Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1432 : Jiang He's Mission! Yun Susu's Plan To Protect Her Spouse! (Seeking Subscri

Upon hearing this, Yun Zhou was dumbfounded.

But after regaining his senses, he still responded quickly:

"No, she is so big, why should I bully her?"

Hearing this, Yanyi nodded reassuringly, "It's good that you didn't bully her..."

"Okay, I'll deal with the sect's affairs first."

"Evening, don't forget to come here at night."


The sound transmission ends.

Yun Zhou's pretendingly calm face gradually became stiff.

Good guy.

Jiang He wouldn't rush to sue Yun Susu, would he?

The relationship between him and Yun Susu is not ordinary now.

And judging from what Master said just now.

Yun Susu, obviously already knows Jiang He's identity!

If I knew this, I would have bitten a woman who was beaten by a tiger...

With Yun Susu's temperament, why not blow up the temple right away?

Thinking of this, Sect Master Yun couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

Numb, careless!

At that time, she was not allowed to tell her master, and she was not allowed to tell her aunt.

How can this be done...

Back Mountain Hall.

inside the hall.

Jiang He, who was supposed to come to the door to explain, looked at Yun Susu nervously at this moment:

"Susu... no, Emperor Yun, you have to calm down, don't be impulsive.

Yunsu Suliu frowned: "I just left the back mountain, what are you impulsive about?"

487 Jiang He's "young" body trembled, swallowed and said:

"Then why did you leave the back mountain? Surely you want to kill Yun Zhou?"

"Listen to me, he still treats me like a child!"

"Just, even if it changed a little bit, it might not be intentional.

"Just teach me a lesson..."

"This menacing...he is your nephew anyway, it's really not possible to kill him!"

Yun Susu: "..."


She said in a muffled voice: "What nonsense, which eye of yours can see that I am going to kill him?"

Jiang He held his mouth and did not speak.

But it is clearly written on the small face: I can see it with both eyes!

Yun Susu looked at her suspiciously, "Jiang He, you keep saying that Zhou'er is taking advantage of you by wrapping your face..."

"Now stop me again, for fear that I will hurt him..."

"You don't... like him, do you?"


Jiang He's body froze, and his small face flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She twisted and pinched the corner of her clothes, and lowered her head.

Milk sound milk airway:

"You, don't talk nonsense, (bfaj) I don't like him at all!"

"...Do you have any confidence in saying this?"

Jiang He:

Staring at Yun Susu's beautiful eyes for a long time, Jiang He became more and more guilty.

It was not until a while later that he raised his head with an "oops":

"Okay, I admit that I like him a little bit, but I definitely don't like him!"

Yun Susu:???

What are you talking about?

She looked at Huba Jianghe's slightly shy face, lowered her head and murmured:

"How about... go straight to the shark.

Jiang He's breathing was stagnant, then he quickly raised his head and grabbed Yun Susu's big hand:

"No, can't you? He just took advantage of me twice, do you really want to fuck him?"

Yun Susu was expressionless, "Who said I'm going to kill him?"

"I mean, why don't I kill you!"

Jiang He: ""

She wiped off the cold sweat from her head, the corners of her mouth twitched, "Susu, don't get excited."

"Even if I like your nephew, you wouldn't kill him to silence him, would you?"

"I, Jiang He, look so good-looking, there's nothing I can't match him with."

"Shouldn't you be happy to be able to pick up an Emperor Realm to be your niece and daughter-in-law for nothing?"

Yun Susu said quietly: "Want to fart?"

"You are thousands of years older than Zhou'er, and you still want to be my niece and daughter-in-law?"


Jiang He was speechless for a while.

But hearing the disgust in Yun Susu's voice, she was still depressed for a while, and couldn't help saying:

"Then he wrapped me up, so he must be responsible for me?"

Yun Susu glanced at her young body, "Does he blame him for wrapping you up?"

Jiang He was stunned, "Are you still blaming me?"

"Don't blame you, who do you blame!?"

Yun Susu said angrily, "Who made you look like this?"

"It looks like a child."

"Even if he wraps you up, he treats you like a child!"

Speaking of this, Yun Susu suddenly looked at her suspiciously:

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you yet."

"If Jiangdi doesn't do it well, you don't care about Jiangmen..."

"Come to Haoyunzong to pretend to be a child... What's your idea?"

Jiang He: Ah, this.......


What's her idea?

It seems that I forgot!

emmm... I lost my memory when played by Yun Zhou!

After being confused for a long time, Jiang He's eyes suddenly brightened.

By the way, I came here to instigate all the female relatives around Yun Zhou!

Thinking of this, Jiang He straightened his neck and said:

"I'm trying to trick all of Yun Zhou's confidante away! I'm intertwined with his soul power, you don't know how much he tortures people at night..."

Hearing the undisguised words of the tiger beating the woman.

Rao Yun Susu's heart was so high that she couldn't stop her ears from turning red.

Then he quickly interrupted: "Okay, then who have you fooled for so long?"

Jiang He was speechless for a moment, um, speechless.

Yun Susu said helplessly: "With your brain, who can you deceive?"

"Listen to me, you should confess your identity to Zhou'er."

"Don't let him take advantage of it for nothing."

Jiang He opened his mouth, but finally lowered his head.

"I'm not reconciled...... Can you not drive me away first?"

"Drive you away?"

The corner of Yun Susu's mouth curled up, "Who said I'm going to drive you away?"

Jiang He was taken aback, "My identity has been exposed, and you still agree with me staying in Haoyunzong?"

Yun Susu snorted coldly, "Whether you are exposed or not, what does it have to do with staying in the Yunzao Sect?"

"Then what do you mean..." Jiang He was dumbfounded.

"I want to keep you and watch Zhou'er for me!"

Yun Susu said seriously: "I think your proposal just now is very good, but you can change it..."

"Although you can't instigate those confidantes of his."

"But you can restrain those confidante friends from associating with him!!"

"So, this seat has decided to give you a mission!"

Jiang He couldn't keep up with her imagination, and asked in a daze, "What task?"

Yun Susu put her hands behind her back, with a serious face:

"I want you to be his bed god!"

"You stared at me, starting from today."

"Without my consent, no one can go to his bed!"

Jiang He: Huh?

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