Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1420: Vicious Representative! Agent Jiangba In Action! (Seeking Subscription)

Yun Zhou said earnestly:

"Junior Sister, although you are young, Senior Brother knows that you have a good heart!"

"You will never let the Chen family cover up the sky with one hand and bully the big brother!"

"Don't worry, history will never forget what you did today, and Big Brother will remember your contribution even more!"

Jiang He's chubby face was bitter.

"Guokuo, if I'm sealed...will I be beaten to death?"

Although Jiang He himself is one of the six emperors.

But breaking into the Chen family's stronghold and doing such deceitful things to the "whole family"...

If Chen Fusheng and Chen Fuxian knew about it, they would probably start the Chen family's death battle, right?

Even if she is cultivated as Tongtian, will she be able to escape from two characters who are also the Six Emperors?

Yun Zhou said calmly: "The Chen family has a strong background, and the formation is probably not easy to rush out, so it should detain you...

He thought for a while, and comforted: "But don't worry, there is brother here."

"When they catch you, they will definitely torture you first, and they won't let you die so quickly."

"Big Brother just act quickly and bring Emperor Yun to save you. It will definitely save your life."

"At most, you will suffer some flesh and blood, and if you die, they will beat you to a half."

Jiang Basui cried "Wow"!

"No...I'm not going!"

On the surface, for an eight-year-old child, crying is the only way to vent!

She tried to arouse Yun Zhou's sympathy and let her go.

But obviously, she was thinking too much.

Yun Zhou rolled his eyes and became impatient: "If you don't go, are you going to watch the bad guys dominate the fairyland, if all the monks?"

"Fu'er, although you are only eight years old, you should be sensible!"

"You are fighting for Big Brother, for all monks in the entire Immortal Territory!"

"Don't worry, when you are rescued, Big Brother will treat you well in every possible way, and I will take care of you for the rest of my life.

Jiang He wiped away his tears with his cuff, and beeped softly: "I don't care if you treat me well, Guoguo is a big villain!"

She was originally rushing to cheat Yun Zhou, instigating against the beauties around him, and the group kept getting smaller.

In fact, she is also a dominant figure!

What Yun Zhou said was good for her, she didn't take it to heart at all.


When she heard the phrase "I will take care of you for the rest of my life", her heart still missed half a beat.

After all, she still couldn't stand Yun Zhou's sweet talk offensive.

emmm... this wave is worthless.

Yun Zhou picked up Jiang Basui, stroked the hair on her forehead with a big hand, and said with a light smile:

"Fu'er don't need to be nervous, the more nervous this matter is, the more difficult it will be."

"And you are so smart and talented, the Chen family would be happy to take you back."

"As long as it is handed down by an elder, it is not difficult to sneak into their pill pavilion."

"Furthermore, I won't let you stay there all the time, you can sneak out after all the pills are replaced.

"Guokuo, I'll wait for you outside the Chen family."

Saying that, Yun Zhou gave her another small token.

"If there is any accident, you can send a voice transmission to Big Brother."

"Big Brother risked his life and rushed in to save you!"

Looking at Yun Zhou's sincere eyes, the young Jiang He was moved.

However, she felt that something was wrong, and she couldn't explain it.

I can only nod my head silently.

After being put down by Yun Zhou, he wiped away the tears on his little face and took a deep breath.

Eight-year-old agent, take action!

Go deep into the first force in the fairyland...

T hope you don't get caught!

Because he wanted to find a way to be noticed by the Chen family, Jiang He deliberately wiped some soil on his small face twice on the basis of the beggar's clothes.

Although the whole person looks dirty, but with a pair of bright big eyes, it is extremely eye-catching.

The young beggar is wearing a baggy patchwork suit, but his eyes are extremely agile, and he can vaguely see the cuteness that belongs to Luo L alone.

The slightly contrasting appearance attracted passers-by to look sideways for a while.

This made the eight-year-old Jiang He even more nervous.

To be honest, as Emperor Jiang, Jiang He has a very strong ability to resist pressure in his heart.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to break into the heaven and earth alone and steal Xiao Xunxun's gold medal.

But the situation is different now than it was then!

She ventured into the world, and she has absolute confidence in escaping back.

But entering Chen's house...

She has no confidence!

She has heard a little about the God Slaying Formation of the Chen family.

That is a formation that can kill the Emperor Realm!

And beyond that.

There are also two variants of Chen Fusheng and Chen Fuxian.

She is also a figure of the Six Emperors, she knows in her heart.

If these two really want to kill her...

Ten lives are not enough!

So, now she subconsciously doesn't want to be noticed.

There is a sense of déjà vu with a guilty conscience.

The task Yun Zhou gave her.

It is to put all the poisonous pills he gave to himself into the pill pavilion of the Chen family.

She has seen this poison pill before.

It is colorless and odorless, and even has a strong fairy air.

From the outside, there is no problem at all.

Even with her cultivation base, if she didn't perceive it carefully, she wouldn't be able to detect the toxicity of this elixir.

I don't know where this little guy got the elixir...

(Yun Zhou: I asked the system for it.)

Jiang Basui, with his young body upright, sighed silently.

She understands what 720 will represent once she succeeds.

Any one of these elixirs can poison a powerful person who has attained the Dao Realm.

If you put these things in the Chen family's pill pavilion...

Those elders of the Chen family who rely on pills to attract immortals every day...

I'm afraid I'm going to die!

Ah, this... is really vicious!

Jiang He shuddered, inexplicably afraid of Yun Zhou's tricks.

This person has a ruthless temper, if you provoke him to work

Huh~ I'm scared just thinking about it!

Fortunately, I haven't had time to trick him, so I shouldn't count him as an enemy now.

"Well... After this matter is over, we should confess our identity to him when we go back."

Pretending to be a child is fun, but if he finds out first, he will misunderstand his motives...

Isn't this demon playing with her to death?

Thinking of this, Jiang He was a little hypocritical and didn't dare to pretend.

While marveling at Yun Zhou's ruthlessness in my heart, a kind of jealousy grew unconsciously.

But even so, she didn't think there was anything wrong with Yun Zhou's use of poison.


Xianyu is the jungle of the jungle, if he doesn't deal with Chen's family means.

Sooner or later he will die!

Even with Chen Fusheng's temperament, if he really took the lead...

I'm afraid it's even better than Yun Zhou!

Hmm... I just hope not to be discovered by the Chen Fusheng brothers. .

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