Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1396 : Night Party With Bored Girls! Mind Player! (Seeking Subscription)

"I have taught you the sword skills, and the condition should be paid."

"Come on, start sparring!!"

Yun Zhou was clearly impatient.

Chu Lingxiao:TOTT

She couldn't even struggle.

It's not that she couldn't escape with all her might, it's just that she had agreed to it and knew she was wrong.

In addition, she didn't dare to make a big noise, otherwise she would not be able to hold her head up in the future.

In this way, the treaty was fulfilled several times.

Chu Lingxiao wanted to cry but had no tears.

I don't know how ruthless Yun Zhou is.

It was a tyrannical attack, it beat her until she couldn't stand up, and almost pulled her hair out!

" take it easy!"

Chu Lingxiao compromised, and followed the big hand back and forth.

It took a full hour before the other party let her go.

This is the end of the discussion of capitalists.

The two left the dense forest one after another.

"Da Xiaoxiao, when I comprehend the second level of "Zhan Tian Jue", I will continue to teach you. Of course, the conditions remain the same!"

There was an inexplicable joke on the corner of Yun Zhou's mouth, and he looked at her with a smile.

Chu Lingxiao was so angry that he almost rushed over to bite him to death.

"Bastard, bastard"

Well, at 19, she cherishes words like gold.

You can only talk less and curse more.

That's right.

She can't do reasonable things.

Saying one more word now makes my throat hurt.

And the body is also dying of exhaustion, and Xianli Nourishment will not heal for the time being!

This damned little thing is too ruthless!

"Ahem, Da Xiaoxiao, go back and take some pills and have a good rest."

"I won't see you when I leave tomorrow, so maybe I won't take you with me."

After saying this, Yun Zhou turned around, waved his hand and left directly.

Chu Lingxiao was left standing where he was, staring at his back angrily, and hoeing the ground with his feet.

Damn gongs!

Just leave after bullying someone, shameless!

Chu Lingxiao returned to Jianshou Mountain angrily.

But he never dared to rest.

Well, she also whispered that bastard Yun Zhou really doesn't

On the other side, Yun Zhou, who left the dense forest, did not return to Shengzi Mountain.

Instead, he headed towards the courtyard on the mountainside of the main mountain.

Stretch the bold and starve the timid to death.

He and Chu Lingxiao obviously haven't enjoyed their sparring.

During the day, Lin Shan's "little idea" can be implemented.

Well, this stuffy girl with only experience but no practice.

Need to discuss it!

emmm...Looking at her physique, she should be quite strong after awakening...

Almost as good as it gets.

Yun Zhou clenched his fists, ready to go over and make trouble!

Yun Zhou made special preparations for this cook who was full of thoughts.

As for the aunt on the top of the main mountain...

Yun Zhou is so confident that she can't find herself.

Not long after, Yun Zhou arrived at the compound of Lin Shan and Temporary Officer Di Ling.

This is Yunsu Sutepai, the living place of the cook.

(The chefs in the main mountain are all female nuns.)

Because these two little undercover agents are also Yun Susu's cook.

So their residence is also here.

It's worth mentioning though.

Now in this living place, only Lin Shan and Jue Ling are there.

That's right.

The other cooks would not dare to sleep on the same mountain as the lord.

After the residence was specially approved, they didn't dare to live longer and moved out long ago.

Therefore, this huge courtyard seemed very cold and secluded.

Touching the inside of the yard, the whole body's breath is concealed.

Yun Zhou was very satisfied with the quiet courtyard, even if he went directly to Lin Shan's place, he would not find it.

What pleased him most was that the breathing in one room was very even.

It was Jueling's room.

Hmm... The long-time undercover identity was revealed, and the big stone in my heart was simply put down, so it's rare to sleep well?

Yun Zhou just thought about it and figured out the reason.

Scratching his head helplessly, he beeped softly:

"The line of defense is still low."

"How can a cultivator relax enough to fall asleep?"

"It can be seen how tense she was before..."

Glancing at Jueling's room, Yun Zhou knew his chance had come.

Now is the time to make trouble!

Yun Zhou quietly came to the door of one side of the room, which was Lin Shan's room.

It is actually very simple to distinguish the room of the two.

Because just after he came here, he found that there was a reflection of candlelight in this room.

Inside was Lin Shan's slightly taller figure.

Of course, Lin Shan was the only one in the room at this time.

No rest, no meditation...  

Presumably, it was because she was going to Haoyunzong with her tomorrow, so she had some worries, which led to her inattention to practice.

Standing outside the door, Yun Zhou could clearly see the movements of the figures inside.

Obviously, Lin Shan has sensed that someone is approaching.

Although her own strength is not strong, she still has basic awareness.

And...she's not blind!


Yun Zhou outside the door did not intend to hide his figure at all.

At this time, through the shadow of the window, the shining tall man was standing there.

She can't even find out!

Just because the breath is concealed.

She didn't know that the figure outside was Yun Zhou.

A long sword emerged in his hand, with Yunling's token beside him.

Lin Shan pretended not to notice anyone outside, but she had already made enough preparations. 773

As long as there is a little danger, she will shoot the long sword over, and immediately save herself through sound transmission.

The Lord of the Ridge is on the top of the mountain, so nothing will happen!

Yun Zhou reached out and knocked on the door lightly.

Lin Shan froze for a moment.

Ah this......

Bad guys shouldn't knock on the door, right?


"Who else could it be, except me, who dares to climb the main mountain in the middle of the night?" Yun Zhou's voice sounded a little helpless.

Lin Shan let out a long breath.

Huh~ It turned out to be the Sovereign Lord.

That shouldn't be dangerous... right?

Well, the last "bar" means that Lin Shan has no confidence.

During the daytime, Yun Zhou's gaze was a little hot, but it made her dare not lift her head several times.

I came to my door in the middle of the night...


Lin Shan swallowed, subconsciously not wanting to open the door.

But standing outside the door is her future suzerain.

After hesitating for a while, she finally gritted her teeth and opened the door.

"Sect Master, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, it's nothing serious, it's just about your uncle's safety in the future, I want to talk to you.

Yun Zhou ignored the vigilance in Lin Shan's eyes.

Instead, the corners of his mouth curled up, his expression frivolous and playful.

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