Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1441 : Damn Misunderstanding! The Suzerain Lifts His Pants And Doesn't Recognize Anyone


Didn't Master (Lord of the Mountain) tell the outside world to retreat?

Why did you come to Haoyunzong?

But I didn't see her when we came together.

The two girls stared wide-eyed, but their minds were not bent.

Apparently they didn't know about Yun Zhou's "secret operation".

And Jiang He didn't think much about it.

She glanced at the empty seat beside her, and gave way:

"Okay, you two stop standing, come and sit together.

That way of speaking, like a hostess-like.

But the majestic Emperor Jiang had spoken, and the two women were not polite.

The two sides of Jiang He sat down...

More than a dozen people sat around a large table, and the scene was slightly silent.

And the "three wolves" combination is also a bit dumbfounded.

Hong Dabao tilted his head in bewilderment, and looked at Yun Qiaoer suspiciously:

"Saint Yun, I don't know why you call Miss Jiang Jiangdi?"

Hearing this, Yanyi and the others immediately looked over like fools.

According to Zhou'er's words, these three people together have an IQ of less than 100!

It's all here, still don't understand?

This is clearly out of mind.

Yun Qiaoer didn't even think about it, "Is this Jiangdi, one of the six emperors? Miss Jiang...."

After thinking for a while, she turned her eyes to Jiang He who was on the side:

"Jiangdi, do you like hearing people call you a girl?"

Jiang He:


The way the three wolves looked at Jiang He changed.

"Girl, are you sure she is Emperor Jiang?"

The lines on Li Kunlun's forehead trembled, his face was filled with astonishment and beeping.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Jiang He didn't bother to hide it.

After all, it's just a trivial matter.

She spread her hands and said, "It's fine to call him Emperor Jiang, it's too vulgar, but I am indeed Jiang Zhu.

"By the way, the Jiang Fu'er you are talking about is also me."



The three old men startled Jill to play the drums.

Cold sweat dripped down Li Kunlun's forehead: "Fu'er is that you?"

"Didn't you take a liking to Fu'er and lie to us old bones?"

Jiang He didn't bother to talk to him, and waved his hands casually, "Do you believe it or not."

Seeing that Jiang He didn't appear to be lying, the three wolves glanced at him immediately, and their throats tightened a bit.

Li Kunlun twitched his lips, looked at Yun Zhou with difficulty, and said via voice transmission:

"Little already knew about this?"

Yun Zhou: "Yes."

"It's the size of a mud horse!" Li Kunlun's beard trembled: "Didn't you just say that she has nothing to do with Fu'er?"

Yun Zhou shrugged: "I just said that she is not Fu'er's sister and old lady, when did you say that they have nothing to do with each other?"

"早草@#playing with me, what is the text..."

"Word games."

"Yes, word games...... No, you still have the time to fill in the words for me?!"

Li Kunlun's eyes widened, his body was limp and his limbs were weak.

The person sitting opposite him was the famous town, the peak emperor standing at the top of the fairyland!

But what did he do just now?

Why did you even send someone to buy her shoes?

Also warn people.

Bare feet will be cold into the body.

Can't give birth to a son in the future!?

The most outrageous thing is.

He even calls himself Grandpa Li...

"Steamer, what a big heart I am, this is it!"

The corners of Li Kunlun's eyes were trembling, and he felt numb all over.

Jiang He didn't notice his strangeness, and suddenly said to him:

"By the way, Elder Li, I happen to have something to ask you, do you have time?"

Hearing this, Li Kunlun trembled all over.

"Hiss—you must die if you humiliate the emperor... Is she going to kill the old man?"

"But old age is careless!"

He looked at Yun Zhou and Yan Yi for help.

But the two of them acted as if they hadn't seen it.

Suddenly, he secretly cursed "inhumane".

After swallowing his saliva, he cautiously opened his mouth and said:

"I don't know...what is Jiangdi looking for the old man for?"

Jiang He casually said, "Well, it's about this period of time."

"Huh? During this time..."


His old Li was so panicked that his calves were shaking!

Isn't that pretty obvious?

During this period of time, he has been bothering Jiang Fu'er a lot... Bah, Jiang Di!

It must be that Jiang Di was anxiously entangled by him, seeing his identity exposed, he stopped making trouble.

To settle accounts with him!

This shit... I just want to accept an apprentice.

Even if it's annoying.

She wouldn't want to mess with me, would she?

"However... It is rumored that Emperor Jiang is moody, and because of a trivial matter, he will be a shark. w

"She annoys me so she wants to fuck me. It's not incomprehensible......"

"No, I can't just sit and wait for death, I have to let the suzerain protect me!"

Of those present, probably only Yun Zhou can talk to her!

Just when he was about to look at Yun Zhou.

I saw Jiang He suddenly said, "Speaking of which, I've discussed this with your layer masters.

"Yes, Sect Master Yan agrees."

Li Kunlun was dumbfounded.

Good guy, did you talk to Yun Zhou beforehand?


This is already wanting to mess with myself!

But what he couldn't accept the most was:

"Sect Master Yan, have you agreed?"


Yan Yi was stunned for a moment, and then she spread her hands: "Naturally, I agree. Anyway, it won't cause us any loss. Maybe it's a good thing."

good thing!?

She wants to kill me, but in your eyes it's still a good thing!?

Li Kunlun's heart went cold.

Now that the suzerain and Yan Yi have said so, it is obvious that he was regarded as an abandoned son.

But why?

Just because the old man speaks with a clang, these two masters and apprentices look down on me?

He felt very cold in his heart, but still wanted to make the last effort, looked at Jiang He seriously and said:

"Emperor Jiang, I was old and ignorant before, can you forgive me for any offenses in the past?"

Jiang He was taken aback by his sudden apology.

But soon smiled and waved:

"Hey~ What did you say, there is nothing to forgive. y

Li Kunlun's wrinkled skin was torn apart.

nothing to forgive...

Guys, this isn't something to talk about yet?

And Jiang He smiled.

She didn't realize that this usually vulgar Elder Li was actually so sensible.

I know that I apologize to myself for the previous overreach.

"Hmm... No wonder Yanyi troubled him so much when he said "the alliance's aggressive deployment". Looking at it this way, it's quite reliable.

She muttered to

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