Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1416: Daughter, You Must Cooperate! Sober Xiao Xunxun! (Seeking Subscription)

"Come on."

Yun Zhou waved his hands again and again, "You didn't see them like that just now."

"It seems that I am the enemy of life and death. It makes me terrified."

"Your world, I still won't go in."

After finishing speaking, Yun Zhou turned around and left without saying a word.

The old man is stupid.

Do you think they can still be timid?

What the fuck are you talking about? This is it?

Then I thought about it and understood.

This is the challenge!

Seeing the movement of Yun Zhou leaving, the roots of his ears began to sweat.

The domain master said that people must be invited to the main hall...

If it's because of this group of idiots who offended them...

Doesn't the pot have to be thrown on his head?

Not daring to think too much, the old man immediately chased after him, "Sect Master Yun, please wait a moment."

After saying this, he didn't dare to give Yun Zhou a chance to respond.

Bypassing him, he looked at the group of disciples and cursed angrily:

"Blind your dog eyes, who would dare to stop you?!"

"Kneel down for me, lie down on the ground and ask Sect Master Yun to come in!"

"If Sect Master Yun leaves today, this old man will blow your bones to ashes!"


Seeing this, a group of disciples looked at each other in dismay, their faces full of astonishment and beeping!

Boy, did they hear 15 right?

Isn't this kid a deadly enemy with their domain master?

Why let them kneel down and invite people to enter the domain?

Seeing the fury on the old man's face, the disciples didn't dare to ask further questions.

Responding quickly, he threw the sword on the ground with a "clang" and immediately knelt down.

The others followed suit and knelt in a row for a while.

Grab the ground with your head, just like lying on the ground.

"I am blind and offended Sect Master Yun, so I ask Sect Master Yun to ignore the fault of the villain."

The leading disciple was the first to speak out.

The rest of the disciples hesitated to speak.

Just at this time, a thick and slightly embarrassing voice sounded in the void:

"Yun Zhou...Little friend, the disciples in the domain are not sensible, so please don't be as knowledgeable as them. I am waiting for you in the main hall."

The voice fell, and the sound dissipated invisible.

However, the disciples outside the domain were dumbfounded.

Yeah, just that...

It's the voice of their domain master!

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up, followed the old man, and entered the Heaven and Earth Region amidst a group of disciples.

Jiang He was taken aback for a moment, but then he came to his senses and trotted to catch up with Yun Zhou.

"Brother, brother, how did you do it? Do you have a good relationship with their domain?"

Jiang Basui pretended to "know nothing" and came to Yun Zhou's leg in a daze.

Yun Zhou lowered his head and smiled, "It's not good, but he asked me for something."

"Is there anything I can ask of you?"

Jiang Basui looked up at him in a daze, and suddenly seemed to think of something, opened his mouth wide and said:

"Brother, didn't you betray Yunling and Haoyunzong and become a spy for them!?"

Yun Zhou stretched out his hand and flicked Jiang He's little head hard:

"You are an eight-year-old child, do you know what a spy is?"

"The most important thing to be a practitioner is not to practice!"

"It's the brain!"


Xiao Jianghe covered his aching forehead and looked at Yun Zhou angrily.

Well, she forgot that she looked like she was only eight years old.

But this person, actually played an eight-year-old child's head so viciously?


Heaven and Earth Hall.

Looking at the light curtain in front of Xiao Tiankuo, Yun Zhou forced a group of disciples to kneel down, with their heads held high and their chests raised, his old face blushed.

When he called his daughter Xiao Xunxun over just now.

Since Yun Zhou believed what he said, he ran over to treat his daughter.

He also said good things to this kid.

It doesn't matter if Yun Zhou is generous.

Even if he had a bad fight with Yun Zhou before.

Yun Zhou is still willing to come and heal your sanity.

So much foreshadowing is to make Xiao Xunxun feel good about Yun Zhou.

After a while, when Yun Zhou uses the Samsara Dao, let her fully cooperate.

The result was unexpected.

It wasn't long after boasting that he was slapped in the face by this little bastard.


Anyway, it is also a generation of suzerain!

Preoccupied with forcing such a group of disciples to kneel...

Does it fit?

He pretended to be angry and said: "When this kid comes over, I must give him a good lesson!

The barely sober Xiao Xunxun raised his head, "Why?"

Xiao Tiankuo said: "Being a suzerain has lost your heart, and you still have trouble with a group of my disciples..."

"I think if things go on like this, there will be no one in his eyes!"

Xiao Xunxun shook his head and said with a smile, "No."

"I think he is very domineering like this, and I like it very much.

Xiao Tiankuo was dumbfounded.


Do you like it very much?

He glanced sideways at Xiao Xunxun, who had bright eyes below his eyes, and his heart skipped a beat.


This little bastard is so handsome...

Is it true that I tricked my daughter away?

Xiao Xunxun sat on a chair beside her, resting her chin in her hand.

The crystal clear eyes are always looking at Yun Zhou in the light curtain.

In fact, to be reasonable, she is not a nympho.

But Yue Chan robbed half of her mind.

Not to mention that the two have the same mind.

At this time, Yun Zhou is Yuechan's sweetheart.

It is normal to attract Xiao Xunxun.


The reason for this.

Including 380 including Yun Zhou and Xiao Tiankuo, none of them could have imagined.

Xiao Xunxun looked at this figure for a long time, but at some point, his bright eyes became dull again.

Suddenly, he smiled.

Two slender arms immediately raised towards "Yun Zhou in the light curtain":

"Looking good... want to hug!"

Chief Xiao Tiankuo :-;)

Two hours had passed since Yun Zhou was brought into the hall.

The disciples of Tiandiyu were all confused, not knowing what Yun Zhou was doing here.

Including the eight-year-old Xiao Jianghe, his pink and jade-carved little face is full of curiosity.

She found the old man who had just led the way, and asked him poignantly:

"Why is my senior brother here?"

Seeing that she was cute, the old man bent down and explained to her with a smile.

After a while.

Although the old man was talking in a coaxing tone.

But Jiang He understood what it meant.

Before, Yun Zhou promised to use the way of reincarnation to restore sanity to Xiao Tiankuo's daughter.

So coming here this time is to fulfill the promise.

Xiao Tiankuo loves his daughter dearly, knowing that Yun Zhou came to save his daughter, he must be a guest of honor.

So what happened just now is easy to explain.


Jiang He suddenly thought of something, and his face twitched. .

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