Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1447 : The Powerful One In Troubled Times! Gaming Is Never Fair! (Seeking Subscription)

The "snake" here.

Of course it was Yun Zhou.

As early as when Chen Fusheng went to catch Lin Langyue himself, he was ready to lure Yun Zhou out.

I just didn't expect it to go so smoothly......

He glanced at the eastern skyline.

There was a hint of deep meaning on the corner of Chen Fusheng's mouth.

He glanced at Lin Langyue below, and raised his eyebrows lightly:

"It seems that this little guy really has deep affection for this nun."

"Heh, dare to break away from the forces at this time... It's a passionate seed."

Chen Fusheng smiled deeply, and his eyes were inexplicably ruthless.

He pondered for a while, then whispered towards the phantom:

"Pass down my oral order, as long as he enters the Chen family's territory, he will be captured alive!"

"This seat will personally deliver it to Lin Sheng..."

"Two eight three" is still the same sentence.

Now that his face was torn apart, Yun Zhou must die.

It's just that this crime must be thrown to Linmen.

Those who have power in troubled times.

The situation is bound to become more chaotic.

"Ah this......

Hearing this, the phantom on the side was a little embarrassed, and coughed lightly:

"Catching alive...may not be possible, there are people around this guy..."

Chen Fusheng frowned, "Who are you following?"

Xu Ying scratched his head, swallowed his saliva and said, "Jiangdi of Jiangmen..."

"Jiang He?"

"Yes..." Xu Ying twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "It's not just her."

"According to my subordinates' knowledge, there are still countless Jiangmen and Yunling disciples who are ready to go..

"It's going to be aimed at our Chen family..."

The phantom's voice is extremely low, but there will be those who will be present at the fifth level of Dao Realm and above.

Naturally, the sound could not be hidden from their ears.

In an instant, there was an uproar on the huge Patriarch Mountain.

Even Chen Fusheng, who had always been indifferent, sat up straight with a startled expression.

This Nima......

Could it be that because of a Taoist nun... you are going to start a war with my Chen family!?


This matter should have been discussed in advance by Jiang He and Yun Zhou!

First kill all the elders of the Chen family and the peak master.

Leading people to fight the Chen family to the death......

"Hiss—shouldn't Yun Zhou and Lin Men never die?"

"Why did you take the lead in targeting the Chen family?"

"It's unreasonable!"

Chen Fusheng sat on the main seat, with distracting thoughts flying in his head.

As soon as I thought about it, I could say that I had no clue.

Well, it's numb!

At this time, his sound transmission token suddenly flickered purple.

Chen Fusheng's pupils froze, his expression stunned.

There are separate sound transmission tokens among the six emperors.

And the purple awns is the immortal power connected by Jiang He.

Chen Fusheng took a deep breath, then stood up pretending to be calm, and said loudly:

"You are waiting here, no one is allowed to touch Fairy Lin without my order. ZE

Receiving the answer, Chen Fusheng didn't delay, and left the place in a flash.

Until there were no outsiders around, he took the token and silently connected with Xianli.

After a while, he returned to the main seat of Patriarch Mountain.

He was silent for a long time, then said:

"This seat has already investigated clearly, what Fairy Lin said is true..."

"That is to say, Xinghe's own will is not firm, and it has nothing to do with Fairy Lin if he is possessed and killed by that Zhanhe."

"Let's leave this matter here, Fairy Lin, I'm being rude today, please forgive me.

"Patriarch..." Mu Xu was taken aback for a moment.

Chen Fusheng directly raised his hand, interrupted her continuation, and said indifferently:

"Come here, send Fairy Lin down the mountain!"


The phantom on the side may have trouble.

Immediately go down first and take Lin Langyue away from Patriarch Mountain.

There was silence on the huge peak.

Mu Xu was silent for a long time, then came to Chen Fusheng's side, and said in a low voice:

"Patriarch, but because Jiangmen and Yunling want to fight with the Chen family, are you forced?"

Chen Fusheng didn't raise his head: "So what?"

"They are deceiving people too much!!"

Mu Xu gritted his teeth and said: "First, he murdered my Chen family's holy son, and then tricked my Chen family's elders..."

"Patriarch, they are aggressive, if you can't do it, fight them!"

"Fight?" Chen Fusheng looked at her like a fool: "If you want to fight, do it yourself.

"The winner is the king and the loser is Kou. Even if they kill my elders of the Chen family, their methods are strong enough..."

"Right now, my Chen family's vitality is seriously injured, regardless of the collision between forces."

"Just the three emperor realms of Yun Susu, Jiang He and Yun Zhou, I cannot handle them alone!"

"In this case, we can only temporarily avoid the edge!"

"..." Hearing this, Xu clenched his fist several times and then let go.

Obviously, although she was not reconciled, she also agreed with Chen Fusheng's statement.

The Chen family, the number one force in the past, now only has a name left.

Pride has become a thing of the past, now I can only bow my head!

"Also, with your heart nature, the position of Great Elder is not suitable for you."

"Calm down and retreat in the Chen family. After you have enough strength, I will decide what position to arrange for you."

Chen Fusheng said without raising his head.

Mu Xu opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Her recklessness is indeed not worthy of the position of elder of the Chen family.

Although she is not reconciled, this is also a re-reading.

"I understand..." Mu Xu sighed, then retreated and left.

Chen Fusheng told the crowd to disperse, then sat on the chief seat and rubbed the space between his eyebrows.

"Yun Zhou is not easy to deal with, the situation is getting more and more chaotic..."

"Forget it, if you can't bear it, you will make a mess, so let's get out of the chess game and observe for a while.

"It's just... what is Fuxian planning?"

"I can't see through him more and more...2.0"

Lin Langyue left the Chen family's power and directly met Jiang He who was waiting outside.

Jiang He hugged her shoulders loudly, and said with a smile:

"Xiao Langyue, you are really bold enough to be tough with Chen Fu."

In any case, Chen Fusheng is also the head of the Six Emperors, the number one powerhouse on the surface!

With Lin Langyue's current cultivation base, the other party's hand is enough to kill her!

Lin Langyue also let out a long breath.

Reasonably speaking, it would be nonsense to say that she was not nervous at all.

But at that time, you can only force it.

If you are a soft persimmon, the other party probes your memory......

I'm afraid that Chen Fusheng will hold Yun Zhou's handle and keep him silent.

She herself will die even worse....

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