Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1389: Silent Mode? Senior Brother In My Eyes! (Seeking Subscription)

Hearing this heartfelt voice, Lin Shan and Jue Ling blushed instantly.

Interpreting beautiful cheeks, ashamed as if dripping water.

Yun Susu glared at Yun Zhou angrily.

I secretly said in my heart that it was true.

This little bastard just doesn't resist hooking up, so you have to look after him in the future!

Especially these two goblins...

Yun Susu glanced down at the two beautiful figures in the middle of the hall.

I saw their picturesque eyebrows, shy like two little flowers.

Then I saw the pitiful appearance, I was so fascinated!

"No, let Zhou'er stay away from her in the future!"

Feeling sour in her heart, Yunsusu let out a snort.

"Okay, you two will return to Haoyunzong with me tomorrow."

Yun Zhou sat on the chair casually, looked at Lin Shan and said:

"Now are you staying here to pick someone from me, or go back and pack your things?"

Holding the pill bottle in his hand, Jue Ling said in a soft voice:

"Then, we have to go back and pack our things first."

"Holy Son, don't worry, we will definitely accompany you tomorrow on time.

Speaking of this, she felt that what she said was wrong, so she quickly continued:

"Never keep you waiting, whenever you need, we will go there..."

"It's fine from midnight to early morning... just send a message..."

"Ah, we promise not to delay..."

My Nima's...

"Okay, just shut up, go, go back and pack your luggage."

Sensing that Yun Susu's eyes became more and more unkind, the corners of Yun Zhou's mouth twitched extremely frequently.

"Before I leave, I will definitely give you two messages"

"But you don't have to rush."

"If not, you two can go to Haoyunzong by yourself.

"It's not that I can't find it..."

Seeing that Yun Zhou's face turned dark, the two women were too frightened to speak out.

Jue Ling kept pulling his head, wondering:

"Is it because I was too grumpy just now, so I made my brother angry?"

Seeing the silence of the two little cats, Yun Zhou was very satisfied.

Leaving aside Jue Ling, Lin Shan's attitude made him feel very disrespectful!

Thinking of the twisted waist just now in his mind, the corners of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up.

Got a chance to do it!

Otherwise, if you know so many small picture books, wouldn't you be blind?

【Well...Anyway, one more, not more, one less. 】

【I am destined, what am I afraid of?】

Exit from Qingyuan Hall, and the first batch of fifty people enter at that time.

Yun Zhou and Yun Susu thoroughly started the selection of disciples.

Lin Shan and Jue Ling also headed towards the main mountain.

The two of them worked as cooks in the main mountain's outside kitchen, so naturally their residences would not be too far apart.

Just at the foot of the main mountain.

On the way, Jueling hesitated again and again, and suddenly began to chatter.

Then, stupefied...

Well, she was caught too.

I wanted to ask Lin Shan if she could hear her heart, but she couldn't.

Just put it in silent mode.

Unaware of Jue Ling's sluggishness, Lin Shan thought for a while, then suddenly said:

"Sister Jueling, I think I should remind you."

"You approached him and gave him Mie Dao can give up."

"Don't ask the specific reason, anyway, you have no chance of success.

Just now Lin Shan wanted to ask about the matter of her heart.

But like Jue Ling and Yun Susu, she couldn't answer this question at all.

After several trials, she directly chose to give up.

He was going to make Jue Ling stop by insinuating.


The voice in the ear is very obvious, Yun Zhou knows everything!

If Jue Ling dares to do this, wouldn't it be a meat bun beating a dog?

Whether Yun Zhou can be harmed or not, Jue Ling must be the worst one. will be oppressed by Yun Zhou in various ways.

She was worried, so Lin Shan subconsciously tried to persuade her.

Originally, she thought it would be the same as before, and it was useless.

But it turned out that Jue Ling was very obedient this time!

She lightly pursed her red lips and said in a low voice, "I see."

"Sister Shan, don't worry, I'm sure I won't mess around..."

"However, is what you said just now true?"

Hearing this, Lin Shan froze for a moment, "What are you talking about?"

"It's your uncle who wants to poison all the elders and peaks of the Linmen sect...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Before Jue Ling finished speaking, Lin Shan gagged her mouth.

……ask for flowers…

"Huh~ Fortunately, no one is there." She glanced left and right, and then gave Jue Ling a slap on the head angrily:

"Are you a tiger, can you say such things outside?"

"What if there are spies in Yunling and tell Lin Sheng about it?"

"Ah, this..." Jue Ling's eyes froze for a moment, and when he realized it, he quickly apologized:

"I'm sorry, sister Shan, I didn't think carefully, I will definitely pay attention in the future..."

"Then... is this true?"

"Naturally it is true."

Lin Shan put down her small hand, pulled Jue Ling to a relatively remote place, and whispered:

"If my uncle succeeds, Linmen will be completely paralyzed."

"Lin Sheng must also be in a state of desperation, and has no time to take care of your business."

"You listen to me, now you must not rashly attack Brother Sheng..."

"And you also have to know that even if you make a move, it's impossible to succeed."

"Brother is too mysterious, there are many Duan Ye in hand..."

"Such a person is definitely beyond the reach of a fool like you."

"So you have to put away all your little thoughts..."

Lin Shan persuaded Jueling tirelessly, although she couldn't tell what was on her mind.

But that doesn't mean she has no other options.

First of all, scare this girl, and talk about the rest later.

She still can't believe it.

When I came to Haoyunzong, I stayed next to Jue Ling for twelve hours a day, and I could still make this little tiger do wrong things...

After some consolation.

Lin Shan frowned looking at Jueling who bowed her head and said nothing.

Then he couldn't help but stretched out his small hand and pushed her, "What are you thinking?"

"Ah... I didn't think about anything." Jue Ling came back to his senses, and quickly raised his little head.

There is a touch of pink on the pretty face of a fairy, and the shyness in the eyes is hard to hide.

After thinking about it, she suddenly pursed her red lips, and whispered: "Sister Shan, do you feel

"Brother, is he an excellent person?"

"Incomparably talented, Extraordinary in appearance, refined in temperament, good-natured, and good at taking care of others..."

"I've lived for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen such a dazzling senior brother...Next."

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