Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1435 : Suggestion From The Barefoot Goddess: Take Your Aunt With You! (Seeking Subscription)

As one of the dignified six emperors.

To be so thin by a young man from the lower realms.

Even, she has nothing to do with him.

It's outrageous!

Jiang He looked at Yun Zhou, and the state of intimacy during this period emerged in his mind.

Inexplicably, I felt numb all over.

Especially the matter of being "cupped twice" by the opponent's big mouth.

Just thinking about it made her go weak.

Even though she became a child at that time, the feeling she had never had before still made her very uncomfortable.

After all, anyway...

Is that also my first kiss in disguise?

Seeing Jiang He's blushing face, Yun Zhou felt very strange.

After thinking about it, he asked directly, "Why are you pretending to be a child?"

That's right.

This question has troubled Yun Zhou for a long time.

He really doesn't understand.

The majestic Emperor Jiang, what does it mean to come to Haoyunzong to pretend to be a child?

【Could it be that you are greedy for me, so you approach me in disguise as a child?】

【Hiss—what a smart brain!】

Looking at Yun Zhou's eyes of "discovering the truth", the corners of Jiang Heqi's mouth twitched.

This man is really down!

She took a deep breath and snorted coquettishly: "Why do I pretend to be a child and leave you alone!"

"I'll talk about your bullying me later."

"Now let me talk to you about something else."

"Other things..."

Yun Zhou narrowed his eyes, "Don't you want to drink too much!?"

Jiang He's face trembled, and he said angrily: "You know how to drink because I'm in your eyes?"

"Well, indeed."

Yun Zhou looked exactly like that.

Jiang He glared at him fiercely, then patted his chest lightly, forcing himself to calm down and say:

"It's about the Chen family."

"You used me to destroy half of the foundation of the Chen family, Chen Fusheng will never let it go~"

"Now it has been exposed that you are behind the scenes."

"Even if he's been honest these past few days, he must be planning something."

"If you are not prepared, it will only make you passive!"

This is true.

Compared to Chen Fusheng's admission of cowardice, Yun Zhou also felt that this old thing must have not held his fart well.

He might be plotting something right now, ready to deal with him.

Unknowingly, Yun Zhou continued, "So what do you mean?"

Jiang He responded: "I am going to unite with you to deal with the Chen family together.

"I have a proposal, form an indestructible alliance with your Haoyunzong, Yunsusu's Yunling, and my sect!"


Yun Zhou was dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that Jiang He would have such a proposal.

According to her meaning, Jiangmen is going to join Yunling and Haoyunzong, and is going through this muddy water?


Not a good thing for Jiangmen, is it?

Yun Zhou thought for a while and frowned: "Aren't you kidding me?"

"My Haoyunzong and Yunling are surrounded by powerful enemies, and you standing on our side at this time will not do you any good.

Hao Yunzong has not fully risen yet.

Although Yunling is one of the top forces, but at the same time facing the door, the Chen family is still passive.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Even if the foundation of the Chen family has suffered setbacks, with Chen Fusheng and Chen Fu at their leisure, they should not be underestimated.

If Jiang He did this, wouldn't he be bringing Jiangmen into dispute?

Even if he really took down the Chen family and the Lin family in the end.

There are also Xiangong and Tiandi Territory watching.

For Jianghe's Jiangmen.

Once involved.

There should be only adventures, no good results, right?

Jiang He seemed to have seen his thoughts, shook his head and said:

"Don't worry, I don't need any benefits."

"You don't have to worry about my shady plans...I'm not as dark as you.

"The reason why I want to form an alliance with you is because I value your mind and the potential of Hao Yunzong.

"Moreover, there is Susu who is supporting me...he can protect my safety in Jiangmen at critical moments."

U1S1, Jiang He's move is really not a hothead.

It is the result of deliberation and careful consideration.

First of all, she is also related to the assassination of the elders of the Chen family and the peak master.

Even if she was used by Yun Zhou.

When Chen Fusheng tracked it down, she could not escape.


Now that the picking is not clean, it is better to simply join Yun Zhou's camp.

Although on the surface, she brought Jiangmen into this dispute thoroughly.

But if you think about the details, if this battle really starts, can Jiangmen stay out of it?

Secondly, besides this, she also learned.

At least half of the elders in Jiangmen are spies.

Ruo Hao Yunzong and Yunling collapsed.

Chen Fusheng cooperates with the outside world, and Jiangmen is still in great crisis.

As the Six Emperors, she will not be in danger.

But what about the disciples in the sect?

Wouldn't it be a waste of life by then?

The key is.

After these two days, Jiang He had a deep understanding.

With Yun Zhou's growth progress, coupled with his dickish mind...

Even if the Chen family and the Lin family cooperated with Yunling at the same time, they might not be able to do anything to him!

What's more, there is also Yun Susu who is also in the Emperor Realm (middle level).

In this match, it is still unknown who will win the battle.

If she enters this camp at this time.

That's the icing on the cake!

In terms of force, there are three emperors: She, Yun Susu, and Yun Zhou.

In terms of power, there are also Jiangmen and Yunling, dragging Haoyunzong who has already entered the middle-level power.

Rather than bringing Jiangmen into disputes, it is better to say that they have found a party to protect them, and they can hug each other to keep warm!

Jiangmen can find such a strong ally.

Compared to being in danger, she felt that Jiangmen had an extra life-saving card!

As for the alliance with Asgard...

This is just a strategy for Linlang Zhantai.

She just wanted to see how far this so-called fairy concubine could go.

".w tsk, while restraining the fairy palace, at the same time leading Jiangmen to join Yun Zhou..."

"Looking at it this way, it doesn't matter which side of the Chen family or the Lin family is more powerful."

"Won't I always be the first to know?"

Thinking in his heart, Jiang He only felt that this wave of IQ was on the line.

Refreshing for a while!

Glancing at Yun Zhou with inexplicable eyes, the corner of her mouth curled up.

I secretly said in my heart:

"See, you still dare to say that my wife is a tiger?"

"I'm clearly a brilliant genius!".

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