is really no reason to fold over. 】

Thinking of this, he directly transmitted the voice to Yun Susu.

It is said that Haoyunzong lacks disciples, and he wants to take some away.

Yun Susu naturally responded simply.


Yun Zhou arrived at the main mountain of Yunsusu on time.

Yun Susu has also been a little bored recently, and Yun Zhou messed around with her every night. Although she managed to defend the last level, it also made it difficult for her to settle down and practice all day long.

So she didn't do anything during the day, and just stayed in the bedroom obediently.

She didn't ask about Yunling's affairs either.

It belongs to the waste of time.

At this time, following Yun Zhou came to the top of the mountain.

The deaconesses on the mountain immediately surrounded them.

Yes, after five days of contact.

They love this unassuming Son so much!

"Yeah~ Master Shengzi has come to Zhushan again?"

"Are you here to find the Lord of the Ridge?"

"Master Shengzi, I recently learned a new massage technique, why don't I take you to the dense forest at the foot of the mountain so that you can experience it?"

"Go, scratch your hooves, don't seduce Lord Shengzi~"

"Then I won't seduce the Holy Son, how about the Holy Son seduce me?"

Looking at a group of deacons like she-wolves.

Even though Yun Zhou had seen strong winds and waves, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Good guy, if you put this into a formation, even if you can't suck it to death, you will still be killed half of it, right?

Without hesitation, Yun Zhou immediately coughed twice.

He said "I have something to do" and turned to leave.

At the same time, he did not forget to transmit the voice to Yun Susu.

Hmm... It's okay to see my aunt.

But the rippling appearance of this group of wonderful people, I can't let my aunt find out.

Otherwise, no one should have sex with him in the future....

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