Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1385 : Veteran Steam Girl! Come Dance To Yun Mou! (Seeking Subscription)

See this smile.

There was more and more cold sweat on Jue Ling's forehead, and his little hands unconsciously clenched.

She was sure, although Yun Susu was smiling now.

But if you just answered, the other party is not satisfied.

She will definitely die on the spot!

But fortunately, Yun didn't seem to have her mind on it.

His eyes became calm again.

Suddenly said very abruptly:

"Your waist is quite thin.

"Twist and show me."


Jue Ling Lin Shan: ∑(O_Oa?

Yun Zhou: (000)...

Good guy!

No one expected that Yun Susu would do something like this all of a sudden!

Twist... what do you mean?

Could it be that Lord Ling has some strange hobbies?

Lin Shan looked at her owner in shock.

And Jueling's "170" pretty face suddenly became hot!

She looked at Yun Susu with slightly admiring eyes.

I just felt a buzzing in my head, as if it was cooked through!

Well, the old "Steam Ji" belongs to it.

On the main seat, Yun Zhou has come alive!

【Okay, what an aunt!】

[As expected of the person who knows me best, how does she know what I want to see!?]

【However, what does it mean that my aunt asked her to twist her waist?】

【Does my aunt also want to see it?】

【Hiss——this is terrible, aunt won't be the type who eats both men and women? 】

Hearing this heartfelt voice, Yun Susu glared at Yun Zhou vaguely.

This bastard, what nonsense are you talking about?

She just wanted to see if this girl's waist was really the type that could be pinched.

Well...what nun doesn't want a slim waist?

Yun Susu admitted that she was jealous.

But it’s okay for her to observe and compare, right?

"Cough cough..."

Yun Susu thought for a while, then squinted at Lin Shan: "Not only her, but you too!"

"Me?" Lin Shan, who was suddenly cueed, was stunned.

But Yun Susu didn't care about that, looked at her with a frown and said:

"This seat depends on your aptitude, what are you thinking?"

"You can't even reach the foundation of physical fitness, you still want to go to Zhou'er's Haoyunzong?"

Hearing this, Lin immediately reacted.

She also thought that Lingzhu had some special hobbies.

After a long time, it turned out to be the case!

If you want to test your aptitude, then there is no hesitation.

She didn't dare to delay immediately.

Thinking about the scene in the picture book, two little hands raised up.

The waist, which was comparable to Blue Star A4 paper, immediately began to twist.

While twisting, he asked, "Is that so, Lord Ling?"

Although she didn't understand the relationship between "waist twisting" and "talent for martial arts".

But she somehow trusted Yun Susu's words.

Seeing a little cook in a kitchen shirt twisting her waist.

that impact...

Good guy, the eyeballs of Yun Zhou on the main seat almost fell off.

【I'm damn, is my aunt sending me FL?!】

[But should I say it or not, the original text is correct!]

【This heroine, Lin Shan, is indeed a pretty girl!】

[Stuffy yuppie, and this movement... I seem to have seen it in a small picture book. 】

【Good guy, she must have watched a lot on weekdays! 】

Hearing this heartfelt voice, Lin Shan blushed immediately.

The frequency gradually slowed down.

And Yun Zhou felt inexplicably amazed when he saw her figure.

A more mature idea suddenly popped up in my mind...

After a while, Lin Shan stopped, and she lowered her head a little ashamedly.

That's right, Yun Zhou's voice deeply dug a small knife in her heart.

I definitely don't see less on weekdays...

What kind of impression did you leave on the Holy Son?!

But looking at Yun Susu's slightly calm eyes, she was still relieved.

Although it is said that she does not practice martial arts, but her basic physical aptitude should be fine, right?

"Huh~ It's okay, you can almost be an inner disciple."

Yun Susu looked away and added a sentence casually.

It's a girl with a horse flea... as expected!

It seems that we have to keep her away from Zhou'er in the future!

Well, any physical qualifications are all nonsense.

With her cultivation base, why should someone twist her waist? It can be seen at a glance.

She just wanted to comment on this Lin Shan, in case her baby Pimple was abducted.

As a result, looking at it this way, well, it is indeed quite dangerous.

I saw Lin Shan.

Yun Susu's eyes fell directly on Jue Ling who was blushing and heartbeating, and her voice was calm:

"Come on, please start your performance......"


Jueling's eyes were foggy, and he was on the verge of crying in embarrassment.

She is a serious girl with a yellow flower, how can she be like Lin Shan.

Twirling in front of Yun Zhou...wouldn't she be ashamed to death?

"That... Lord Ling, can I change the method?"

"No." Yun Susu said firmly.

What you are looking at is your waist, you change your fart.

"Hold on."

"...well, all right."

Jueling bit her red lip, then moved unconsciously.

To be reasonable, her movements are very stiff, but there is an inexplicable rhythm.

After seeing this, even though she is as beautiful as Yun Susu, she can't help being a little jealous.

He spat softly in his heart:

"With such an exaggerated figure, there is such a thin waist?"

"No wonder Zhou'er is afraid that she will break!"

Yun Zhou now has a deep understanding of what a water snake waist is.

Actually tell the truth.

Jue Ling's is not much younger than Lin Shan and Aunt, but it's just that the big bear and the big bear set it off, it's outrageous!

【U1S1, it's better for Jue Ling to be fatter. 】

[Although it is good-looking enough, it is still a bit scary. 】

【But then again, what kind of dark attribute can she have as a whole steam girl?】

hear this.

Jue Ling who moved was stunned for a moment, and looked at Yun Zhou curiously.

In terms of figure, she herself feels a bit exaggerated at 5.6.

But... what does "darkness" mean?

And after hearing Yun Zhou's heartfelt voice, she felt inexplicably puzzled.

What is the original text, what does the heroine really mean?

Is the heroine Lin Shanshan a story character?

Also, why does it feel like he already knew me?

It's obviously the first time we've met... so strange.

[In terms of painting experience, this girl is not a bit worse than Lin Shan. 】

【No YH power at all, too stiff, boring. 】

[Let's just take it away quickly... I want to see what Lin Shengpai can do to me. 】

【Tsk, with her like this, it is estimated that Lin Sheng will lose his wife and lose his army...】

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