Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1458: What Are You Doing In Bed? Of Course It's A Chat! (Seeking Subscription)

Yun Zhou's eyes moved to Lin Langyue's face, near the lower corner of the mouth.

He was shocked to find that there was a vision in the corner of Lin Langyue's mouth!

It's not obvious, but it's still visible!

Good guy.

He is familiar with this!


Yun Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Combined with the system prompt sound just now, I reacted instantly!

Could it be possible.

When I just fell asleep, this nun was not a human being!?

ah this...

It looks like it was stolen!

main idea!

I was careless!

Didn't wake up!!

"It's just taking advantage of the void!"

Yun Zhou squinted his eyes, expressing his displeasure.

If you have the ability to be upright, what kind of skill is it to be sneaky?

But after that, Yun Zhou was a little confused again.

This nun was still shouting at him because of being imprisoned.

How come there is a vision when you turn around?

It seems that I have asked if I am uncomfortable before.

Could it be that she has thought about it for a long time... and added the influence of the story book in her hand, so she is cowardly and daring?

Well, it sure is!

15 Yun Zhou cleared his mind and sat up directly.

Between the fire and light stones, sneak attack and punish Lin'er from the side!

He wiped away the vision at the corner of his mouth.


The sudden blow made Lin Langyue straighten up instantly.

The notebook in her hand flew out, and then turned around pretending to be angry, "You, what are you doing!?"

Yun Zhou stretched out his fingers "innocently" and said, "Why are you so excited?"

"Hey, look, I just wipe your mouth for you..."

Seeing the remnants of the anomaly on the finger, the scene became silent for an instant.

Lin Langyue seemed to be smashed, so she felt ashamed.

While a face flushed.

In an instant, he tugged at the quilt on one side in a panic, and the cat didn't dare to show its head inside.


found out!

The scene became unspeakably awkward.


Yun Zhou cleared his throat, wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

Then he stood up and said seriously: "Then you sleep for a while, I'll get you some food.

"No, no need."

Lin Langyue poked her head out of the quilt, reached out and grabbed Yun Zhou's skirt:

"I, I'm used to bigu, I don't want to eat... You, you can stay with me for a while.

Maybe he just took advantage of his tongue.

Now Lin Langyue is a little worried about gains and losses, and subconsciously doesn't want Yun Zhou to leave.

"That's fine."

Yun Zhou took advantage of the situation and sat on the edge of the couch.

"Well... it's boring to just stay like this, otherwise we'll practice?" Lin Langyue tentatively asked.

Yun Zhou gave her a funny look, "Are you able to continue practicing in your current state?"

"Ah this..."

Lin Langyue blushed slightly, turned her head and muttered:

"But we can't just sit around all the time, can we? Otherwise... shall we chat?"

Yun Zhou looked at her with a smile, "It's fine to chat, but isn't it fair that you lie down and I sit?"

"Then what do you want?" Lin Langyue said softly.

Yun Zhou twisted his mouth, Dragon King, "So, you lie down on the side, and I get into the bed too, so we can chat while lying down.

Good one to lie down and chat!

Are you here to chat?

Lin Langyue looked at Yun Zhou vigilantly like a hamster.

However, after seeing the sincere eyes of the other party, he still thought for a while in silence.

They were all in their shirts anyway.

Don't be afraid of him messing around.

Thinking, she rubbed her body to the side like a kitten [moved a space.

Immediately afterwards, feeling the heat around him, his eyes gradually drifted away, not daring to look at Yun Zhou.

Of course, Yun Zhou didn't go too far.

After all, Lin Langyue's bottom line has been lowered step by step.

That's a good start.

There is no need to push too hard, or it may backfire.

He grinned and got into bed, tentatively hugging Lin Langyue in his arms.

Lin Langyue froze at first, but she didn't resist.

After getting used to it for a while, he let the other party hug him.

That's right.

She has done even more outrageous things, what else can she hide?

What's more, in the ruined temple before, she used her mouth to drink medicine, what's wrong with hugging her?

Thinking of this, Lin Langyue's tense body gradually relaxed.

Nestling in Yun Zhou's arms with peace of mind.

At this time.

Yun Zhou suddenly thought of something, and said:

"What happened after you arrived at Chen's house? Did that old Chen Fusheng bully you?"

Before getting the news, Lin Langyue was captured by Chen Fusheng himself.

The reason is naturally because of Chen Xinghe's death.

Judging from his previous encounters with Chen Fusheng, that old man is not an easy opponent to deal with.

Even after Jiang He and Yun Susu released the pressure at the same time, Chen Fusheng was released.

In the process, Lin Langyue might not feel better.

Hearing this, Lin Langyue moved her head on Yun Zhou's arm and found a comfortable position.

Afterwards, he told everything about what happened to him in the Chen family.

I have been hearing that the current elder of the Chen family is aggressive, trying to hurt Lin Langyue's mind and check her memory.

Yun Zhou's 283 eyes gradually became unfriendly.

"Mu Xu is a damned bastard again." He murmured to himself, full of vigor.

A mere proof of Taoism is complete.

A thing that can be killed with one finger, is it too life-threatening?

He remembered the name, looked at Lin Langyue with deep eyes, and said in fear:

"You are too excited, let's not talk about it aside that it is the territory of the Chen family.

"There is a huge difference between you and Chen Fusheng's realm alone."

"How dare you show the giant sword at him regardless of the consequences..."

The reason why Chen Fusheng was able to achieve the position of the strongest in the Immortal Territory was that apart from the power of the Chen family behind him.

It also has a lot to do with his own combat power realm!

Don't look at his usual indifferent look.

But his methods are by no means inferior to Lin Sheng's people whose hands are covered with blood!

According to the rumors of Xianyu.

After the Immortal Emperor disappeared, Chen Fusheng single-handedly slaughtered tens of thousands of monks for the rise of the Chen family!

It can be said that the reputation of the "No. 1 Power" of the Chen family today is based on the accumulation of white bones!

If it weren't for the current Yun Zhou who has enough cards to restrain the opponent, he would have become a dead body long ago.

It's just that he has a hole card.

Lin Langyue did not.

If this sister offends Chen Fusheng, the consequences can be imagined!

Tsk, what the hell, I almost lost my child.

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