Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1406 : Deep Scheming! Invitation To Lin Lang Zhantai! (Seeking Subscription)

[Now the opportunity has come, it can be done! 】

With this in mind, Yun Zhou is ready to go all out and break through directly.

But at this moment.

However, he suddenly noticed fluctuations in Haoyunzong's protective formation.

【Huh? Someone called the door?】

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou suppressed the surging celestial power in his body, walked out of the bedroom, and looked up at the sky.

"Sect Master Yun, my name is Zhao Qing, and the person next to me is Zhou Gan. Both of us are from the Immortal Palace, and we belong to the Immortal Guard."

above the sky.

The old man standing opposite Yun Zhou gave a brief introduction.

And beside him, there was another bull-nosed old man hitting him.

Both of them are not weak in cultivation, and both of them have half-steps to become emperors.

"I've heard about it for a long time."

Yun Zhou nodded casually towards the two, his calm gaze unwavering.

He who has integrated the memory of the Immortal Emperor naturally knows who these two people are.

Well, the two immortal guards from my previous life.

To knock it down and say... dog legs.

For these two people, Yun Zhou still had some good feelings in the early days.

After all, he was very loyal to his predecessor, the Immortal Emperor.

But since he was at the lower level before the fight, he fought against Xiao Tiankuo's immortal soul, and the two of them did not make 167 moves.

His goodwill was almost wiped out.

Look now...

[People's hearts will change, and the object of loyalty has changed. 】

Yun Zhou didn't think much, looked directly at Zhao Qing who was opposite, and said straightforwardly:

"I don't know what Zhao Xianwei came to see me for?"

Since the other party didn't know that he had awakened the Immortal Emperor's memory.

Naturally, Yun Zhou would not take the initiative to reveal his identity.

These two veterans didn't have the qualifications to win him over.

"Come here rashly to bother Sect Master Yun Qingxiu, and Sect Master Yun please forgive me for the abruptness.

Zhao Qing first came over politely, and immediately said:

"This time, I was ordered by the concubine Xian to invite King Yunying to go to the fairy palace for a gathering.

"Concubine Xian? Forget it, I've been busy recently, so I can't leave."

Yun Zhou said unceremoniously: "If she wants to see me, she can come over.

"Ah, this..." The two elders looked at each other in embarrassment.

Zhao Qing cleared his throat, and said in a low voice: "Sect Master Yun, you don't know, this time the fairy concubine is not looking for you for some trivial matter."

(bfbc) "Concubine Xian has ordered to unite with Jiangmen to destroy Linmen.

"I came to you to discuss the alliance."

"Ahem, Sect Master Yun... From my understanding, Linmen and you should have an undying relationship..."

"If you can reach an alliance with Concubine Xian at this time, it will be a good thing for you and Xiangong!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Qing paused, and continued:

"It's just that the concubine Xian has a special status. If she is asked to come here to discuss in person, I'm afraid Linmen will pay attention."

"If you stun the grass and startle the snake, then the loss outweighs the gain... What do you think?"

Yun Zhou stood with his hands behind his back, his expression full of impatience:

"What did I say? All that needs to be said has been said."

"What's the matter with Linlang Zhantai, what do you want to discuss, let her come to me by herself!"

"Didn't you understand?"


Hearing this, the two old men were dumbfounded.

Zhao Qing's mouth twitched, everyone was dumbfounded.

Good guy, didn't you say you would startle the snake?

Why do you want Concubine Xian to come over......

Coauthored what I just said for a long time, was it all in vain?

"Leave on your own within three breaths. If Haoyunzong's big formation touches it, it will save your life."

Yun Zhou didn't have much patience for the "grass on the wall" who transferred to Linlang Zhantai.

Leaving one sentence and leaving directly.


The two old men froze for a long time, then turned back.

After the guardian array re-shrouded.

The two hurriedly left, one behind the other, and disappeared into the sky.

On the way, Zhou Gan, who followed Zhao Qing all the time and didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart.

"What the hell does this Yun Zhou mean?"

"It's so rampant that it's boundless!"

"Didn't you say that he is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor? Why can't I see a trace of the Immortal Emperor from him?"

"Let me say that everything about him may be a coincidence, with such a dog's temper, he can never be an immortal emperor!"

Zhou Gan was indignant and berated him.

Thinking of Yun Zhou's attitude just now, he felt a little unhappy:

"The Immortal Emperor is magnanimous and humble, unlike this kid, he has no manners at all."

"He came all the way from Haoyunzong, and he didn't give us any tea!"

"The most idiotic thing is that you told him that the concubine Xian was looking for him to discuss important matters, but he still put on a face to drive you and me away..."

"How can such a person who doesn't know good and bad be an Immortal Emperor!"

"Damn it, you and I are absolutely blind, we have misunderstood the wrong person!"

Zhou Gan snorted and cursed angrily, expressing his dissatisfaction with Yun Zhou's first impression in his words.

And Zhao Qing was also a little dissatisfied.

But after all, he is much more sensible than Zhou Qian. He just sighed and shook his head when he heard the old man's words:

"The Immortal Territory is chaotic, and the major forces are constantly contending...whether he is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor or not is not important for the time being."

"As for him not going to see Concubine Xian... that's his own business, you and I can't force it. w

Hearing this, Zhou Qian snorted softly, and said indignantly: "That's what you said, but Yun Zhou is too rude, right?"

"Is it possible that the Immortal Emperor reincarnated and said something, and he ignored me and the Immortal Guard?"

Zhao Qing waved his hand and said, "Don't care about Yun Zhou's attitude."

"With his current strength, it is normal not to take us seriously."

"What's more, I'm sure he is the Immortal Emperor......"

"Forget it, don't think about it, go back and tell Concubine Xian truthfully, let her decide whether to come to Yun Zhou or not.

"That's right." Zhou Gan nodded: "Anyway, Concubine Xian wants to find him, and the two of us just came here to pass on a message... Let the Concubine Xian have a headache.

"Yeah, from a certain point of view, this is not a loss of face for you and me."

Two old men, you say a word to me.

Gradually left the territory of Haoyunzong.

"Dengtuzi, why don't you go with them and meet the fairy concubine?"

Haoyunzong, the main hall of the suzerain.

Wu Zhao, who had just learned of Yun Zhou's return, hurried over from the retreat.

I happened to see the scene where Yun Zhou chased the two away.

Suddenly, a pair of bright eyes became more suspicious.


She also heard a little bit about Yun Zhou and Lin Men's constant death.

At this time, the concubine Xian came to Yun Zhou to negotiate an alliance to bring down Linmen.

Why is this disciple still on the list?.

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