Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1454 : Drunk Lin Langyue! I Got You Done On The Spot! (Seeking Subscription)

Daohai, who is pink and red, gradually returns to blue...

In the affiliated town of Haoyunzong.

Tears of sadness flowed in Lin Langyue's eyes, and she walked forward as if she had lost her mind.

He didn't care about the strange eyes of passers-by.

It's like a blue star lovelorn girl.

Hmm... just capitalized idol script...

To be honest, she didn't know why.

Thinking of Yun Zhou hitting her like that for Yan Yi.

Her heart hurt like a knife.

Especially with this guy being discriminated against.

It made her even more anxious....

In my mind, fragments of the past with Yun Zhou continued to emerge.

From seeing Yun Zhou for the first time, to being entrusted by Yun Susu to take care of him, to the scenes in the heritage site.

Yun Zhou's courage to confront the heaven, the gentleness when he hugged her, and the figure of rescuing her from the inheritance place regardless of his life......

Those past experiences seemed to be engraved in her mind, and she couldn't forget them even if she wanted to.

In the ruined temple on Juefu's side.

Yun Zhou was unconscious, and trivial care fell on her.

Taking medicine by mouth is just common.

Even without the other party's knowledge, she personally changed Yun Zhou's clothes several times and scrubbed his body

Despite her shyness, that period was the happiest in her life.

As long as she can remember, she has never had the feeling of "wanting to rely on" others.

The stalwart back of Yun Zhou standing in front of her, at some point, was actually regarded by her as her own sky.

That kind of feeling that never had before breeds in the heart.

Even if he deliberately avoided Yun Zhou afterwards, he hid alone and retreated.

But the figure of the other party in his mind became clearer.

Lin Langyue knew that her ruthless way had completely collapsed.

She fell in love with Yun Zhou.

The irrefutable kind!

Therefore, after she left the Chen family, she was so angry when she learned that Yun Zhou had left her behind.

Regardless of her reserve as a Taoist nun, she came to Haoyunzong without hesitation.

The purpose is to ask Chu Yunzhou face to face.

"Do you like me or not!"

But this sentence.

After Yun Zhou just "beat up" her because of Yanyi.

There is no need to ask again.

Lin Langyue was completely awake.

"If you like me, why would you be so ruthless?"

She smiled wryly, stroked her back lightly, and frowned slightly.

Hmm... I am an emperor, and I was swollen from the beating.

It can be seen how ruthless Yun Zhou has done!


Lin Langyue sneered, with bitterness in her eyes: "He and I just happened to meet each other.

"Even if he offended his precious master, it's normal for him to punish him cruelly."

"Why do you have to blame others here..."

At some point, Lin Langyue had already reached a restaurant.

She wiped away the tears that welled up on her face.

Shaking his head, he stepped into it.

"Suppress your cultivation and get drunk, let's start again tomorrow.

"Being a casual cultivator in the world of mortals... maybe I can forget him."


In the box of the restaurant.

The scattered wine jars were piled up all over the floor.

Lin Langyue blushed and crouched on the ground.

Holding the wine jar in his hand, he stuck his chin on his knees.

Confused but frowned.

"Didn't Jiang He say that wine can make people forget all their troubles?"

"Why is his face still in my head?"

"Could it be that you didn't drink enough?"

Ton ton ton~!

Lin Langyue emptied a jar of wine, her expression still bitter.


Accidentally sat on the ground.

His mouth shrunk, and he was about to cry.

"Beating... woo woo, the beating hurts too much, I dare not sit down, woo woo."


A slightly embarrassing bass came from the side:

"Sorry, it feels so good. I pinched it a few times while hitting it. I'll pay attention next time."

Lin Langyue was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly turned around.

I saw a figure appearing at the empty window at an unknown time.

He was touching his nose and looking at her with a smile.

Not Yun Zhou or who?

"Are...are you real or fake?" Lin Langyue stood up with difficulty, pointing at Yun Zhou and asked.

Yun Zhou:???

Can I still be fake?


This is drinking too much, can't tell reality or fantasy?

He grinned and walked over.

Under Lin Langyue's panicked eyes several times, he put his hands behind her and said with a smile:

"Are you familiar with the temperature? This is a real person!"

God TM temperature familiar!

Feeling the bursts of heat coming from behind, Lin Langyue's beautiful eyes widened instantly.

Then he pushed him away, and retreated to the base of the wall in a panic.

".「You, you, you, you wandering!"

Yun Zhou sniffed the lingering fragrance, and twisted his mouth, Dragon King: "Hey~ I'm not wandering, I'm just adding affection.

Lin Langyue, an old girl with yellow flowers, can't stand such teasing.

I don't know if it's the alcohol or what.

Her face was red and purple, and she turned her head in a panic:

" don't want to comfort your master, why are you here?"

"Could it be that beating me is not enough, do you still want to come here to avenge her?"

Yun Zhou walked over with a smile, pinched her face and said:

"The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh, and we will be a family from now on. How can I avenge her?"

"What's more, I can see that you didn't want to hurt the minister at all.

What a treasure!

When Lin Langyue heard this address, her heart became inexplicably angry.

If you hit me, you will be bruised, and if you open your mouth, she will be a big treasure?

There was a flash of coldness in her eyes, she raised her head stubbornly:

"You are wrong, I cut her with the sword at that time, and I affirmed her." (Good job) (000)...

Yun Zhou found it very difficult to deal with.

This Lin Langyue is good everywhere.

It's this fiery temper, it's really on top.

"Forget it, let's talk about your affairs later, let's talk about you now.

Yun Zhou looked at her suspiciously, "Didn't Jiang He pick you up? Why did you come back by yourself? Where did she go, Father?"

"When I came here, it was said that the store was out of wine, and I went back to Jiangmen to get wine."


Yun Zhou slapped his forehead.

He said that Jiang He was unreliable.

It is estimated that the fleeing Lin Langyue came to find Yanyi because of her "credit"!

Shaking his head without thinking too much, Yun Zhou glanced at the wine jars all over the place, and said angrily:

"You a Taoist nun who doesn't drink at all, when did you learn how to drink?"

"Let me tell you, you can't learn from Jiang He's Jiu Mengzi."

"Go, follow me back to Haoyunjing

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