Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1437 : The Most Affectionate In The World? Pull Out A Can? (Seeking Subscription)


"You, what are you doing?"

Yun Zhou ignored her.

Instead, he looked at his palm and muttered thoughtfully:

"Sure enough, the soul power is intertwined, and it won't-synchronize your perception."

After muttering a sentence, Jiang He was dumbfounded.

What's the meaning?

Then, under her daze.

Yun Zhou suddenly stretched out his hand again.

It's just that the target this time is not - her.

With his big hand back, he actually pinched his PG!

After finishing all this, his eyes were firmly fixed on Jiang He's face.

A shameful scene happened.

Jiang He's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Like a cooked prawn!

Yun Zhou: Fog go away!?

She was pinching herself, she blushed?

Doesn't that mean...

Seemingly confirming his guess, Yun Zhou was immediately happy.

"Good guy, it turns out that this is the "master-slave relationship"!"

"My perception, you can synchronize from the intertwined soul power!

"It's amazing!"

Good Nima's magic!!

Jiang He: "A'?'-'?

"Damn it, I'm buying you a drink."

"You used my old lady as an experiment!?"

"Are you an idiot!?"

At dusk, a man and a woman chase each other, but the atmosphere is inexplicably peaceful..

on the mountainside.

Jiang He pinched Yun Zhou's ear angrily, and snorted coldly:

"You are so vile and shameless!"


Yun Zhou pouted his neck and said, "Who are you calling obscene and shameless!?"

"I'm clearly a righteous young gentleman, the most affectionate in the world!"

"This is what my aunt said. If you have any objections, go talk to my aunt!"

Jiang He was simply stunned by this man's cheekiness.

Before the public, Mao Yunli played her PG.

Later she became smaller and cupped her face with a big mouth...

Can such a person be said to be "full of righteousness"?

Maybe, when he wrapped her up, he discovered her identity.

That's why I deliberately cupped her face!

Thinking of this, Jiang He glared at him in shame and indignation:

"You prodigal apprentice!"

It's so hard to die, just after she finished swearing.

At the foot of the mountain below, two voices suddenly came.

"Husband (Dengtuzi)!"

The two looked down, and saw two beauties with different beauties, quickly going up the mountain.

It was Yue Chan and Wu Zhao who had just left customs.

The two girls caught up.

Moon Cicada took a step forward.

She threw herself into Yun Zhou's arms like a baby swallow throwing itself into the forest.

Two small hands went around his neck, entwined and stuck to his chest, whispering: "Husband, Cicada misses you.

Yun Zhou was not at all surprised by Moon Cicada's actions.

Ever since he took away the other party's little cherry blossom, Qi Chan has become more and more fond of pestering him.

Is the marrow boring or the dark attribute?

Who knows.

Anyway, Yun Zhou didn't feel bored.

He wrapped his arms around Yue Chan's waist, and stroked her hair with a smile:

"How long has it been since you last missed me?"

Yue Chan pursed her lips, "One day is like three autumns, so I haven't seen you for several years."

Yun Zhou rubbed her little head, then looked at Wu Zhao dotingly: "What about you?"

Originally, Wu Zhao had a thin skin, so he was not too embarrassed.

But seeing the deadly enemy attacking ahead of time, how can I hold on to the airs.

Immediately drilled to the other side of Yun Zhou.

Squeeze the position of the moon cicada.

Sticking to Yun Zhou's body, he said arrogantly: "I don't miss you."

"It's just that I'm too tired from cultivation, I'll use you to lean on me..."

"Hundeng apprentice, it's cheap for you."

Yun Zhou lovingly rubbed the hair of the two girls and sighed with tenderness.

But he kind of had fun with it.

Among his confidantes, these two women can be said to be well-deserved heroines.

One is full of obsequiousness, and the other is very noble.

Since coming to Xianyu, he has never suppressed his love for himself.

Her Majesty the empress of the former vast land, the overlord of the demonic way.

At this time, following him is like two small pendants.

Satisfied all a man's desire to conquer a female nun.

Jiang He looked at the three people who were tired of being together, and felt weak all over.

I muttered to myself:

"These women, who are usually serious, are more shameless than the other at this time...

‥...seeking flowers...0

"There is also Yun Zhou, who can hold two in one hug, how dare he say that he is the number one affectionate?"

At this moment, Wu Zhao suddenly noticed Jiang He on the side, and asked suspiciously, "Teacher Deng, who is this person?"

Moon Cicada also followed the prestige.

I saw Jiang He's face was as bright as a peach blossom, and his skin was as delicate as snow.

Reminiscent of a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the nine heavens.

The waist is slender under a long skirt, and Xiong Daxiong is ready to come out.

While the whole person is extremely restrained, he also carries an inexplicable dignity.

Moon Cicada's beautiful eyes gradually became unfriendly.

Why is there always such a woman with refined temperament around my husband?

And this looks more noble than that fellow Wu Zhao!

Do all this type of people like husbands?

She lay on Yun Zhou's ear and hummed:

"Husband~ Where did you find this lady again?"

Although the voice was very small, it clearly appeared in Jiang He's ears.

She looked at Yun Zhou and sneered: "Miss?"

"Forget it, it's almost as good as you say I'm his mother!"


Hearing this, the cicada's eyes straightened.

Quickly jumped off Yun Zhou's body, and bowed respectfully to Jiang He:

"Cicada has seen Auntie!"

I have met my aunt!

Yun Zhou glanced at Jiang He who was twitching at the corner of his mouth behind him, chuckled lightly and shook his head:

"Jiang He, don't be sweet."

"A dog can't spit out ivory, but still wants to be my mother?"

"Be careful that I have done you!

Jiang He also knew that the joke was too big, so he blushed and glared at Yun Zhou.

He spit out his flexible little tongue.

However, when the conversation between the two fell into the ears of Wu Zhao and Yue Chan, it was another matter.


Hearing this name, the two froze for a moment.

Wu Zhaofeng's eyes twitched, and when she realized it, her pupils froze instantly, and she approached Yun Zhou and said:

"She is one of the six emperors, that Jiang He, the lord of Jiangmen?"

Yun Zhou responded casually, "Stiff.

Wu Zhao and Yue Chan looked at each other, their beautiful eyes shone with a little shock.

Characters in Haotu Legendary...

Appeared in front of my eyes and?.

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