Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1464: The True Origin Is Exposed! Not For My People! (Seeking Subscription)


Seeing that playing in the black ball is getting better and better.

The old woman couldn't take it anymore.

She turned her head in disbelief and said:

"Ah... Mozun, are you sure he is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor?"

"Replacement as fake."

Hearing this, Ling Luohuan replied flatly, then suddenly said with unfriendly eyes:

"Tell me, after your Heavenly Dao returns, how are you going to deal with this little reincarnation?"

All right.

This white-robed old woman is not from the Immortal Realm, but from the "Forbidden Space" of Heaven.

simply speaking.

Those who lived in the "forbidden space" there.

They are all "slave brigades" controlled by the "Day of Heaven" since childhood.

This group of people only belong to the Dao of Heaven and live in the "Forbidden Land of Heaven".

when necessary.

Carry out various actions for Tiandao, even the kind that can be the king of death.

This old woman is not talented, but she is the lord of the Forbidden Land of Heaven——Zhao E.

Of course, you can also give her a title:

"Slave Brigade, Captain."

at this time.

Hearing Ling Luohuan's question, combined with her expression, Zhao's breath stagnated.

When he came back to his senses, he hurriedly said in a respectful voice:

"Tiandao didn't mean to embarrass this person, but just let me inquire about him more."

While speaking, the old woman was still a little puzzled.

Didn't it say that the Immortal Emperor and the Mozun are old enemies?

What does it look like... the Demon Lord seems to want to protect this kid?


Hearing this, Ling Luohuan's beautiful eyes flashed with interest, and the corners of her mouth twitched:

"Your heavenly reincarnations are annihilated, and you don't want to take revenge, but you still think about these..."

"Tell me, what did he ask you to investigate?"

" just some background about him." Zhao E responded.

Ling Luohuan frowned, "The origin......"

"Why, isn't his origin the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor? Is there anything else that needs to be investigated?"

Hearing this, Zhao E's face was slightly bitter.

He opened his mouth and didn't answer.

That's right.

Even though this is the domain of the Demon Lord, she still dare not say some things.

Seeing this, Ling Luohuan glanced at her indifferently, and suddenly changed the topic:

"You came to the forbidden land of the demons, you should want to use the hand of this deity to occupy the fairyland..."

"Is this supposed to be the meaning of Heaven?"

"This..." Zhao E didn't expect the purpose of this trip to be guessed out.

For a moment, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

But Ling Luohuan didn't care about her embarrassment, and said expressionlessly:

"If you want something from the deity...then show your sincerity."

"The deity will ask you again, what is the problem with his origin?"

With the change in tone, Zhao E was startled.

She was sure that if she was keeping silent... needless to say asking the Demon Lord for help, she was afraid that she would die here today!

Ah old woman Bao!

"It's outrageous, Mozun is so curious about the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor.

Zhao E felt a pain in the head.

But she didn't dare to beep too much, she thought for a while and said truthfully:

"The decree will be drawn up after the return of the Dao of Heaven."

"The reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor is not one of my people, and we want us to find out its true origin..."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere fell silent instantly.

Rao Mozun Ling Luohuan was stunned for a moment.

People who are not for my world...

The information is a bit big.

That's right!

"The Dao of Heaven" controls all living beings, and once boasted that "the vast land and fairyland are all my world"!

Now it is said that Yun Zhou is not from my world...

Doesn't that mean that Yun Zhou is from an unknown realm?

"Could it be possible, except for Immortal Territory and Haotu......"

"Are there other human worlds?"

Ling Luohuan frowned frivolously, with a look of disbelief.

But soon, she calmed down and said with great interest:

"Tell me, what did you find out?"

Zhao E was embarrassed for a while, but when she saw Ling Luohuan's dark eyes, she hurriedly said:

"Yun Zhou, born in Haotu, lived at the foot of Feilu Orphan Mountain before I can remember..."

"Afterwards, he was brought back to the sect by Yan Yi, the suzerain of the Wuwang sect, and he was canonized as the holy son..."

Listening to Zhao E talking about the news he found.

Ling Luohuan frowned slightly: "That's all?"

"that's it……………"

Zhao E looked bitter, "We have checked all his records from childhood to adulthood!"

"It's unreasonable to say that he is not from my world..."

Seeing Zhao E's "confused" look.

Ling Luohuan pondered for a while, and then answered leisurely, "That's right."

Then he groaned and stopped talking.

The atmosphere fell silent, looking a little embarrassed.

Seeing that Ling Luohuan had stopped talking, Zhao E was stunned for a while.

It's dumbfounded!

What I said just now was fine, but Wen suddenly stopped?

Did it attract attention?

Is this thing so pretty?

She glanced at the black ball that Ling Luohuan was staring at.

When I saw the white-hot action inside, I was dumbfounded.

Good guy, the baguette must catch up with your forearm, right?

This explosion hits's so beautiful!

Ling Luohuan was observing Yun Zhou's desolate battle body, and when he noticed the old woman's eyes, he immediately coughed lightly:

"." That's enough, the deity will consider the matter of entering the fairyland, and you can leave if you have nothing to do. "

Old woman:"...….…

She didn't see enough, but she didn't dare to shout when the Demon Lord spoke.

After making a deep bow, he reluctantly left.

It was the moment she left.

Ling Luohuan looked at the scene in the black ball with his hands behind his back.

Suddenly, he said softly, "Shadow, what do you think?"

The moment the voice fell.

In the corner, a beautiful figure wearing a mask turned from nothingness to reality.

After looking at the black ball for a long time, he said seriously:

"The explosive power is too strong. If you don't restrain yourself... this woman will suffocate."

(Wang Nuo's)...the deity is talking about Yun Zhou's life experience, what are you paying attention to!?"

"Ah this."

The hall was silent for a moment.

Qian Ying, known as "Shadow", knelt on one knee.

The little face under the mask was slightly flushed.

Ling Luohuan stood with her hands behind her back, without looking at her, and said calmly:

"The slave of Heavenly Dao can't find out, then you go and find out for the deity."

"Look at the origin of this little reincarnation."

Hearing this, Qianying raised her head slightly, and said puzzledly:

"Didn't it just say that he is from Haotu, and that there are records from childhood to adulthood?"

Ling Luohuan shook his head, and said lightly: "The flesh is in Haotu, but it doesn't mean that he is from Haowang.

"You can look it up."

"When he was born, was there any vision in the vast land?"


"Has his temperament changed from childhood to adulthood... crazy".

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