Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1408 : The Ranks Of The Most Powerful! Three Thousand Natural Way! (Seeking Subscription)

In an instant, several roars exploded in the body.

The golden light of each root is like a scorching sun, exuding infinite light.

In the four outer circles, there are strong Taoism flowing in waves, and the power of panic can gather the whole body, constantly washing and washing his fairy body, and solidifying his fairy soul.

During the process, Yun Zhou found that his Daohai and Xianli were undergoing an unprecedented transformation.

Gold's blood lingering on the body surface gradually changed, and the golden light became a bit brighter.

Then, a faint and elegant fragrance emanated out.

The skin all over his body was as flawless as suet, and the golden blood flowed repeatedly along the lines.

The exterior of the body has been completely remodeled, and the bones in the body also exude a golden aura.

From time to time, unpredictable runes flashed.


Under such a transformation, his immortal body, immortal soul, and even his bones are strengthening.

Mi Mi Dao's voice kept ringing in my ears, and the whole hall reverberated.

The mind in the body, under the continuous addition of the fairy rhyme, is expanding without boundaries.

There is half an hour.


With the sound of a panicked voice, it seemed that some kind of barrier was broken, and the voice vibrated from the blood.

Yun Zhou clearly felt it.

The fairy rhyme in the body, which was messy due to the entry, was smoothed out by an inexplicable force.

Then a strange vortex formed in the Dao Sea.

same moment.

The aura in his body suddenly exploded, and a power that was more than several times stronger than before was released.


The sunny sky was shrouded by dark clouds at some point, and the terrifying thunder could be heard endlessly.

Gradually, a purple-gold thunderbolt that contained great terror struck down, as if it had the power to destroy heaven and earth.

The cracks in the void were torn open, and Yun Pangu entwined with Yun Pangu appeared.

The gust of wind, which was more terrifying than thunder, smashed out with Yun Pangu's fist.

Thunder and lightning hurricanes swept nearly thousands of miles, flying sand and rocks, and dense forests rolled up.

The disciples in the sect looked at the direction of the sect master mountain in amazement, and for a moment they were so frightened that they knelt down and fell silent on the ground.

In their eyes, this kind of entry power is comparable to a god!


I don't know how long the thunder hit.

Only after the Dao Sea in his body became stable again, Yun Zhou barely opened his eyes.

I saw his pair of eyes as deep as the void, containing various laws of the Dao, but they disappeared soon.

On the surface.

Just a non-threatening Common.

However, there is a palpitating horror in every gesture.

Yun Zhou felt the surging Gold blood on the surface of his body, as well as the newly emerging fairy vortex in the Dao Sea.

There was a satisfied arc on the corner of his mouth.

He has completely broken through the first shackles of the Emperor Realm, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has completely reborn.

Emperor Realm (lower level) sixth floor!

So scary!

Since then, he has completely stepped into the ranks of the strongest!

"No wonder it is said that (lower level) the fifth level is a watershed..."

"It turns out that this (lower level) six-level power is so terrifying."

"Not to mention the strengthening of the soul body, the bones have been strengthened, and the blood..."

"It's a big makeover."

Yun Zhou's eyes were as bright as moonlight, and then he realized the changes in himself after breaking through.

The consciousness spreads out tens of thousands of miles.

The entire Inner and Outer Sect, and even Fang Yuan's city thousands of miles away, are all under his control.

The flickering of vegetation, the soaring of migratory birds.

The breeze blows, and the climber climbs.

The movements of Wanwan monks and the cultivation of some disciples were all reflected in his perception.

He can even feel that the fairy charm around him is in harmony with the natural Dao Qi between heaven and earth.

It can abandon any flying instruments, and rely on the aura of heaven and earth to form wings.

Master the natural Dao Qi.

It is also an aptitude only available on the sixth floor of Emperor Realm (lower level).

Think about it.

He circulates the Dao Sea, and the rich fairy charm fluctuates and turbulently around his body, erupting like a volcano, gradually merging with the natural Dao Qi between heaven and earth.


With ripples in the void, a pair of Void White's wings formed behind Yun Zhou.

Between the shocks, Yun Zhou got up from the bed.

It's just that the beams in the palace are blocking him, so he can't fly too high.

The body simply turned from solid to virtual, and when it reappeared, it was already above the sky, the wings vibrated continuously, and the figure climbed steadily.

Soon, he came to the sky.

Sensing the rhythm of the wind coming from his ears, Yun Zhou slowly closed his eyes.

The breeze around, the flowers and plants below... At this moment, a little light lingered, floating and surging into Yun Zhou's body.

The vast natural Dao rhyme is condensed in his body, and the surging Dao sea surges again.

【Sanqian Avenue·Natural Road...】

[Not weaker than the six supreme ways. 】

[It turns out that the sixth floor of Emperor Realm (lower level) can still comprehend this kind of benefit...]

Yun Zhou sat upright in the void, the Dao Sea in his body roaring continuously.

A kind of dao rule filled with white mist gradually diffused in the dao sea.

But what disturbs people's mentality is that this Tao seems to be insufficiently comprehended and cannot be condensed into a phase.

Yun Zhou didn't force it, he gradually calmed down the Dao Hai in his body, and gradually opened his eyes.

Looking around, the towering mountains are like stepping stones under your feet, and the blue sky seems to be within reach.

A feeling of mastering everything grew in his heart, and Li Yun Zhou was in a great mood.

[You can try to see how far the current combat power has reached...]

Yun Zhou looked down from the clouds.

Finally, I saw several small sects belonging to the Chen family at the boundary of the Haoyun sect.


Zongmen disciple:???


It seems that something is greeting them?

Arriving at the top of these sects, Yun Zhou held the Clear Sky Hammer, and the Dao Sea in his body roared.

"Wu Tian's Hammer Technique: Smashing the Sky!"

A hammer fell from the void, and the sky for several miles away was surrounded by the shadow.

Surrounded by an aura of supreme rage, bursts of thunder burst out, and with a slow but destructive power of sentient beings, it smashed down the sky and covered the sun!

"My mother! Is this a natural disaster!?"

"P's natural disaster, this is obviously powerful enough to destroy my clan!"

"Hiss—damn it, which dog thief doesn't have eyes, and dares to attack my affiliated sect of the Chen family?"

"That's too Jill scary!"

"Gulu~ If you press this, it will be crushed into powder, right?"

"What the hell is this?"

"What the hell is it, run!"


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