Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1470 : Pastime Before The Game! The Old Fritters In The Color Embryo! (Seeking Subscription)

As a town founded by the Immortal Emperor himself.

Island City can be said to be prosperous to a certain extent.

It is similar to the capitals of various countries in Blue Star.

There is no curfew in this city-state, and various restaurants and entertainment venues are usually open for 12 consecutive hours.

It is the best place for monks to take a leisurely trip!

Yun Zhou and Yun Susu walked through the city holding hands.

The children passing by are playing happily, and the stalls on the roadside are noisy.

From time to time, there are still weapon refiners making the sound of hammering iron on the side of the street.

The noisy fireworks in the world just ignited the flame in Yun Zhou's heart.

In a trance, he actually had the illusion of being in the blue star, and his heart was extraordinarily warm.

On the way, Yun Susu suddenly raised her head, looked at Yun Zhou's side face and asked:

"Zhou'er, why did you suddenly take me out on a date? Is it because you have been under pressure recently?"

Yun Zhou shook his head, and said sadly: "No, it's just that I'm a little tired of living in Haoyunzong for a long time..."

"Besides, I haven't had a date since I was with my aunt, so I wanted to take the opportunity to make up for it."

Going out on a date was just a spur-of-the-moment idea.

He saw Yun Susu's loss and thought he should cheer her up.

And today is indeed quite special, and what should be expressed cannot be left behind.

So he made a decision 617 on the spot, and ran out with Yun Susu.

Anyway, Linmen Great Elder's action is tomorrow's business.

Today is considered a "pastime before the game".


Judging from Yun Susu's current reaction.

It was a good decision to come out on a date.

Hearing this, Yun Susu felt a little embarrassed, coughed lightly and said:

"It turned out to be like this..."

"I thought that when you arrived at Haoyunzong, there were so many confidante around you, and you forgot about me.

Yun Zhou frowned, looked at it solemnly and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"My aunt is the most important thing in my heart, even if I forget, no one can forget you!"

"You don't know, during this period of time, I can't sleep thinking about what you think every day."

"If you hadn't said to retreat, I would have attacked you several times at night!"

"By the way, did you let me smell the apron I stole from you last time...

"Okay, stop talking!!" Seeing that Yun Zhou was about to be serious again, Yun Susu quickly raised her hand to interrupt.

Suddenly, she thought of something again, and she was (bfeh) dumbfounded: "Wait..."

"When did you steal my bellyband?"

"Ah this."

Yun Zhou scratched his head in embarrassment, just like that time in Yunling. "

"Didn't you stick to the line of defense and not let me succeed, so I stole a show respect!"

Yun Susu: "

What a respect!

Does stealing bellybands have anything to do with respect?

She looked at Yun Zhou's embarrassing and embarrassing face, and was angry and funny for a while: "Where is that thing?"

Yun Zhou stretched out his hand and said seriously: "It's in my storage ring.

"I keep it with me all the time, and when I miss my aunt, I take it out to have a look."

"...Are you a pervert?"

Yun Susu was completely speechless, she looked at Yun Zhou and didn't know what to say for a while.

But should I say it or not, she was still quite happy in her heart.

After all, my sweetheart always carries his own things, which sounds very romantic.

If it wasn't for loving oneself to the point of love, it would definitely not be like this.


It's too weird to bring something like this, right?

Seeing Yun Susu's pensive expression, Yun Zhou became anxious.

He put his hands behind his back, and said with a straight face: "Auntie, you can't go back with this!"

"This is my most precious thing, I like it very much."

"If you want to take it back, how can I live..."

"Shut up!!"

Yun Susu heard him talking more and more outrageous, and immediately interrupted with a blushing face:

"You can put it there, but you can't do anything strange!"

Yun Zhou nodded seriously, "Don't worry, aunt, I will store it when I get back, and treat it as a treasure!"

"It's just a silkworm garment, what a treasure..." Yun Susu turned her head shyly.

"Who said that, in the eyes of disciples, this is more precious than any fairy artifact!"

Yun Zhou looked at her exaggeratedly, then smiled meanly:

"And...I want my aunt to wear it again for me to see."


"You rebellious son..."

Yun Susu's pretty face was blushing, and she stared at him in embarrassment: "Who wants to show you the clothes?!"

"I can say anything, the map is dead!"

"How could you cruelly refuse the request of an innocent boy?" Yun Zhou was shocked.

"Bah, you're the only one who is still naive? You're just an old fritter in your ass!"

The two were arguing while wandering the streets.

Under the bright sunshine, the street seems to be covered with a layer of faint golden glow.

There is an endless stream of people coming and going, and the laughter is endless.

Looking at such a lively scene, Yun Susu couldn't help feeling a little emotional:

"I've lived in Yunling for many years. Although I've heard that the city in this island is very lively, I never imagined that there will be such a fireworks atmosphere..."

Yun Zhou glanced at her sideways, "Does Auntie like this atmosphere?"

Yun Susu shook her head, "If you didn't like it before, but now you feel very kind."

Yun Zhou looked at her with a smile and said: "That may be because my aunt has never met anyone who can accompany you to travel the world of mortals.

"You have the nerve to say it."

Yun Susu glared at him angrily, and said angrily:

"I originally only regarded you as my nephew, but you were ambitious and dragged me into the water.

"Up to now, the state of "fewer desires to seek immortality" that I abide by has been ruined by you.

Hearing this, Yun Zhou shrugged indifferently:

"Who said you have to have few desires to seek immortality? It is human nature to seek a mate, and double rest is the beginning of the Tao!"

"If a person doesn't even dare to face his own sincerity, then why would he seek immortality? Isn't this a waste of life?

After finishing speaking, he held Yun Zhou's little hand with a smile, and gently pinched it twice:

"What's more, I feel that my aunt...seems quite willing to be "dragged by me"."

Yun Susu glared at him coquettishly, her little face flushed a little.

"Bah, nonsense, who wants to go into the water?"

"Just say some fallacies to trick me...".

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